
* * * * *

After Akane and the other student council members had left, only Ayato and President Iori were left in the hospital ward.

There was a stale silence in the air before Ayato finally spoke, "Sorry President, I failed you....."

Iori stared at the two students who were currently lying on the hospital bed, suffering from magic intoxication.

She sighed and turned towards her cousin, "It's not your fault. At that point in time, you had no choice but to save these two students. Even if you re-contracted with your Spiritual Beast at that time, you would still lose.....you did the right thing bringing these two back to safety."

Iori continued, "There is no need to feel guilty---after all, I was the one who told you not to reveal your true strength under any circumstances. You were only following the order given."

"However, even with your unique skill, 'Witch Guidepost', is it still impossible to seek out where is Takashi-kun?"

"My contracted Spiritual Beast 'Veles' specializes in searching and reconnaissance. [Witch Guidepost] is a skill that guides and shows me the location of the thing that I am currently looking for the most. Although it is not entirely accurate, it should still be able to roughly pinpoint where Takashi is. However, the problem is....even with [Witch Guidepost], I can't seem to establish a connection with him. It's as though he is currently in a different dimension."

"Hmm...." Iori stroked her chin and furrowed her brows as the gears in her mind started revolving.

"I will dispatch a few more people to look for him, even Claudia and Akatsuki. Meanwhile, you also continue searching for Takashi-Kun."

"Yes President!" Ayato bowed and left the room as he recalled back to the mission he received a year ago.


1 Year Ago -

"Ayato, when you take the tests later on, I want you to hide the fact that you are related to me. Also, do not reveal to the Academy that you are a Contractor." Iori whispered to her cousin at an obscure place of the Academy.

Ayato, who had confusion plastered across his face, hurriedly replied, "What for Iori? Is there something wrong with showing them that I am a contractor?"

"It's not that. I have a mission for you. I need you to join the class of a student named Yagane Takashi. I want you to monitor his progress and report back to me."

"Yagane Takashi? Who is that? Your boyfriend? You always ask me for the weirdest things." Ayato made an awkward smile.

"It's not that. I have my reasons for doing so. He is someone.....I am very interested in and I need to monitor his progress in this Academy. Sorry for making you do the dirty work every time, Ayato." Iori bowed her head apologetically.

Ayato was shocked at that display and hurriedly waved his hand, "It's OK! It's OK! You don't need to bow your head to someone younger than you. Why are you interested in him though?"

Iori forced a wry smile.

"Tha...That's.....I will tell you when the time is right...."

She quickly brushed away the question.

"By the way, you are able to hide your crest right?"

Although Ayato was slightly suspicious, he had a lot of respect for his cousin and did not dare to question further.

"The only way to hide the crest is to remove it. I have a strong connection with my Contracted Spiritual Beast so it is highly possible to re-contract with it again. There should be nothing to worry about."

"That's good.....once again.....sorry for troubling you....."


"Shut up you trashes! My name is Christiane Friedrich. I was born in England and I am here to make you trashes independent Magicians. You should be feeling honored."

Ayato stared at the male in front of him.

Although he has a rather handsome face, why is Iori so concerned with this guy? I don't think his looks are the only thing she is attracted to---there should be something else to him. No harm talking to him.

Ayato tapped the shoulders of the male in front of him, who quickly turned around. Forcing a smile, Ayato quickly introduced himself. "So, your name is Yagane Takashi right? You seem like a very quiet guy. Well, now that we are neighbors, we should get to know one another better, right? My name is Ayato! Nice to meet you!"

The male cautiously shook back the extended hand of Ayato in a handshake. "Umm.....Nice to meet you! I am Takashi."


Along with the cry, Takashi slashed downwards and crushed Akane's defensive Magic again.

Hou, Impressive sword skills. Ayato smiled when he witnessed the sword art display of Takashi. It was truly the swordsmanship of a person who has dedicated his life to the way of the sword.

Now, I am starting to see why Iori is interested in this guy. Although he has inept Magic power, he substantiates and compensates that with his sword skill. But.....is that truly the only reason you asked me to monitor him?

"No.....I did not lose."

"You just won't give up! Apologize for insulting my family and my sword!"

"No, no, no! Your sword is trash!"

"Speaking of which.....Why can't you remember who I am? Remember that for me! I.....I'm Akane!? The Akane who had once lived with you at the orphanage!?"

Hmm.....so that girl is actually close to Takashi. It wouldn't be bad to make friends with her. Maybe she can tell me one or two things about that man.


"So, how is his progress so far?"

Ayato was standing in the center of the Student council room, facing his cousin Iori, who had recently defeated the previous student council president in a duel.

"Well, recently, I have become relatively close to him and his childhood friend. Although his talent in most Magic is sub par, he excels in Perception Magic and has a keen and sharp sense for battle. His talent in sword is also worthy enough to be coined as an expert."

Iori nodded a little.

"Uh Huh...continue keeping an eye on him. But, absolutely make sure not to reveal your powers in front of him.....yet. I don't want him to have any misunderstandings."

"Understood.Then, I will take my leave." Ayato bowed and left the room but his mind was filled with questions.

What is she not telling me.


"Are you sure you don't want to form a party with us, Takashi?" Ayato looked at Takashi, who was simply staring out of the window.

"Yeah, I have my reasons for not forming a party. But.....---at least the two of my best friends will be in the same party so I am reassured."

Ayato sighed in his heart as he came to the conclusion that he would not be able to convince Takashi to form a party with them. This would make it harder for him to monitor his target. However, he had no choice but to respect his decision.


Tch, so many Demon Beasts!

Ayato quickly glanced around at his surroundings. Two of his party members had fallen and only he and Akane were left to fend off the approaching Demon Beasts.

Shit! Do I have to reveal my strength here? But....even if I do.....I doubt I can face off so many. In the worse case, I have to buy time for Akane to leave.

He looked down at his two fallen comrades and guilt struck the cord in his heart. Sorry.....but.....I have no choice here.....

Just as he was about to grab Akane and search for an escape path, he heard a distinct and familiar voice.

"Akane! Ayato!"

Takashi was rushing towards them and evading the attacks of he Demon Beasts by fore-sighting their movement with Perception Magic.

Ayato was shocked. Takashi was a target he was tasked to monitor by Iori. If he died, how was he supposed to explain to her.

""Takashi! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"" Both Akane and him screamed in unison even while fighting desperately for their lives.

Tch, I really have no choice now.


"Akane, Ayato, take your other party members and quickly escape! I will hold them off for as long as I can"

"What are you talking about Takashi?! You will die!" Akane literally screamed as she dodged the attacks of the Demon Beasts.

"Akane is right, Takashi. You will die if you continue to stay here...." Without even allowing Ayato to continue, Takashi intercepted, "I have an escape path! Quickly take those two and leave!" The fierce glare of determination in Takashi's eyes caused Ayato to tremble slightly.

Ayato knelt down and carried one of his party members while Akane followed suit.

Although it was orginally a mission, both Akane and Takashi had become one of his closest friends and hesitation penetrated his heart.

"GO! I will be fine! Trust me!" Takashi smiled as he parried an attack.

Ayato took one last look at Takashi and sprinted off into the darkness of the forest.


Back to the present -

As Ayato stood in front of the Cancer Ground, the crest on his hand started glowing and he chanted, ".....O divine bird of constellation, o flickers of torch, see through the path of a thousand ri. Guide me to that which I seek....[Witch Guidepost]!"

The avatar of a fire bird was floating up behind him before dissipating away.

Thereupon, blue light was overflowing from his right ring finger and the light pulled a trail behind while flying deep into the forest.

The track of light was floating in the air like a string and remained without vanishing.

You better not die on me now, Takashi!

Ayato silently prayed in his heart for the return of his friend.