Yoonwoo frozed. "HAE MIN! LEE HAE MIN!" He started screaming like crazy. He found her lifeless, hanging. "Hey, why are you screaming, Yoon?" Jinho asked but he suddenly froze just like Yoonwoo when he saw her sister lifeless.
A tear fell down in their eyes. She died. She died having no one on her side. She died carrying a burden on her shoulders. Yoonwoo fell on his knees, praying that she is just being stubborn and she's still alive. He can not help but scream in pain, anger and sadness.
The love of his life, his sister... died on a painful way. She was tortured, and now she is hanging lifelessly.
The King almost had a heart attack when he heard the news. He could not help but blame hiself for being unresponsible.
The Queen, felt regret. She never felt her daughter's warm embrace. Her tears rolled on her cheeks. Now, she is full of regret. How can she such a unresponsible mother? Repetance is always in the end.
Shiwoo felt like it was his fault. He was so dumb to follow Soobin's request. The laugh and the stubborness of her sister is now gone.
Junyong was so mad to Eunji and Soobin. How could they do that to their sister? Why were Eunji and Soobin so selfish?! Now, Hae Min died because of their stupidity.
Yoonwoo feel so miserable. He can no longer hug nor kiss her. He can no longer stare at her. He lost his other half. He can not take it. It feels heel.
Jinho was so shocked. He can still not digest everything