The Diamond Heist and a New Idea

The royal carriage rocked as it drove to more barren lands. It was scheduled to arrive at Aurae Kingdom's capital in three days time for the banquet in celebration of Princess Alkas' return. Crown Prince Tylen was invited to this event that was to symbolize the beginning of a new era. A new hope for the kingdom after the monarchy had been wiped out 12 years ago.

At the time, the Princess was only 9 years old. As the only surviving heir, she retreated to the Kingdom of Celios, her mother's homeland, and trained under its rulers.

Now that the Princess was finally of age, she was ready to claim her place as queen.

"Did you really buy that story?" Hayden asked Tylen. They sat on either side of the carriage seats. Tylen had removed his fur coat. It felt itchy on his neck. If the Queen hadn't insisted on fashion, he would have pranced around dressed like a pirate.

"Did you?" The Prince answered his knight, a knowing smile on his face. Hayden rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"It's not news that his daughter is stubborn. I heard she liked to step on men's toes." Hayden recalled, looking out the window.

"Doesn't she have her eyes on you?"

Hayden shivered, "Don't remind me and absolutely don't tell Count Morno."

"I won't sell you out, my friend," Tylen smirked, "For a cheap price."

"Why you—"

The carriage halted. Hayden almost fell off his seat. Both men alerted their senses.

"What's out there?" Tylen shouted out the window. A flying kick aimed at his face. The Prince ducked back inside and drew his sword. He waited for someone to make a move. Then, he opened the door, slamming the person.

"That's a low blow!" A voice complained from the ground. Tylen stepped out. The man hit the Prince's leg, causing him to wince, "That's my revenge."

A dark figure leaped from the other side of the carriage and opened it.

Hayden met its eyes. They had a stare down. The person before him had a sword in hand and a sturdy posture. It reminded Hayden of the knights in training. All the guards had been taken care of—except for him. He could see them lying on the ground behind the man. Hayden unsheathed his sword and lunged. The person dodged but met its sword with his own. Then, the intruder swung his sword onto the knight's shoulder. Hayden rolled off the carriage to avoid it.

The robber went inside and locked the doors.

Hayden jumped up and attacked the carriage. The lock was heavy and hard to pick. Curse the people who designed it, Hayden thought. He had no choice. He used the butt of his sword and slammed it down the handle, hoping to break it enough to open it.

By the time he succeeded, the man was gone and the box was opened. Hayden inspected the jewels. It seemed complete. What did the man take then?

Outside, Tylen engaged in a duel with Hayden's attacker. Tylen regarded him with contempt. For someone slim, he had excellent swordsmanship. Tylen hadn't met another person who could keep up with him. He wasn't about to make it easy.

The Prince pushed him harder. Tylen swore that the glint in the man's eyes brightened. It seemed that he wasn't the only enjoying the fight.

Tylen directed a stab on the chest. His opponent caught his sword with the flat of his blade. The tip hit the base of Tylen's and the man twisted his weapon to a downward thrust.

Tylen's sword clattered to the ground, the robber's blade an inch away from the Prince's heart.

Both parties remained still. A breeze flew by. The cape of the winner swayed behind his back. Tylen memorized the person's face—at least, the upper half of it that was exposed. He had a rough idea of who could this person be.

The shadow that lurked from the depths of hell.

The fleeting pirate of the Ytle Ship.

The face never to be seen.

The man called Rash of the Sea.

Rash squinted his eyes on the Prince. Tylen sweated. Not from the duel but from the glare. Its intensity burned like the sun. When Rash cocked an eyebrow, only one thing came to the Prince's mind.

He knows.

Rash tossed a sack over Tylen's head. It was gone before he even noticed. Tylen turned his neck to the side. From the corner of his eye, a small figure ran off into the woods followed by the person he hit with the door earlier.

"We'll take that." Rash spoke. Tylen turned his attention back to him. The pirate wore a mask but it was as if Tylen could see the mischievous smile behind it, "Pleasure doing business with you."

Rash jogged to the nearest tree and leaped. In less than five seconds, he was out of sight. The guards had begun to wake up. They inspected each other for injuries and damages.

Tylen let out a breath and checked on Hayden. His best friend held the treasure box, a frown on his face. Tylen sat opposite of him and took peek.

"They took the Diamond of Luna, I see."

"The what?" Hayden exclaimed.

He looked at Tylen with wide eyes. How in the world did he do that? He wondered. The chest contained a lot of jewels. One couldn't simply find what was taken without a thorough examination of the contents.

Tylen closed his eyes and leaned back, arms crossed. He perched an ankle over his knee. He rarely showed it but Hayden had the ability to make his temple throb. Oh, how much he still needs to learn, Tylen sighed to himself.

When he opened his eyes, he explained the situation.

"The Diamond of Luna is an artifact. It was believed to be the first diamond to be polished. Legend says it was Luna herself who had showed this technique to humankind by creating the Diamond of Luna. That is why diamonds are valuable and why most marriages have diamond rings. It is to symbolize the blessing of the union from Luna. Previously, it was in the hands of the Rin Family. They are not wealthy but the diamond is their family heirloom. That is until… it was reaped away from their hands." Tylen's forehead wrinkled, "I doubt Count Morno had any idea about the jewel's value or he wouldn't have given it to us. I only accepted it because I saw it was there. I'm surprised the Phantom Pirates have found it. It's been missing for 70 years."

"In Count Morno's shed most likely." Hayden snorted, "Did he steal it then?"

"I cannot be sure. I haven't gone looking for it. Have you?"

Hayden was silent. Did his best friend needed to be harsh? Hayden chose not answer and turned back to the jewels. A diamond missing for seventy years had been restored…

"That's amazing." He couldn't help but say. Slowly, an idea formed in his head.

"Praising criminals now? That's not like you." Tylen chuckled.

"How did they find it?"

Hayden's tone of voice perked Tylen's interest. He stared at the knight who clutched the box in wonder and glee.

It was a look Tylen knew well, "You're not seriously thinking of…"

Hayden was unable to contain his excitement. His eyes glimmered with adventure and hope at Tylen, "Why not? It's a good idea."

Tylen scowled, "Transacting with criminals is never a good idea."

"Don't you want to find her?"

It was Tylen's turn to be silent. Yes, of course he did… but was a bunch of criminals to be trusted? The mission was delicate. They had to keep it from prying eyes. One word about their plan and they would be eliminated. They had to stay rational.

"We need to go to Aurae," Tylen said firmly. Hayden barely heard his intention to forget the pirates and to proceed as planned. They were watched. Any detour would trigger the spies on them.

"We can stop over for a day." Hayden's brain was on a roll. The list of possibilities had invaded his head. If the pirates' network was that vast, they would have a higher chance of succeeding. It was an opportunity that must not be wasted, "We have to try at least."

Tylen took a deep breath. He did a quick calculation. Hayden's mind was set. There was no turning back from that. To make him see reason, Tylen needed the pirates to turn him down.

"Alright…" Tylen answered him, plotting a way to change Hayden's decision, "But if they refuse, we head straight to Aurae. No more delays."

"I know, I know. You will go to Princess Alkas. I'll go look for Ariene." Hayden huffed. It wasn't much of a plan. He was surprised Tylen had given his approval.

Then again, the Princess hadn't given them much time to think. The court had pulled out an old agreement between the previous Kings about the union of their children.

They had called to collect. Tylen's presence was expected heavily.

Only Hayden could take the opportunity to look for a friend that had been lost all these years.The journey to Aurae was the only chance they had since Ariene's disappearance. They couldn't miss it. The Queen had forbidden them from searching previously because people had already done it. All of them came to the same conclusion.

Ariene was gone.

"I should have company though. Don't you think so?" Hayden attempted to ease the idea into Tylen once more.

"A band of pirates is not on my list for candidates."

"Come now, it will be interesting to say the least!" The knight forgone any more discussion and shouted out the window, "Good man! Let's head back to the market!"

The Prince sighed at Hayden's energy. It seemed boundless, "How do you plan on finding them?"

"No clue at all."

Tylen shook his head at his companion. He was truly helpless but he loved him anyway.

The Prince gave new orders, "Head to the Rin family residence."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The royal carriage began its change of course.