
Ruviena masked her nervousness behind a cold expression. She caught every single attention in the expensively decorated ballroom that had gold carvings everywhere.

If anyone where too close to her right now they could probably hear her heart beat loud and clear. Lady Ruviena curtseyed above the steps, her silver hair sliding down to the side of her shoulder. She was as if a moon goddess that descended to bless the creatures that adored the only source of light in the dark abyss.

The emperor sat on his throne and nodded in approval of her appearance. It please him that his children became astonished the human he chose. Behind his own gold sculpted mask where ruby eyes that studied the crowd a few moments and later interrupted their deep thoughts of the lady.

His hand gestured to clear the floor

"My seven treasures, please" The emperor gave an encouraging motion with his pale hands that wore several rings.

The majority stood aside and gazed at the certain individuals with respect and admiration. Those individuals stood out with the air around them. The seven figures with their mask on still, stood in a crescent line facing the steps. Apparently, gender didn't matter in the marriage as there where two female within the seven. And both of them where utterly stunning. One with blonde pinned up hair and a velvet red dress who's skirt shaped after the crinoline, and one with a brunette head and dark green dress with a skirt shaped by a bustle.

The remaining five men where even more outstanding in their different dark shades of expensive suits.

"My seven treasures, step forward for those interested in my gift I am about to bestow upon one of you."

And out of seven 4 took one step forward. First from the left, was a slim man in a deep brown suit with dirty blonde hair that was tight neatly in a low pony, the second one was the woman in velvet red, she gave Ruviena a welcoming smile with her rich glossy red lips which Ruviena didn't know how to take since she hasn't really strolled down the romantic path with any male, much less a female. She kept her poise and continued to study her "suitors"

The third one had long straight brown hair, his entire appearance made him look like he was more of a charming elven man than a vampire. And lastly, she didn't know why but the mam looked oddly familiar. He had a large build that was visible even with his slick black suit, he was taller by an inch from the one with long hair beside him.

His short black fringes where brushed back neatly with a few strands that styled in-front of his forehead. Her eyes locked with his, she couldn't shake off a familiar feeling

"I can't help feeling like I'm forgetting a very important fact right now..."

"Permission to speak your majesty" The blonde man spoke, his voice sounded as if he was the friendly neighbor everyone loves.

"Go on"

Flashing his pearly white teeth with short but visibly sharp fangs, he said "I wish to be the gorgeous lady's Husband, as she would be comfortable with the rest of my brides and some of them are human like herself. They would get along being the same and she will be feel safe in our empire and slowly open up to our race by heart. The truce with the human race would act faster this way"

"Nope. Prince charming, I barely get along with my own kind back in my town." Ruviena mentally retorted

Then the man with long hair cut the blonde man's proclaims of care and said "I beg to differ, the lady is a ruthless huntress and not a woman raised to become a wife. Your pedigree wives will end up bullying her or the other way around, don't you think? I propose to marry the lady by name. Since all the humans need to do is "see" that we get along. Assuming that the lady wants the same goal, she would have peace of mind knowing I have no ulterior motives towards her except fulfilling his majesty's wish of creating a symbol of peace with this marriage. I'd be honored to take the role of being her husband for our brethren"

"Well this one is smarter than the other. Points for elven guy! Lol"

"I think women open up more effectively towards other women, I share the same passion with the lady with regards to femininity and the chances of my own brides and bullying her are less likely since I don't have favoritism, there was never an issue with my harem. Wouldn't she be more comfortable with me as we would get to know each other thoroughly akin to our gender? I assume that the emperor wants a genuine connection between humans and vampire."

"... there's a peculiar air around her. She's not bad but wouldn't be my first pick either... not that I have a say in this" Her thoughts kept her occupied and didn't notice that the last male in the line was keeping an eye on her the entire time not even bothering to fave his competitors.

The emperor was stroking his chin, his other hand tapping on the elbow support of his throne. "General, aren't you gonna say a share to win my gift for our peace?"

"Wait what...? Did he say general?"

That was it. The basic fact that she forgot, was that one of the seven treasure where non other than the General Xerion Hellsworn, and he was standing as a candidate for her hand in marrige right now!

General Xerion let out a short breath. Ruviena noticed that he had been looking at her all this time, and they both once again locked gazed. Then he closed his eyes and faced the throne.

"Your majesty, we have discussed the other day of all my achievements you wanted to announce in this same evening as well correct?"

"Indeed, because you have caught the majority of the traitors that the empire have been hunting for the past 2 years and tonight is also the same day you had ridden your mount to bring us out from the shadows 400 years ago, but what does this have to do with her?" His hand gestured to Ruviena's direction. Who had just turned pale as the fire she was playing with that certain night was planning to burn her through marriage. She didn't have the slightest idea why he would, unless it was for saving him. But a word of thanks was enough for her. Revenge?... for not sleeping with him? That's absurd!


"Your majesty, my standing gains me of your favor atleast for tonight compared to my fellow siblings, am I wrong?"

"Tonight is also in celebration of your success and land you have given your people, so yes, you can say I favor you for tonight"

"Then for four decades of my loyal service to my royal highness, I've never once asked or take gifts from your majesty. But tonight, I would like a wife." He calmly requested to his emperor and the crowd where also in shock. They know that the general had never taken a woman for a bride, and he didn't leave an impression that he would marry any time soon. The vampires exchanged murmurs and the blonde vampire protested

"Not to be rude, but General isn't it a bit unfair? Using your title to win the Lady instead of proclaiming that she would be safe under one of our roofs?"

He said, the blonde one looked slightly pissed. Seems like he and the general never got along

"Now this is a surprise, How will the cold General Xerion woo the silver lady tonight?" The Lady in red smiled at him seductively

General Xerion brushed his finger through his hair and faced Ruviena, which made her heart skip a beat.

"The Lady is indeed accustomed to stern treatment and is capable of violence. Thus is not suitable to be around jealous concubines yet you all have forgotten a very basic fact. She is a vampire hunter, and all of the candidates that are to be her partner are vampires. Now... like I said she is capable of violence and know how to manipulate her way through our weakness. Can you handle her at the same time assure your own safety? We all know that she is only here in this state because she had to not because she wants to?"

His evaluation silence everything within the vicinity. Everyone was stupefied and even Ruviena was bewildered in how the general thought this through. She already knew what where the next statements he'd share with his brethren.

"I am General Xerion Hellsworn, that alone makes me the perfect pair for this woman as she is capable of actions I know how to nullify."

"But isn't that the same thing as saying you'll marry me to keep an eye on me and not endanger the Empire?! This was supposed to be a truce! A truce!"

Ruviena was not aware that her lips where now slightly parted in bewilderment

"The marriage will sooner or later have us develop feelings for one another and if a miracle where to happen, the empire will have a solid proof of our sincerity towards the human race if she where to bare my child, but for now the only one that is able to keep the Silver Huntress safe, and my fellow kin safe by becoming her husband is me. Does his highness object?"

"Presumptuous bastard!" She thought of killing him a hundred times when he 'baring his child' ... THE THOUGHT! Ruviena's gloves hands made a fist as it gripped the side of her white gown.

"As a matter of fact, no I do not object. Tonight I here for announce that the engagement is deemed successful!" The emperor raised his golden chalice that was on a tray held by one of his servants. The crowd followed with elegant applauses and nod of approval. Although some of them still thought of the entire thing to be ridiculous.

Ruviena was now slightly trembling, all of their eyes where on her but more importantly, hers where staring in horror towards the approaching male figure. The general's height intimidated her with her small yet plump frame. She didn't look him in the eye but instead she was now staring straight at his chest. They where so close to each other that she can bet he could her her heart beat.

She jerked lightly when his black gloved hands caressed her silver strands and slightly touched her skin. He held her strands up for him to kiss, this made her blush too hard she couldn't hide it

"Why would you sacrifice your bachelors life for something anyone can do" She said to him in a small voice as she tried to disperse her visible nervousness

"I simply took what I want" He whispered on her hair that was still near his thin lips

The General leaned lower till she could feel his breath on her ear "May I have this dance?"

"No you may not" She spat. She was still slightly blushing, but she had a terrible feeling that she wasn't gonna be safe with him. Alas, with her protest, the General simple smiled and took her hand anyway to lead her to the dance floor. It's not like her rejection mattered in the first place. She sighed to her self and in one swift motion he positioned the both of them in a walts and began to dance to the eerie opera song. First it was just the two of them dancing as everyone appreciated the splendid view of the couple dressed in contrast to each other with black and white. Soon after a few more couple joined in to dance around the focal point pair

Ruviena learned how to dance because of her sister who kept sneaking away to spend time with Ruviena. She was a wonderful teacher and Ruviena was a fast learner. During the dance Ruviena cursed herself for she subconsciously praised the man's build. One of hands needed to lay on top of his biceps, his buffed chest pressed onto hers as he didn't leave room for gaps. The nerve! And his jaw was just too sculpted her sapphire eyes lingered on his unmasked facial features, his lips and nose, those jet black hair, damn him all over again in being handsome even in a mask!

"You stare quite alot don't you? My silver vixen" His low voice snapped her out of her daze

"I did no such thing!" She whispered in protest

"You did, you're still doing it" He gazed down on her flushed cheeks

"You are despicable! If you wanted to thank me for saving you you can just say so and not... this!" She whispered again, almost screaming in her whisper

"Why are you mad?" He asked as he twirled her in their waltz

"You knew I didn't wanna be married, but for some reason you predicted I would be in this state, and you are taking advantage of me!"

"You prefer them over me?"

"Oh? How are you any better? I can ignore a few 'jealous concubines' like you said. And I wouldn't do anything rash as to kill my fiancée and run away. It would harm the people I care about!"

She argued, her heel gave her a trip in a few steps but Xerion caught her and pressed her closer to him while he gave her an alluring smile.

"The blonde man, He is known to be a womanizer and likes to collect beautiful brides. The most Narcissistic of the seven, and like me... he does what he wants when he gets the opportunity to do so. Now you can imagine what he'd do to you" They where dancing too close and as he told her the informations he was actually pressing his cheek to hers and kept whispering on her ear

"And the woman?" She had no choice with the physical contact they had. So she whispered back to him

"As you already know, she fancies women as well. But her way of affection is..."

Ruviena raised an eyebrow behind her lace mask "is...?"

"Let's just say she likes using torturous toys" He whispered those lines sweetly where he purposely brushed his lips on her ears

"B-Bastard" Ruviena hissed in between them as they continued to waltz. She stomped on his feet to warn him of his actions but she missed when Xerion abruptly turned her during the dance and Xerion merely chuckled.

"The one with long hair that I noticed you seem to consider during the presentation, He will lock you up in the dungeon and only pamper you when times of presenting to his siblings arrive"

"How do you know all these?"

"I need to know things" He laughed softly as if she asked a stupid question

"So I assume that you are trying to make things even by saving me from horrible suitors?" She asked sarcastically as their dance was slowing down to a halt and Xerion answered

"No" Smiled Xerion charismatically

"Then what is it?" She asked more confused and partially impatient. But the general gave her an empty smile, it looked genuine if it where another looking at him. Whatever it is that he had in his mind to portray such a look, all she could do was stay frozen and reflect on her mistakes— that night, she shouldn't have... but she did, and tonight she was reaping what she sowed.

She caught the unwanted attention of an evil man

"I plan on ruining you"