What A Title Means

With widened eyes, the girl trembled in anger at Daiyu's words. Turning red, she aimed at Daiyu with her finger along with an accusing tone, "Y-you! You're bullying me."

Even in the midst of being accused, Daiyu's face didn't change as she leaned forward and executed a simple show of scanning around the crowd. As her eyes circled around the group, most of the disciples sought to avoid her eyes. With a helpless sigh, she turned back to face the girl, "Bully? Where?"

The girl shook in anger, "Y-you! You're shameless!"

Daiyu's attention quickly focused on the girl's words, but her eyes were still dull as she spoke coolly, "I only asked what my title was, this amounts to bullying?"

"My, then it must be effortless to bully," Daiyu continued as she glanced around the sect and gestured at all the nearby sweeping disciples, "Then are you saying that these hardworking disciples are being bullied as well? Their arms must hurt from all the chores they must do. Then if that's the case, I wouldn't want to be heartless and watch them be bullied."

Addressing her words at the working disciples, Daiyu's clear voice rang out, "You are all dismissed."

Dismissed? Everyone seemed bewildered by her attitude. Although Daiyu had the title of the senior martial sister, she usually didn't practice her authority, and she was perceived to be quite lax. The senior sister was known to play about all day and rarely practiced martial arts. Although she was favored by the sect master, no one really placed her into their eyes. Now that she opened her mouth, it seemed like they genuinely mistook her for someone else.

Who said Daiyu was carefree?

The issue of dismissal seemed to weigh heavily into their hearts. How could the disciples be willing? Even if they weren't practitioners themselves, being in the sect itself was an honor. Simply saying you were from a martial sect gave you high prestige, how would any of them be willing to part with such a benefit?

"No! She's the only one who feels that way! She should leave! I'm happy here," Someone shouted from the crowd. Sounds of agreement quickly filled the air, and Daiyu turned back to the girl.

With her lip arched up in a smile, Daiyu leaned closer, "This is a sect, above everything, order and harmony are most important. The word 'bully' shouldn't be so carelessly used. My title of 'senior sister' holds meaning, and it's backed by the rules of the sect. If you feel I mistreated you, then leave. No one urged you to stay."

With all that was needed to be said put out, Daiyu turned away and was ready to leave when the girl abruptly attacked. The girl struck out her left hand and aimed a palm strike right at Daiyu's back.

Shifting her entire weight to her left foot, Daiyu turned back and balanced her strength to her right palm. Catching the other's hand in her own, she overpowered the attacking pressure, and the incoming power was forced to recoil back into the owner's body.

The girl panted in pain as her energy retreated back into her body, and she fell to the ground, unable to stand. The arm she used to attack spasmed tortuously as she gripped it, sobbing. The surrounding disciples stood in worship at the prowess Daiyu presented.

Who knew the known-to-be childish martial sister held such skills?

Truly admirable!

Distracted by the girl in pain, no one seemed to notice the white figure departing the scene, her robes billowing with the wind.


A week after the disturbance, the sect was immersed with many chatters about the selecting day. The selecting day was a time for new youngsters to join the sect, and depending on their attributes, they could be taken as a mere servant or a disciple. It was also a chance for current servants to be taken in by higher-level practitioners.

Daiyu was in her courtyard, a flower in her fingers as she gazed off in the distance. All-day, she felt a strange discomfort in her heart, but she could not figure what was wrong.

Her body was perched on the wide window, and one leg hung out of the window while the other one was laid out in front of her. Her robes hung loosely around her body. Her hair was braided back without any ornaments, and her fingers were turning the flower by the stem.

With an impatient sigh, she tossed out the flower away and swung herself to her feet.

Since she was feeling so restlessly, why not go meditate?

With vast strides, she made her way past the central hall to her secluded cave.

Since she was in a rush, her eyes missed the posting on the wall. Recorded within the names of newcomers, there was a single name that shouldn't have been there so early on.
