The Unconcsious Tylen and Cleon

Cleon sat on a stool.

His right ankle rested on his left knee. His back leaned against the wall. Arms crossed over his chest, he scowled at the floor.

It had been barely a day since they set out to help the Prince and they had been attacked.

Raz had grabbed his arm, running.

"Oi! What are you doing?!" He exclaimed and stumbled a step. His leader ran like a madman. He could barely keep up with her normal speed but this was a different level.

She didn't say a word and literally dragged him with her. The people they bumped into screamed in protest.

An apple cart rolled by in their way. At the sight of them, the vendor raised his arms and shielded his face. Raz let go of Cleon's hand and leaped over the cart.

The crowd stopped.

She pulled out of a dagger, landing lightly on her feet. The apple vendor opened his eyes to see not one apple fell out of place.

Cleon grumbled. Of course, Raz would leave him behind to jump over the cart. She just needed to rub it in his face that he needed more training.

Panting, he swerved around the apple cart and ran after her. He watched as Raz pulled out a dagger from a hidden pocket, lunging towards Tylen's direction.

Then, Raz engaged into a duel with a mysterious figure. People screamed out of the way as the man brought out a sword. Raz attacked in a way that made sure the sword didn't swing in wide arcs to keep innocent bystanders safe.

When Cleon stood a meter away, he bent forward with his hands on his knees. Any sort of confidence he possessed flew out the window. His leader ran the same distance as him and yet she faced off with a stranger like it was merely a casual stroll.

Maybe he should take up Alec's offer for extra training.

After catching his breath, Cleon assessed the scene. How on earth did Raz spot the criminal? It was then did he see the unconscious prince on the pavement.

"Nyt!" Cleon screamed, sprinting to Tylen's side. He immediately checked his pulse. His heart rate beat steadily, making Cleon sigh in relief.

"That's good. Man, where is Maia when you need her? Maia!"

He looked in all directions for the redhead. People trampled upon each other as Raz's opponent fought brashly. His movements took the Rash of the Sea all over the market.

Cleon shook his head at the memory.

What was Raz thinking when she accepted this mission? It didn't even have Captain Croc's approval.

The sudden thought of their Captain made Cleon remember the note he left for them to see.

He winced.

Even if he hadn't read what Raz wrote, there was no way it would make the Captain agree. Hell, he didn't even agree to help Celios's Royal Family.

Then, there was Scrooge, Mr. Stick-to-the-Rules. The Ytle Ship sailed miles away but he could feel Scrooge's glare of disapproval in their direction. No doubt he'd persuade Captain Croc to punish them for their misbehavior.

But they'll deal with those problems for another time.

Cleon sighed and looked towards the other side of the room.

Crown Prince Tylen lied on a rickety bed made of bamboo, his body covered in a thin blanket. Hours have passed since he found him on that pavement. Thankfully, other than a lump on the back of his head, he was unharmed.

An image of the knight appeared before Cleon's eyes.

He shivered. He had no doubts that Hayden wouldn't let them live to see another day if something worse had happened to his precious prince.

But Cleon will make it hard for him.

He stood on his toes and dragged the stool under him closer to bed. When he reached Tylen's side, he sat back down. Feet apart, he rested his elbows on his knees and leaned over.

"We have never encountered this on a mission before," he began to whisper, "Yet, the moment you showed up in our lives, Maia has been taken away from us."

The Prince didn't stir.

He merely slept as Cleon's eyes burned through his face, hissing, "I don't care if we're supposed to protect you, if something happens to her because of you, I swear I won't let you off. Sir Burnt Wood can fight me all he wants, I won't back down—even Raz cannot stop me."

Still, Cleon's words remained unanswered. The flare in his gaze diminished and only the face of a deadman lingered. Stuck in a room when all he wanted was to bolt out of here to find his friend, all he could do was wait and hope Maia was alright.

The violent girl picked on him a lot but he considered her as one of his closest friends. For all the things she had done for him, he'd throw himself in a fire for her.

"Everything alright?" A new voice asked.

Cleon mistakenly turned his head towards the door. The visitor flinched at his hard stare. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Sorry about that, Lily."

At the door was a young lady who held a small basin in her arms. She had light bronze hair that stopped in the middle of her back. The sun set behind her made her fair skin glow.

"He hasn't woken up yet." Cleon answered, opening his eyes.

"I see," Lily replied, her feet shuffling against the hem of her brown skirt as she entered the room, "I'll stay here and look after him. Don't worry."

He snorted and moved his stool back to its original spot, "I'm afraid I can't do that, miss. Someone will cut my head off if I left him with a stranger. And I mean that literally."

"I see." She placed the basin on a small night table. Then, she grabbed a towel and turned her gaze towards Cleon's direction, "Would you like something to eat?"

"I'm alright. Thank you."

"Are you sure?" She tilted her head, "It won't do any good if you merely wait for him to wake up."

"I'm sure." Cleon sighed, his stomach growling, "I don't have the appetite to eat at the moment."

Lily sat on a stool next to the night stand. She dipped the towel into the water. Squeezing out the excess, she dabbed on the Prince's forehead.

"You must be really worried about him," she said to fill the silence.

"Oh, it's not him I'm worried about."

The young lady peeked at Cleon from the corner of her eyes. The blue-haired teen looked out the window. His arms crossed over his chest. Every few seconds, his hands would twitch and his feet would shuffle.

He moved as if he had an itch that he couldn't be scratched off.

"Then, who are you worried about?" The words were out of her mouth before she could process them.

Cleon blinked then, looked at her. She bowed and blushed, refocusing on the Prince.

"A friend of mine."

Lily unconsciously glanced at him. She hadn't expected an answer. His eyes were back on the window again.

"Is it a girl?" She tried again, hoping he'll answer as well.

This time, his head didn't move but he did gave her a reply, "No, I wouldn't consider her one."

Lily's forehead wrinkled. What kind of girl could the person be in order to be acquainted with two handsome males?

The patient also seemed oddly familiar. As if she had seen him before. A stray hair landed on his forehead. On reflex, she tucked it back. It was soft like silk. Her fingertips lingered on his skin. Her lips parted.

Where had she seen him before?

Her fingers paused from caressing his face.

Could he possibly be someone from her past?