To Aid the Weak, to Seek the Truth and to Not Get Caught

Behind Raz, Maia's and Cleon's jaws dropped. Not once had their leader hinted this information.

Cleon couldn't contain the disbelief in his heart. He pointed a finger at Raz and exclaimed, "Tell me the truth, Raz. Do you actually have powers? How did you know that he is the prince?"

Raz's eyes rolled, "Maia and I had told you before, Cleon. Not everyone in Celios is born with magic. Why did you think I left?"

Celios? The name caught Tylen's interest. Did that mean Rash—Raz was a wizard? He wondered. Questions popped one after another in the Prince's mind…

... until the pirate's answer sunk in.

Raz was powerless.

Tylen's hope diminished.

It would have been nice to have someone from Celios on his side.

Wait, Raz and Maia? Did he mean the female pirate?

Tylen forgot the dagger next to his ear and looked over at the said female pirate. Unlike her companions, she carried a lot of things. Small string bags hanged around her belt. Over her shoulder and across her upper body was a messenger bag. In one pocket, Tylen could see thin bottlenecks with cork stoppers peeking out.

Was she a potion maker? Maybe a healer? Were there more of them from Celios?

Cleon, as Raz called him, scratched his temple, "I thought it was because you have a bounty on your head?"

"I have a bounty on my head everywhere, Cleon."

Raz pulled his arm off Tylen, letting the prince breathe.

He hid his dagger and went back to lean against the door. His signature lopsided smile had returned, "Now that we're being honest with each other, I want to say one thing."

Tylen held his throat and coughed.

Hayden glared at Raz whose grin only grew bigger. The knight had known the pirate saw through their scheme. It wasn't the first time Hayden had posed as Tylen. He had done it in public more times that he could count.

Not once had it been questioned.

For some reason, it ticked Hayden off that a low life criminal figured it out.

Raz titled his head, eyes on Tylen, "Why do you even want to find a dead person?"

"Her body would have decayed a long time ago." Maia interrupted. Only she had a soft gaze among her pirate troop, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we could be on a wild goose chase. If she was alive, no one has seen her for 12 years. How are we even to find her?"

"Can we all assume she's not dead, first?" Tylen huffed, "That's the mindset of this mission."

"You haven't exactly answered my question." Raz reminded, "Why are you looking for her?"

"That remains a secret." Hayden answered for the Prince.

Raz's raised eyebrow met Hayden's scowl.

"I don't think you understand the importance of trust in this exchange?" He sighed impatiently, "Are we to follow you on blind faith? Let's presume the person is alive. 12 years is still a long time. Sounds like she doesn't want to be found."

Hayden drew his blade, pointing it at Raz's chest. Cleon grabbed his and intervened with a swing of his sword.

Hayden stated, "You are speaking to His Highness, Rash. I suggest you watch your mouth."

"His Highness is the one who seeked us in the first place. If you want our help, we have to be clear on intentions." Raz hissed, "Also, it's Raz not Rash."

"My apologies then." Hayden scoffed but stayed in position. Cleon did the same. No way was he going to miss an opportunity to hit the son of a cockroach.

"Hayden, that's enough." Tylen placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. Hayden turned to Tylen, the grimace on his face dissolving.

Before him was no longer the reckless prince that he knew. It was the presence of a prospect king. Tylen's entire demeanor had changed. He moved with regal. He spoke with diplomacy. He was a man worthy of his title.

Hayden stepped back to the right side of his future King where he belonged.

Tylen had made his decision to tell the pirates the truth. Raz was right. He needed to gain their trust. His motives were pure and he stood by them. He only needed to prove them in his actions and in his words.

Cleon placed his sword back in its case. When the Prince explained their intentions, all else was quiet.

"Princess Alkas has asked for a marriage alliance. This was a previous agreement between my father and King Andre. At the time, my betrothed wasn't Princess Alkas but Princess Ariene. Due to the fire, that contract was severed. I had investigators travel across the lands for answers. That fire was no accident."

Tylen paused, his throat tightened as a memory played in his head. He spoke softly, "That day was my engagement to Ariene. When the fire was at its peak… I saw Princess Alkas push her into it."

The pirates stiffened at the news.

Tylen's heart drummed in his chest. It was the first time he had spoken the words since the last investigation which was two years ago. His mother and Hayden had told him to stop.

Yet, the Prince couldn't just lose hope.

Even if it meant to take matters into his own hands.

So when the invitation from Aurae came, Tylen took the chance and formed a plan much to Hayden's dismay but the Knight knew the Prince had to pursue the journey in order to accept and to let go of the past.

Raz asked them, "You think Princess Alkas is involved?"

"We've known her since we were young. Ariene was often favored by the King. If he didn't, he wouldn't have brought her out from hiding." Hayden clarified, "With her sister dead, who benefits from everything?"

"Alkas," Maia breathed out.

Hayden nodded, "We believe Alkas disagreed with the test for Aurae's rightful ruler. As first born, it was her right. To have that taken away by her half-sister, she must have been out for blood. The engagement must have triggered her to take action."

Raz took a deep breath while Maia and Cleon stared at each other, all of them absorbing the information.

A murder and an attempted murder actually happened in Aurae's Sol Palace. Not only was it a huge crime but also the consequences it brought were dire. Aurae Kingdom plumbled after the monarchy was wiped out.

"Some parts of the investigation remain unclear." Tylen further explained, "Our goal as of today is to stop the upcoming coronation. The presence of Princess Ariene alone will be enough to achieve that."

The pirate group remained silent. A job like this needed their captain's approval. To defy the current holder of the crown by searching for her sister was a huge gamble that could endanger the entire crew.

"Are you willing to help us or not?" The Prince's voice started to wobble, "Please. We need to move. I can't stand by and watch as the murderer of my fiancée get away with her crimes. Ariene had equal rights to the crown. The least I can do is bring her back that chance."

Tylen's gaze landed on Raz.

The pirate's expression betrayed nothing.

Raz straightened up, wrapping an arm around the best messenger of their group, "Cleon? Leave a note on our designated post."

Cleon's head whirled to the side. He shrieked, "We're helping them?"

Raz smacked him at the back of his head, "Remember our oath?"

Cleon winced at his leader's question. He already knew where it was going.

As he rubbed the sore spot, he sighed defeatedly, "To aid the weak, to seek the truth and to not get caught."

Raz beamed, "Then, we will."