The Phantom Pirates and the Ytle Ship

Underneath the cloudless gray sky was a hazy horizon.

The fog floated above the waters, almost kissing its surface. Small waves flowed slowly on the sea. The windless air gave off an eerie silence that the slightest chirp of a bird could be heard.

The sun peeked from the edge, giving light to the tranquility.

As the dawn broke through the fog, a rustle of the waters grew louder when it made its way to shore. Streams of sunlight found their way onto a wooden ship deck, gleaming on its wet surface. Its sails ballooned out inside the air bubble around the ship. An artificial wind allowed it to move on its own without the need of external force.

A length of 31 meters with two beams at 7 meters high, made from cedar and oak, the Ytle ship entered Teralyn territory.

A pair of hands held a bucket of water and tossed its contents on the deck. Then, the bucket was placed next to a another which had a mop inside it.

A black boot stomped on the deck.

"Yeee! Why is the sun so bright today? It's too early for this!" The wearer of the boot complained.

Her clothing included a pair of tight black breeches and a pale green waistcoat over a short-sleeved cream tunic.

The girl pulled on her collar, beads of sweat rolling down her neck. She took out a plastic band from her pant pocket and tied her straight black hair into a high ponytail.

Then, she placed her hands on her hips, squinting at the floor. When some of their troops came back from their jobs, they decided it was a good time to stay up drinking.

Fed up with waiting for them to be done, Seitan decided to head to bed and assess the damage in the morning.

What her black eyes beheld made her regret not throwing them overboard.

Rum covered the deck like rain puddles. Since hours had already passed, they had become thick and sticky. At least, the tables and stools they used had been cleaned up and stored away.

Seitan huffed and wrapped a blue bandana around her head, pulling back her full bangs.

With a crack of her fingers, she began to work.

"Alright, skullywags, let's do this!"

Seitan grabbed her mop. With both hands on the handle, she sped through the deck from end to end. For the stickier parts, she scrubbed until the floor was spotless.

Halfway through her morning work, a voice called out from behind her.

"You missed a spot."

Immediately, Seitan paused. When she straightened up and faced the culprit, she had a scowl on her face.

"No judging my work. This deck is my territory. Go back to your post behind the wheel, Alec!" She yelled.

The heterochromic eyes of the male pirate wrinkled at the corners. He stood over the quarter deck. His arms in rested on the ledge. He wore a long sleeved loose fitting maroon button shirt with a leather sash, where his basket-hilted sword hanged, and pair of regular black trousers. His shoulder length white hair was also up in a ponytail like Seitan's.

Alec pouted playfully, his red and green eyes sparkling like a sad puppy, "But if you don't do a good job, I won't give you cookies."


"Fine. Where's the spot?"

Seitan sighed and looked over the floor she just cleaned. The wood was worn out but the varnish still had a bit of shine. No matter where she looked, she couldn't find a rum puddle.

"Over there." She heard Alec say.

She looked up and saw that his finger was pointed at the opposite side of the deck, the part she hadn't touch yet. She divided the deck into two parts and she wouldn't move over to the other side until she finished the first one.

"What the—" Seitan lifted her mop and glared at him, "I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE THIS YOU KNOW!"

Alec answered with a doting smile, making her growl at him.

The door next to the captain's cabin opened. A woman with thick thighs stepped out. Her wavy black hair stopped mid-back. Her plum waist corset on top of her off-shoulder white tunic accentuated her slim waist and her curves.

The sleeves of a purple coat were tied around her waist, flowing mid-thigh around her golden brown breeches. She wore a pair of knee-high dark brown heeled-boots with gold buckles on her feet and a wide brown leather belt on her hips that carried a rapier sword on her left.

She stretched her arms upwards, saying, "My DEE-lectable jelly beans, good morning! How are ye today, skullycupcakes?"

"I'm about to make a kill." Seitan replied, her blazing eyes still on Alec.

The newcomer furrowed her brows. She walked forward in order to see the quarter deck.

"I see." She sighed at the sight of Alec and crossed her arms, "Bro, what did you this time?"

"Morning, Dee." He smiled at her, "I tried the vegetable noodle soup you bought yesterday but I couldn't finish it and threw it out."

"Wha—how could you waste food? You could have just left it for someone else to eat." Dee scolded him. With a deep breath, she made a decision.

"Sei, go for it."

"You got it, Deelah." Seitan made a run for the quarter deck.

Suddenly, a pale young man floated down to the deck, the sunrays glinting on his glasses and his jagged black hair. His navy blue trench coat with silver trimmed lapels and open silver buttons swayed as he moved. A black button down vest framed around his white high collar inner top. His trousers matched the color of his coat.

When his black boots with silver buckles stepped onto the deck, Seitan stopped in her tracks.

She dropped her mop, groaning, "Eck, why are you here so early, whippersnapper?!"

The whippersnapper's cold stare landed on her, "Why? What did you do?"

Seitan pressed her lips together in an angry pout, "I haven't done anything!"

"Clearly." The young man clicked his tongue in reply and looked at the surroundings, "Or else the deck would have been clean by now."

"But but but…"

"Stop wailing and go do your work."

"Aye, aye, Scrooge." Seitan huffed. She turned around and dragged her mop, her silver whale earrings swinging.

"Well, aren't you a ball of sunshine this morning, shadow prince?"

Scrooge glanced at Deelah who leaned against a barrel, smiling. She watched as his infamous frown appear on his face.

"I fail to see how you find yourself amusing, Deelah."

"I guess your impaired vision is the reason why I'm second in command and you're not."

Deelah saw Scrooge visibly stiffen. She giggled. Her rank had been a thorn on his side ever since and she loved to remind him about it.

"Don't worry, cupcake. You're still a step ahead of Raz. Maybe if you take that Count Morno job, you'll be closer to beating me," she teased him further.

"A Count who wants us to rob the Teralyn Royal and take back his jewels which he paid for evading his taxes." Scrooge began to open the cuffs of his black gloves he wore, "If I took that job, he'll find his shed empty of every drop of wealth he had."

Deelah laughed. With the never wavering monotonous tone of Scrooge, a normal person wouldn't know if he joked or not.

This wasn't one of those times. There was a slightest hint of irritation in his voice.

He'd do it without a doubt.

"Go for it. It seems like a pretty interesting solution."

Scrooge tsked, pulling off his gloves, "Yes, but what our oath states is to aid the weak and that Count Moron is not one of them."

Chuckling, Deelah lifted her head towards the sky. The sun was almost entirely visible. The past few days have been peaceful. Most of the troops were out on jobs.

Yesterday, two groups came back from their last missions and drank till they were drunk.

She could almost hear their snores from below deck.

"Is the captain up yet?"

Deelah pulled her head back to look at Scrooge. He held his gloves tightly in one hand, his scrunched brows aimed at the captain's quarters.

"Heck do I know. I haven't disturbed him yet." She got up from her seat and stretched her back. Then, she walked over to his side, gazing at the same spot. There was no movement.

"Why not?"

"Simple," she sighed, crossing her arms, "I haven't had coffee."

Scrooge blinked a few times, "But I always come back to you babbling to him about stocking more food."

"Maybe it's because you're back early." Deelah rolled her eyes. Only 10 minutes had passed since she came out of he room. Normally, she'd be at the kitchen by now, having her breakfast.

Then, why was she still here?

Deelah gulped, her heart drumming in her chest, "Scrooge… why are you back early?"

"A complication."

She shivered as a dark look appeared on his face.

As a shadow wielder, Scrooge's menacing aura was usually intensified by his powers. A visible black glow radiates around his head when he was in a terrible mood. It was rare but whenever it happened, it was never less terrifying than the last.

This was one of those times.

Deelah's voice grew louder as the weight of the situation settled on her shoulders, "You were supposed to pick up Raz and the others at the post today. Why are you alone?"

Scrooge took a deep breath. His tense shoulders drooped.

"I think it's best if I tell it with the captain around."