The Need for a Developmental Team: a Second Sub-Guild!

"Is it really alright for us to even offer Transformation Skills to Team Fuji Organization, just for an alliance?" Arvedar asked with a frown on his face.

Mathew could only scratch the back of his head before adding, asking, "What do we get with forming an alliance with them in the first place?"

Pedro simply chuckled in response before saying, "Why you ask? Isn't it obvious?! To lessen our enemies in the future!"

Arvedar couldn't help but sigh in response and say, "It's not like I am against what you did—offering, and revealing the information about the Transformation Skill, to them, but… Don't you think that it was a risky move—especially that we do not hold any form of assurance that would ensure that they won't leak the information to everyone else?"