Good morning, first day

Sophomore year last year has been great, freshman year, not so much, but Cooper was able to make himself more desirable and popular as a sophomore to make up for what had happened when he was a freshman. He hoped for a repeat of last year, which meant a good first impression today, on his first year as a junior. Now, it may sound kind of girlish but Cooper decided to spend an hour or so, maybe a little less, to get a nice casual, I didn't try to look this hot look going. Truth be told he tried really hard, but he looked amazing. "Worth it," he thought, "worth it." He adjusted his hair, once more, and grabbed his backpack to catch the bus. Late wouldn't be a very good first impression.

Marie seriously did not care, and it wasn't like anybody, other than the three bully's that made her life a living bad place, else would either. Still, she dressed up, somewhat nice. One less reason for them to tease her, and it took her all of 5 minutes. She could take the bus, but she liked walking a lot better. It relaxed her, prepared to make her a shadow. a emotionless shadow. A cloud of nothing. Emotion was dead. Emotion killed.

Alisha had woken up 3 hours before school started. She did her hair, makeup, pondered for over half an hour on a outfit to wear, changed her mind, redid her makeup, and decided to change her mind regarding her outfit again. Honestly it's amazing how many times you can make up your mind, just to change it again. It was almost as if Alisha had an actual talent. That was something her overachieving dad always bugged Alisha about. Talents, and how she had none. She did or so she believed, she just didn't show them.

Their school was both a normal school, with normal people, and a fantasy school. Normal humans as well as people with genetic mutations went there. Every four years or so, a fantasy festival was held, it was against other students, as well as other schools. Very normal.

Alisha made sure her claws were sharp, her whiskers straight, and her ears and her tail visible.

Cooper checked once more in the mirror to make sure he had his elf like ears partially hidden.

Marie made sure to throw a baggy sweatshirt on, and fold her dark colored wings close to her back.

And so the first day of school began.