The participants

Marie was sitting at a table in the darkest corner of the court yard the party was being held in. Waiting for the people who would be in the festival to be called.

Cooper and Alisha had arrived together in a fancy limousine that Alisha had rented for them. She was what some people would describe as the most beautiful girl at the party. Others would describe her as a flashy attention seeker. As she walked her flowing sparkling gown caught the eye of everyone passing by. Cooper had a woodsmen vibe going on and, together they looked stunning. Cooper mostly hung out with some of his friends at a table with the other populars. Every now and then Alisha would pull him out to the dance floor to dance with him. Whenever they did dance they dominated the dance floor, that is after Alisha taught Cooper some dances.

"Hello?" The vice principal said through a microphone, "good it's working." Some students started cheering. "Alright, thank you all for coming to see who our festival participants will be this year." An uproar of cheers sounded. "So let's cut right to the chase, I will announce our ten participants in the order from last pick to first pick." Some people laughed.

"So basically weakest to strongest," Some one called out.

"Not exactly," The vice principal said, "they are not evaluated based on just strength. There are other factors involved. Moving on. Our schools participants in order from the last choose to the first, choosen for her stunning agility and built in weapons, Alisha!"

"Last pick?" Alisha scowled as she walked up the stairs on the stage in the courtyard and took her spot. There were some cheers, although not very enthusiastic except from the blood curdling screeches coming from her friends. She waved her claws towards her peers, "I won't let y'all down." She smiled.

"Next," V.P. said, "Choosen for his incredible sense of sight and smell and quick thinking, Jasper!" There were a lot more cheering for Jasper than there was Alisha.

"I can't believe you were placed before I was," Alisha scoffed at Jasper, who besides his super human senses was a regular human. Jasper rolled his eyes at Alisha.

"I can't believe you got picked at all," Jasper retorted.

"The third and forth people were picked for there team work, speed, brilliance, and adaptability, the zebra twins Star and Moon!" V.P. called. There was a lot of cheering. Star and Moon are twin brother and sister who had zebra like quality's, with their patterned hair and in the way they thought and acted.

"Taking the fifth position," V.P. said, "for his strength, agility, and leadership abilities, Cooper!" Everyone cheered. Alisha smiled at Cooper as he walked to his place on stage. Cooper smiled back.

"Sixth, for their spectacular feats in medicine as well as for their flexibility and climbing abilities, Samantha!" Samantha was half spider and had an extra set of arms and a deep passion for medicine.

"Next was chosen for stealth and spy like habits, Carlos!" Carlos didn't have any physically odd features but he was extremely stealthy and often liked to jokingly spy on people. He often got in trouble with how good at cheating he was.

"Our eighth, picked for their team spirit, leadership, and camouflaging skills amoung others, Trinity!" Trinity was another normal looking person with a passion for SFX make up and sports.

"Taking the ninth spot, for obvious reasons, strength, leadership, and many others, Bill!" Bill had the quality's of a wolf and was insanely good at everything he did.

People grew quiet. Most everyone had thought Bill would've been the first person to be picked, the last person to be called. People whispered amongst themselves about who the last person could be.

"Last," the vice principal spoke slowly, thinking about every word, "Picked for her surprising attributes, Marie!"

A hush fell over party. Everyone had heard about Marie and her disappearance. Cooper's eyes grew wide as Marie slowly made her way from the shadowy corner to the brightly lit stage. She took her place. The vice principal said his final words and wished the participants luck. Then the party resumed. Cooper searched for Marie, but she'd already left.