Ronin brought all the medical reports related to Dakshith before surgery and after surgery so that Aadvika can knew about his condition in detail and after seeing all the reports and confirming that he was safe she heaved a sigh of relief before she started to have a blur vision and black dots appeared in front of her as the reports fell from her hands before she lost her balance and collapsed
The movement reports fell from her hands Vihaan rushed towards her and caught her in his arms by her shoulder before she collapsed on his chest as her eyelids began to close
"Aadvika, get up" she heard someone calling her and tapping her cheeks before she finally lost her consciousness and entered into the dream land
"someone call the doctor" Vihaan shouted as loud as he can as he scooped Aadvika from the ground and rushed towards the nearby room where she can be examined
The movement he laid her on the bed doctors came rushing inside as they checked her pulse and eyes before they started to notice her temperature getting low each and every minute
"immediately rub her hands and foots her temperature is dropping and prepare the medicine and IV drips" he instructed them as Vihaan stood aside looking at her with pale face
"she had severe injuries on her foots" the nurse who took her shoes gasped in shock looking at all those glass pieces and the blood which was bleeding and some already dried
Vihaan rushed to look at her foots the movement he heard the nurse while the doctor injected her with a medicine and kept her under drips before he went to treat her foots
After being there for less than a minute Vihaan went outside while he balled his fists tightly as he couldn't bare to see her condition and with a slight guilt that he was also responsible for her condition
The movement Vihaan came outside Ronin asked him how she was but he simply shook his head as he stood leaning on the wall infront of the room without saying a word and after asking him for several times he opened his mouth to speak
"she was still unconscious for now and she was injured as someone placed glass pieces in her shoes, I think it is done so that she doesn't get to play in the today's match" Vihaan told them making them look surprised
"Aarav, I need to know about the person responsible for this before the day ends and take immediate action on them tomorrow morning and whole campus should know why they were punished and what will be consequences if someone were to try it in future" Vihaan told him to which he nodded his head and went to look at this matter personally
After dressing the wounds, the doctor came outside finally as he looked at Vihaan who was waiting for him to say something but instead, he turned towards Ronin as he explained
"We have cleaned the wounds and dressed them and she will be fine by tomorrow evening or within two days as they were not that severe but whoever placed the glass pieces inside had sprayed some acid like substance on the glass pieces so that she can have severe injury as to what that substance is we have sent it to lab for some tests along with her blood samples"
"Why had she been unconscious is it because of the injury" Ronin asked him as it is highly impossible for Aadvika to fall unconscious just because of such a small injury according to her previous experience
"it might be one of the reasons as we don't know of what she was injected this way but another reason we thought was that she was weak at this time as she tried her best to endure the pain as if her brain is pushing her to be awake and since she couldn't hold it any more, her body shutdown so that she can take some rest on its own"
"once she had enough rest she will wake up on her own and please remind her to take some rest and to not get stressed in the next few days" he told them and left from there as he don't want to feel anymore of the freezing temperature around him as he felt the daggers on his back for the whole time
"I will stay with her until she gains consciousness grandpa you go home and take some rest and you both too it's getting late" Vihaan told them as he went inside and sat at the chair adjacent to her bed as he held her hand leaning his forehead towards it
Vihaan stayed with her for whole night but there is no sign of her waking up as she was still sleeping like a sleeping beauty without the care of the world to the people watching her, while the whole world inside her head is crumbling because of all the images of her past are appearing one after another making her brain even more disturbed
In a beautiful mansion which had unique design to it and garden on the both sides of the entrance there stood a beautiful woman in her late twenties who sat with a noble posture at the coffee table drinking her tea leisurely as she looked at the three-year-old girl playing with the flowers in the garden while few ladies stood beside her to ensure that she don't get hurt or fall accidentally
Just then a ten- or eleven-year-old boy with the features resembling the women and the girl came towards his mother and after greeting her he went towards his little sister who was already running towards him the movement she saw him
"Aadvika walk slowly you might fall down and get injured" he told her as he went with hurried steps towards her as he took her in his arms but placed her down immediately as the wait of the child is more than he can bear
Later she gave all the flowers she plucked to him saying "b-ha-i fo-r yo-u" with her stuttering words as she couldn't even say it clearly in whole sentence
"Thank you, my lovely sister they are as beautiful as you" he took them for her hand as the lady smiled at them warmly