A Candidate for the Throne

Sharp pain pierced through the Prince's head. His vision became blurry as well as his memories. They became hazy and cleared up, alternating between the two multiple times. He leaned on the windowsill as he blinked. Black spots peeked from the corner of his eyes.

Was the sun too hot?

The fatigue hit him without warning. His feet became unsteady. The lightheadedness made his head spin. The floor seemed to tilt. The walls also followed. His body grew heavy, threatening to topple over..

"Oh, dear!" Aria shouted.

She bottled to his side and wrapped his left arm around her shoulders. Hugging his torso from behind, she supported him back to where he sat. She moved quickly and grabbed another glass of water. She held his head from under his chin, tilting it up. Some of the water spilled but she felt his Adam's apple bump her fingers.

Then, she stood up and took an old newspaper, using it to fan him.

Tylen focused on his breathing. He closed his eyes, opening his mouth partially. He hoped it would help gather more air. The toll from the journey since he joined the pirates must have caught up with him. He wasn't used to these conditions.

When his head felt better, he peeled his eyes open. The walls around the tower no longer spun. The floor also became stable. He shifted his gaze towards Aria who watched over him with concern. Still feeling a little weak, he moved his lips.

Aria stared at him in confusion. She couldn't hear what he tried to say. She kneeled and leaned in until her ear was close to his face. His breath tickled her skin, followed by a faint voice.


"What is it?" She asked, thinking he had a request.

"Ari… Ariene…" the Prince managed to mumble, "I-I missed you…"

The young woman turned her face towards him. Frown lines appeared between her brows. She spotted a small smile on Tylen's lips. Unless someone stared closely, it seemed hardly noticeable. His eyes also exhilarated in delight and love.

He picked up her hand and cupped it against his cheek. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to speak, "Ari, you don't know... how long I-I waited to see you again…"

Aria felt lost. She lifted her free hand and flipped the backside towards his forehead. His temperature felt fine. Her hazel eyes darted around his face and noted the beads of sweats that trickled down his temples. She wiped them away, smearing the palm of her hand.

Eyes shut, the Prince brushed his nose on her wrist and memorized her scent. He gripped her hand tight. The fragments from the fire replayed in his mind, "Not a day has gone by without me regretting how I failed to help you. You deserve much better, so much better…"

"I think you're mistaken…" the young woman said, shaking her head, "I think you mistook me for someone else."

Tylen moved her hand away from his face and pulled her closer. His other hand moved to her back, crawling over her exposed skin. His fingertip found the birth mark even without seeing it. Aria's face became hot. The gesture felt intimate, especially with their noses almost touching.

"This…" the Prince whispered. He let her hand go and brushed her hair off her forehead, "I didn't see this often because you disliked having your hair tied. This birthmark still looks the same from my memories—a little butterfly, just like you were."

Aria gasped, forgetting to breathe. His finger on the spot of her mark torched in fire. The heat spread like vines to the rest of her back. It captured her senses and so did his passionate eyes. They stared at her as if a moth to a flame.

"Come back with me," Tylen pleaded, "I don't want to part with you again…"

His hand left her forehead and traced her face with its fingers. It went below her earlobe, tickling the young woman. He didn't stop until he cupped the nape of her neck. He added pressure and nudged her until their nose touched. Tilting his head, the Prince parted his lips.

He could almost taste her.

A thud echoed in the room and vibrated the floor. The trapped door laid open. Heavy boots stomped the ladder. Bushy dark hair peeked from the hole. It rose up slowly until a whole head reached above floor level.

The face of a man in his late 30s appeared. His brown eyes stared down, presumably watching his steps. He grumbled to himself with a shake of his head. It made him sound deeper than normal. He looked up once his chest made it through.

"Aria—" His gruff voice died down at the sight of intimacy.

A young woman hunched over a man her age. Their faces hovered close together. A hand rested on Aria's open back near the dress's lock. Both of them glanced his way, shocked by his presence. They had been stuck in their own little world to notice any sign of his arrival.

The newcomer narrowed his gaze at the stranger. He noted the sapphire eyes and copper hair. The hair color was common among the people of this continent. The eye color, however, had a vibrance rarely seen in Aurae Kingdom. The silver flecks in them had been associated to a royal bloodline.

The face shape also reminded him of a deceased king.

"Prince Tylen." He stated suspiciously, exhaling sharply. He continued the climb and landed on the floor. He wore tan breeches and smock. A brown belt tied around his waist with a broadsword.

He closed the trap door, black cape swinging behind him.

"Prince?" Aria snapped out of her daze. She leaned back and rose to her full height. Her head darted between the two, questions appearing in her face. Did they know each other?

The man stood beside Aria. Strong tired eyes stared down at the Prince. He pressed his lips into a straight line, "I suppose, I should have suspected this after hearing about you in the underground."

"Jack?" The young woman called softly. She peered at her companion, "What do you mean?"

"Princess," he replied, twisting his body towards her. His gaze softened, "You never knew why I called you that."

Aria scoffed playfully, "Wasn't it because you thought I had the looks of one?"

"That is correct." Jack nodded curtly. He sighed gravelly, "I knew this day would come. I can't hide it from you anymore."

"Hide what?" The young woman demanded, flickering her eyes towards Tylen, "Does it have anything to do with him?"

Jack and the Prince exchanged a look. An ominous feeling unfolded in the air. Aria stepped back with trembling hands. Her breathing became labored. She watched the two of them carefully.

"Apologies for my rudeness," Jack began to say. Bending one leg, he kneeled and bowed his head, "I am Jack Kenley. I have looked after Lady Aria since she was 9 years old."

The Prince pushed himself off the wall. He sat with his back straight, eyeing the man before him. Nothing about his features seemed familiar to Tylen. 12 years had passed since he last been to Aurae, he could only conclude the man was a resident here.

But he found it peculiar how Jack recognized him.

"How do you know who I am?" The Prince asked, proceeding with caution, "How do you know her? I haven't heard about you in her stories."

Jack stood up in attention. He placed one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other at his side. His expression became stern, "I was an apprentice knight for Aurae Kingdom when the fire broke out in the Sol Palace. All the knights know about the two Royal Families. We were supposed to in order to protect them."

Tylen glanced at Aria. Then, he returned his attention to the apprentice knight, "So you recognized who she is during your travels? Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that is correct." Jack nodded in affirmation, "I don't take care of her like the old woman does. I'm just assigned to guard the ports near here so I only see her occasionally. As you may have gathered, the Princess has no memory of her past. Since the Athenine Family had fallen, I didn't think it would be wise to bring her back just yet and hid her among the townsfolk as best I could. When the Parliament gave up the search, it became easy."

The Prince rose to his feet. The ache in his head numbed into a dull throb. He clawed his scalp using both hands, ignoring the pain. He needed to think and process the information. With the knight's statements, what seemed like a dream slowly turned into reality.

His heart elevated, staring at Aria. All the longing and hope projected in his gaze. His emotions went into a frenzy and turmoil. Tears built up behind his eyes. He couldn't identify which to feel first. His arms yearned to hold his lost love—he couldn't ask for anything better other than she was alive and well.

The search came close to a conclusion.

"So you're telling me…" Tylen breathed out, "She's really Ariene?"

He looked at the knight. He needed that affirmation, the last push to make fall over the edge. He craved to hear those words directly for the pieces to fall into place. With them, the remaining doubts in his head would dissipate. The negativity would disperse and clear his track of mind.

Then, the only hurdle left would be the Parliament and the Elder Princess.

Jack pursed his lips, understanding the Prince's intentions. He moved his feet apart and summoned every ounce of conviction that he could muster. Staring straight into Tylen's sapphire eyes, he said,

"Yes, she is Princess Ariene Athenine, a candidate for Aurae's throne."