Twelve Years Ago: the Negotiation of the Engagement

In the west wing of the Sol palace, two kings entered an office.

It had shelves of books in between large windows. A few furniture had been set up in a corner as a sitting area for visitors and negotiations. The back had a table filled with documents and writing tools.

One of the kings had a clean cut salt and pepper hair and obsidian almond eyes. Despite his age, he was well toned from training with the knights every morning. His deep smile lines indicate that he was once a dashing young man.

The other king was older with a full beard that matched his chocolate brown hair. He had a meatier built and an angular jawline. His sapphire eyes drooped at the outer corners, making him seem approachable. The glint in them held years of wisdom.

"Your son sure is bold, King Jairo." Aurae's king began to say, walking to his wine table next to his work desk, "The entire palace is now in uproar about the engagement."

King Jairo followed the younger king at a slower pace and sat down on an armchair. Compared to the other party, he had a lower and gruffer voice, "Tylen doesn't like to waste time."

"So it seems." King Andre pulled out the cork stopper of his finest red wine and poured two glasses of it, "About this engagement…"

"I must stress, King Andre, that I would highly appreciate it if the bedtime story for Tylen tonight is not about a crushed wish."

Andre chuckled, "Oh, King Jairo, children are children." He placed the bottle on the table then, handed his fellow king a glass of wine, "Tylen may not even remember about this when he's older."

Jairo thanked him and sipped, "Believe me, Andre, I have tried to persuade him but it was a failure."

"But my daughters…" Andre sighed, swirling the wine in his glass. He leaned against the backrest of the armchair occupied by Jairo, "You know how complicated things have been ever since I brought Ariene to the court."

"I have heard." Jairo stared at his glass of wine. Princess Ariene was Andre's daughter from another woman. Until she was five, she was hidden away by her parents. It was all over the news, he recalled.

When King Andre spoke, there was longing and conviction in his voice, "Ariene is a gifted child. A potential like that deserves the best of opportunities. By right, she is a princess despite her mother's status."

Then, he drank half of his wine.

It had been one of the rockiest decisions Andre ever made but not once did he regret it. The court could protest a million times but Ariene was a princess and she was to be recognized as such.

When King Andre gulped emptily to cleanse his pallet, he slowly revealed something that weighed in his mind, "One of the things I became concerned about was a future partner…"

King Jairo's senses went up. He stood off his seat to look at the younger king's back, "Andre, do you mean to…"

Andre felt the sofa shift from his companion's movements. He straightened his back and turned around, stepping next to the armchair.

"But are you sure about this, Jairo? The reputation she carries may not be ideal for your kingdom."

It was no secret that Ariene was an illegitimate heir. There were people—especially court officials—who had rioted against his wishes to possibly pass the throne to her. As much as he explained that Ariene wasn't his appointed successor, it reached deaf ears.

King Jairo nodded his head, his eyes filled with understanding, "I am aware of who she is, Andre. I merely see a princess that is bright and bubbly. Her lineage means little to me. I also have seen her intelligence in action. She is a good candidate to be queen."

Andre smiled softly, "Thank you, King Jairo."

"Utmost welcome, King Andre." Jairo replied, his wine glass raised.

"The only matter that remains is the stone." King Andre stepped forward. His gaze on King Jairo squinted slightly, "If Ariene was chosen to be Aurae's queen, what then? The stone is to represent Aurae's rightful ruler. Take her away and turmoil may bestow on Aurae."

Andre placed his wine glass on his work desk then, crossed his arms. He leaned his back against the table, "The stone is blessed with magic, Jairo, much like in Celios Kingdom where the stone from the previous ruler would be passed down to the next, granting the person with all its powers. Since Aurae is a mundane kingdom, an heirloom like it has never existed… until now."

Celios Kingdom, a smaller island compared to their continent, was located half a day of sea travel away. Unlike their kingdoms, the people in Celios had been blessed with magical powers. Elementals, shapeshifters, illusionists, potion makers and more.

The girls' mothers both originated there. Since the children had Celios blood in their veins, the stone became the solution to calm the chaotic court.

Once the stone had chosen the rightful Queen, it was believed to be irreversible.

When King Jairo remained silent, King Andre continued to think out loud with eyes that stared at nothing, "This is an important turning point for our kingdom. A step into unification with our neighboring island. If things go smoothly, migration between the two continents may soon be possible. It would be a new era. One to erase the old that divided us."

"Well, then…" Jairo sighed and approached Andre. He placed a hand on his shoulder, making Andre look at him, "If Ariene is chosen to be Aurae's ruler, fate has decided that Teralyn and Aurae would be under one royal family."

The words of Teralyn's king caused Aurae's to lurch off the table. Andre held the hand on his shoulder with his own, eyes gleaming with delightful surprise, "Do you mean it, old man?"

Jairo tsked, placed his wine glass down and wrapped an arm around Andre's neck in a headlock, "Still a cheeky brat, I see."

King Andre protested until he was released. King Jairo chuckled and wiped his hands together. Then, he answered the question, "And yes, I do. Our kingdoms, Teralyn and Aurae, were in a disembogued relationship all these centuries as well. The last decade had been a positive turnout. Maybe it's time to forget the legend of our lands and start anew."

The success of the previous monarch to mend the poor relations of Teralyn and Aurae resulted to the current brothrly relationship of the two kings.

If they were able to do that, an association with Celios was probable in the near future.

"I do hope so, old man." Andre sighed, "I do hope so."

King Jairo stared at him. Before, Andre was merely a child he liked to prank. Now, Andre carried the fate of the continent.

He took his glass and raised it, "A toast to a united and peaceful future."

"And to our children's prosperous reign." King Andre smiled and clinked his wine glass with Jairo's.

The two drank for the bright future ahead. An engagement had been decided.

The possibilities were infinite but the union between their children was a step forward to the right direction.