The First Meeting with Princess Alkas

Duke Hawkins stood up and supported the old man back to the bench. The cane hit the table before Elliot pulled it under. The continuous debacle of this foolishness needed to end. The Marquess couldn't understand why the Princess let this drag on. If it were him, he would have dismissed it after 10 seconds of explanation.

Who would want to hear bogus testimonies?

Jameson's sharp eyes snapped towards the real Crown Prince. The sound of affection had given his identity away. Only Prince Tylen held such feelings towards the Younger Princess. To think that he had gone that far for his feelings.

Who would see that as a healthy one?

Tylen shut his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows. He realized his mistake a second too late. Either way, they couldn't pretend forever. The reveal merely happened earlier than expected. All could be forgiven once he proves that Aria was Princess Ariene.

He gazed forward and panted for air. He pushed off the invisible pressure on his back. He had to be stronger than before. Ari needed him to be. If he felt that tension then, she also did but with added weight. Her memories were lost. For that, they wanted her to do more in order to prove her birthright.

"It is as I said…" his hands clenched into fists, "I would not rest until I'm certain if she's dead or alive. Hayden is my right hand but this is something I had wanted to do myself."

"So you just decided to let Sir Hayden," Duke Hawkins spared a glance towards the podium, "To pretend to be you on his stay here? Why would you need to do such a thing when you can just inform the delay of your arrival?"

"This was a discrete mission." Tylen answered, "No one knows of it other than the both of us. Besides…, would you have let me search for Ariene? I know my own mother won't."

"She was declared dead years ago!" Elliot exasperated, "That's what happens when someone doesn't reappear after a number of years. It is for everyone to move on. Of course, we wouldn't have approved such faulty searches. We had spent the years before doing so!"

"Then, you must understand the measures I needed to go through in order to do it!"

The Prince's chest rose and fell rapidly. He hadn't expected them to understand but he had hope they would respect his decision. None of his intentions had been hostile.

He strode towards the Marquess' bench. The sound of his footsteps echoed. A dark cloud crowded around him. He hissed, using a threatening low tone, "That day had been the time I asked my father, King Jairo, to ask for Princess Ariene's hand in marriage from King Andre. It hadn't been an hour since I heard the good news when that fire struck."

Tylen placed his hands on the table and leaned down. He met Elliot's eye level, "Not only did that day take people I love but I saw her murdered right before my eyes! I ran into the palace to take her out but I couldn't reach her in time! Not a single day passes by that I don't regret my failures."

The Marquess' face remained cold. The Prince took a deep breath, heading back to his previous spot. The silence rang loudly in his ears. He stopped halfway and stared at the doors, "When the Prime Minister informed me that she could have escaped, I realized my efforts that night didn't need to be the end of it. I had to go."

Turning slowly, Tylen faced the podium. Hayden looked back at him with encouragement.

They exchanged a nod.

Hayden stood up from his seat and climbed down the podium. He no longer had to sit by Alkas. He stood near the bench, hands behind his lower back. His gaze flickered to the small exhaust window at his eye level. It didn't have light inside but he did recognize Sir Allen's silhouette.

The Princess rose to her feet, capturing everyone's attention. She had been thoroughly patient that they wondered if she'd lash out now. She had been the direct victim of the switch and it came from her trusted friends. She took her time stepping off the podium, letting them wait.

"I also lost a sister that night, Tylen." She began to say, "Unfortunately, I never had the chance to look for her. I had a kingdom to someday rule over and take care of. I swept up to Celios for training. Although people would disagree, I admire your courage for taking the risk."

Golden eyes melted into a soft butter. She reached out to touch his shoulder, "I know we don't always see eye to eye. It was hard to accept that my sister and my father were gone but I did my best. If you somehow found her…"

She gazed at the door where Aria stood by, "Then, I'll gladly accept her."

"Your Highness—"

Without looking back, Alkas raised a hand, "I mean it, Marquess Jenkins. You can put into debate her rights as a princess but I will not let my sister feel unwelcomed here."

Tylen experienced inner conflict. He didn't believe the act but having her on their side was an advantage. The image of her pushing Ariene down that hallway still shone vividly in his mind. His trust for her died then. If Aria would stay in this palace, he would not leave her side.

The battle would have just begun.

"Can I meet her?" Alkas asked the Prince, hope carved on her face.

He nodded reluctantly and led the way to the doors. Aria had been watching from behind Rowan. The Prime Minister stepped aside when they approached. She held her hands together over her stomach, fidgeting. The tremor intensified once they stood in front of her.

Tylen advanced on her first. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Then, he met her worried gaze, "It will be alright. You're not alone. I'm here, Rowan, Sir Jack and Hayden… we guarantee your safety."

Aria gulped. Pressing her lips together, she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Will you please not keep my sister to yourself, Tylen?" A chuckle came from behind the Prince.

He sneered at the floor. The false sincerity left a bitter taste in his mouth. He had to bite his tongue, suppressing the urge to curse. He composed his facial expression before turning on his heel. He held up their joint hands and escorted Aria towards the Princess.

Alkas opened her arms with her palms facing the ceiling. Gentleness radiated off her face, intending to ease Aria's nerves, "Don't be shy. I won't bite."

Not wanting to leave a bad impression, Tylen gave Aria a push. She stumbled a bit but regained her footing. Her hazel eyes twitched at the corners as she stepped in the Princess's embrace.

Alkas met her halfway and squeezed her tight. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. She absorbed the warmth under her touch. She counted from one to five. She couldn't hold onto Aria for long while in front of an audience.

She chuckled softly and released the young woman. She kept her at an arm's length away. She took everything in as if Aria would suddenly disappear. From the bronze hair to the light freckles on the nose, Alkas memorized it all.

Aria could only see her. No matter where she looked, she only saw a royal. Thick lashes framed her eyes. Red tinted painted her lips. The Princess glowed like the light at the end of the tunnel. The clothes and jewelry she wore only emphasized her natural beauty.

How could someone this magnificent be her sister?

Alkas grasped both of Aria's hands, as if wanting to reconnect, "When did you know for certain that she is Ariene?"

Tylen kept his grimace in cheek. A bit more of this and he might vomit. Nonetheless, he responded accordingly, "It was when I saw the birthmark on her back."

"Excuse me?" Alkas blinked, tilting her head to one side. She whirled her head in Tylen's direction, "What did you just say?"

"She has Ariene's birthmark, the one that looked a butterfly."

Alkas gasped and dropped the hands she held. The picture before her shattered into pieces. Her mouth stayed open but nothing came out. She took a few steps back as she darted her attention between the two. She became hollow inside.

Only her beating heart indicated that she was alive.

Tylen went to Aria's side. He wrapped an arm behind her shoulder blades, pressing her close to his side. His head bowed as his sapphire eyes hardened. He didn't know what game Alkas wanted to play now but he did sense the danger.

"Your Highness, what is it?!" Elliot exclaimed from the bench.

"I don't know what you mean, Tylen…" The Princess breathed out, focusing on him. She began to shake her head. The disbelief she felt projected out in every word she uttered. It came out almost inaudible but it had been enough for everyone to hear.

"Ariene never had a birthmark."