"I know that you're hurting. I can tell you weren't always like this, you must have been through some sort of trauma that made you this way, you must have seen something maybe, but you never got help... I want to help you... just let me go and I can help you... other people as well can help you. Please listen to what I'm saying.... you're sick," the woman said, clear concern and little fear in her voice.

"I know that you're just saying that so I'll let you go, you don't care about me... and neither do the other 'people'... I'm taking my revenge and you're not going to stop me," said Alex.


"Umm... this was uh... interesting day," said Finnaire.

She and Alex were standing by the cream white front door.

"In a good way right?" Asked Alex, panic rising in his voice.

"Mostly, there were a few moments where it was, well... unnerving, but... overall I had a good time! It was fun dancing on the table!"

"Good," Alex cranked his neck up and slightly stands on his tippy toes to kiss Fannaire on the cheek, making her blush and giggle.

"How tall are you?" Asked Finnaire.

"Four foot eleven."

Finnaire put her hand over her mouth trying to hold back her laughing.

"Do you need a ride home?" Asked Alex.

"Oh, no, my dad will be here to pick me up any minute."


"Hey honey, can I come in?" Said someone.

Finnaire was lying down in her bed watching TV, the TV was in the right corner of her room standing on her purple counter behind her pink walls.

"Yeah, dad, you can come in," said Finnaire.

A somewhat tall, slim, Asain and Caucasain mixed race man, with light brown hair, deep blue eyes, with a five o'clock shadow, and crows feet in his late forties, wearing a plain black shirt and fuzzy black pajama bottoms walks into Finnaire's room.

"I came to tuck you in," he said.

"Dad, really? I'm fifteen... "

"You'll always be my little girl," he leans forward to kiss Finnaire on the forehead. "Oh, I forgot to ask, did you have a fun time at Alex's place?'

"Yeah... I-I'll tell you more about it tomorrow."

"Allright sweetie, I'm going to go tuck in you're little brothers; love you."

"Love you too."

Mr. Merril walks out of Finnaire's bedroom turning off the lights and closing the door behind him.


'Ugh, what time is it?' Thought Finnaire. She looks at her black alarm clock sitting on her white nightstand, the red digital numbers read '1:37 A.M' 'Ugh... it's so early, I'm having a hard time sleeping. I feel like someone's watching me. I got a feeling like somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy, oh woo oh, love that song.'


Finnaire checks her alarm clock which flashes '6:30 A.M. She yawns and gets up from her bed and walks over to the window in her room and pulls the purple curtains back she notices a coffee canister resting on a thick branch on the oak tree.

'That's odd.' Thought Finnaire.

"Hey, dad!" Finnaire shouted.

A few seconds later the door opened. revealing Finnaire's dad.

"What is it sweetie?" He asked.

Finnaire points to her open window. Mr. Merril walks over to the window and looks to see the coffee canister.

"I think I have a stalker, dad," said Finnaire.

"Don't worry about it sweetie, I'll call the police, just get ready for school, okay?"


Mr. Merril hugged Finnaire and gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.


"Hey guys I have something to tell you," said Finnaire.

Finnaire, Alex, and Ben were all sitting on their favorite part in the woods during lunch on Ben's blanket.

"What is it?" Asked Ben.

"So, I found a coffee canister in my oak tree outside my bedroom window, I think I have a stalker," said Finnaire.

Just then two teenagers walk over to the group, one is a averaged height Caucasian boy with a dark tan skin, blonde hair, green eyes with lots of freckles, wearing ripped blue shorts, flannel shirt, sandals, and sunglasses. The other is a tall Caucasian girl, with long curly red hair, brown eyes, very light skin, tons of freckles, and thin pink lips, wearing a pink skirt, a purple fuzzy sweater and pink boots.

"Yo, who's the new guy?" Asked the boy.

"Oh, this Alex, Alex this Bobby," said Finnaire.

"Sup, Short Stuff," said Bobby, smiling.

"Hello," said Alex, also smiling.

"Hi, Alex, I'm Heira, it's nice to meet you," said Heira, reaching out her hand to Alex, Alex stands up and kisses her hand. Which surprises Heira. "You're quite the charmer aren't you?" She said, slyly.

"I try," said Alex.

Bobby and Heira join Alex, Ben, and Finnaire on the blanket. Ben gives Bobby and Heira hotdogs and water bottles.

"So what were you guys talking about?" Asked Heira.

Finnaire fills in the situation along with what her dad said with Bobby and Heira.

"Sounds pretty weird dudette," said Bobby.

"I-I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Finna, you and your dad should just forget the whole thing it's no big," said Alex.

Heira raises a eyebrow, while looking at Alex suspiciously. "Uh, I think it is a big", she says.

"Well, I DON'T, it's probably just a secret admire, it's kind of sweet in a way," said Alex.

"Sweet? Stalking someone and watching them sleep is SWEET? You know being her friend you should be taking the situation more seriously... unless you're the one that left the coffee canister there.... Alex," said Heira.

"Come on, Heira you can't just go around blaming people for this, you have no proof he has anything to do with it," said Bobby.

"Bobby, seriously? You always take my side! I can't beileve you're taking a person's side that we've none for like five minutes," said Heira. She stands up and throws the remainder of her hotdog and water bottle at Bobby before walking away.

"I'm sorry about that Short Stuff, she can get really defensive when it comes to one of her closest friends, like Fina; it's best just to give her some space," said Bobby.

"I understand... Karma's a bitch, right?" Asked Alex.... inhumanly turning his head to the side and smiling a little too widely.

"Ummm.... yeah," said Bobby.

"I can't beileve she accused you of doing something like that... it's not like you like her or anything, right?" Asked Ben.

"Uh, well-", said Alex.

"I know you don't because you like me," said Ben.

"Whoah, what's going on between you two?" Asked Bobby, intrigued.

"Umm... nothing is, in fact Alex kissed me on the check yesterday," said Finnaire.

"Oh, yeah, well..." Said Ben, he turns Alex's head toward him and kissed him on the lips hard and long.


Finnaire was lying in her bed about to go to sleep when her dad came in.

"Hi, sweetie," said Mr. Merril.

"Dad, I need to tell you something," said Finnaire.

"What is it sweetie?"

Finnaire tells him about what happened with Alex when she went over to his mansion and what he said during lunch yesterday and today.

"Umm..." Said Mr. Merril.

"But.... I don't know, I really like him... he's odd, but, I dunno."

"He's more than just a 'little odd'."

"I dunno, it's nothing I should worry about.... right?"

"Worry about it."