
"Today we are returning back to America as Ananya will miss her school if we delay our stay and your father also had little work to handle and I don't know when we will meet again so, if possible, spend time with us for today" Maria asked her as she really want to spend little more time with Aadvika

"Alright then I will take a leave for today" Aadvika agreed to her as she felt that it is not polite to refuse to such a small request

"Thank you, now wait for me to get changed and I will tour you around the mansion" she told her and went to get ready for the day

Aadvika also changed into a simple home clothes which she felt comfortable with and went outside and met Maria who just came out of her room as they toured around the house.

As she started to show inside the house Maria started to explain her "in first floor we have living room, dining room, kitchen and maids and servant quarters

In second floor we divided it into east wing and west wing in east wing we had master bedroom where you are staying and one is our room, one for Ananya and one is actually father's but he gave it to Vihaan just few days back after confirming your arrival and Vihaan converted one room into his study room as he doesn't want to go upstairs for all minute things.

On the west side we had all guest bedrooms one is occupied by Mia and in another one your grandfather is staying currently and also an elevator for the sake of grandfather we don't usually use it until we want to carry some heavy objects

In third floor we had converted whole west wing into a library as your grandmother used to like reading books and now it became a hobby of your grandfather to read books in free time and the view from the library will be so beautiful that you will never leave it once you see the library so, I will show you the library at last

On the east wing we had gym, poolroom, another study room for your father, and archery room, your father like to practice archery previously but now Vihaan turned that room to practice both archery and shooting"

"So, that is the overview of the whole house and we had a flower garden in the front as you can see with a fish pond and fountain in it and we had a back garden just to grow fruits and vegetables and we usually grow all types of fruits in the garden by using artificial environment suitable for them just visit that place once, you will love it"

Maria took Aadvika directly to third floor as there are nothing much to see in the first and second floor and they first went to see the east wing and it is quiet classy and very alike just like the room represents and the archery room turned out to be shooting range as there are all sorts of guns on placed neatly on the wall and on the cupboards and the walls of the room of purely made of glass which can be said to be bulletproof so the person standing outside the room also can see people who are practicing inside

"After Vihaan decided to turn it into a shooting range, he converted this whole room into a soundproof and since there are so many staff in the house, he turned into a glass room so that no one can enter inside as everyone can see what is happening inside you can say it is also for the sake of security"

"I like this room, the model of the guns and the arrows are very superior quality and it will enrich the experience of the person using them" Aadvika told her as she touched some of the guns and arrows placed in a quiver

"You seem to have very well versed with weapons" Maria asked her as her guess was right

"I just felt like that when I touched them" Aadvika told her not elaborating anymore on the sentence

"Well let's look at the library before we go down to have our breakfast" Maria told her as she took her towards the library

The library is very big inside as if a public library with thousands of books classified into different fields and neatly arranged in their specific sections. The wooden racks were used inside the library for keeping the books and there are few indoor plants neatly arranged here and there to give a lively environment inside.

But the center of the attraction was the French window through which we can have a view of the flower garden and the fish pond while two chairs and a glass table were placed near to the French window so that people can enjoy the view while reading

The library had a glass spiral staircase leading to another room above it and from the looks of the way it was designed it looked like an attic so Aadvika decided to go and look at it while Maria also followed her from behind

The attic is bigger than she thought as it can be a mini living room or a playroom for the kids if it were to be converted into one and the whole room is painted in white and there is also a glass window to it giving the same view as the French window below and people also can see her from the garden if they were to raise their heads and after seeing the whole room and seeing it empty Aadvika turned towards Maria as if to ask her why it is empty