Not love

Sometimes Ruviena had wondered after reading legends in the vampire culture books, regarding that if a vampire found his/her fated pair, would it have been alike to love at first sight? Or Driven by instincts to possess their pair with hardly any love at all but in it's place, obsession.

She pondered... As romantic as how it sounds, was there really love? Fate decidedly bonded two individuals without their consent.

Deep in her thoughts about the matter, it was scaring her how their soul bond had made them tangibly secure yet emotionally and mentally it was other wise. Because she was sure of herself, that she atleast cared for the man, became jealous, slightly became proud to be called his wife, she had also found amusement in their daily bickering but it was not enough to be called love

More importantly... how is it for him?


"I said I was... Aaah..! Sorry!" Ruviena panted the words out, laying at the edge of the pool on the cold wet marbled flooring of the bathroom while her captor was partially submerged in the water. Drenched Silver strands splayed elegantly where she was positioned, Her flushed breasts  heaved up and down syncing with her  unbalanced breathing.

"Sorry for what?" Xerion spoke with his lips against her sweet folds. Soft pale thighs where unwillingly planted on his shoulders while his head was lowered in between, kissing her trembling sex. Ruviena had practically been eaten there for about 15 minutes already and had been cursing him and her treacherous body that had betrayed her for the same amount of time.

"F-For... going after the creature... mmnn!! alone..."

Ruviena received an oh so slow, overwhelming bottom to top lick on her wet cunt after she gave him an answer

'Fucking bastard!!!'

She cussed in her dizziness. That lick basically meant   "What else?" God it was truly killing her. He didn't even allow her to cum all this time and she's starting to get light headed.

"F-For laughing at you!!! For heaven's sake—Xerio—!!" A lustful gasp cut her off from finishing her sentence when her husband suddenly plunged his tongue inside her wet folds after yanking her towards him by her hips. Ruviena's nails instinctively scraped the marbled ground, her back arching from the pleasure Xerion provided as he tasted her 'slowly' and 'throughly'.

"God...!" Her hanging toes curled when she was yet again on the brink of orgasm. Xerion immediately retreated his slick mouth from her core that was so close... so close to coming.

'DAMMIT! This husband and wife activity is gonna make me lose my sanity!!!'

"Why would I be angry when you laughed at me, hmm?" Sweet light kisses where planted on her inner thighs, then to the side of her suffering-twitching entrance, and skipped towards her abdomen. Distracted by her frustration, Xerion's free hand had worked its way to unbuckle his uniform's belt.

"Because..." 'Geez I don't know?! Your face was too funny when you looked so seriously worr—'


Xerion's menacing glare where reflected on her blue irises that where suddenly struck with realisation.

"Exactly... 'Oh'" He simply said monotonously

Before she knew it she was hoisted up from where she laid stupefied with her legs hooked on top of his stout arms, partially supporting her weight by clenching on her soft rotund bottoms.

The silver headed wife awoke from her lecherous daze. Alarmed as she felt a familiar sensation prodding at her slippery entrance.

"Wait..! Wait—"


All in one push, Ruviena's body felt full as her husband's rampant member invaded her tight walls where it instantly convulsed as soon as he entered her.

Gasping his name on his ears after she quickly held onto him for dear life. Xerion didn't spare his silver wife a second to recover from her lewd climax and instead began pounding her mercilessly from the start since she was beyond wet enough already

"Wait..! Stop— Mmm..!" Her protest fell on deaf ears, the interior received echoes of sloshing water together with indecent contact of skin to skin and held back moans. His over generously sized rod was inexorable as she continuously leaked her juices on him. Consistent, mind blowing pace is what she kept receiving. Ruviena's body was shamelessly delighted when he consistently hit a dead end of the sort inside her. She was also slightly turned on from her nipples that where rubbing against Xerion's thin chest plate. Barely realising such, was she somehow a lewd woman after all?

"I'm about to... cum again...!" She whimpered against his shoulder as she clenched the back of his hair

"Do it, Love..." He panted, not seizing his pace and eventually her moans became louder, wantonly crying in bliss

She climaxed. Her cunt clamped down on him so hard that made him growl sonorously and quicken his pace. Pounding her to the hilt. Ruviena's mind was going blank from the prolonged climax causing her legs to lightly tremble.

Xerion kept on with vigorous thrusts and Ruviena swore she would faint anytime soon, it just felt too good now, and to keep herself conscious as she drowned in their love making- she planted a light kiss on her husband's lips. The General gladly accepted her sweet flavoured mouth and delved in the delicacy deeper. He was amused that she obviously initiated the kiss to keep herself from passing out.

There it was again, another wave of pleasure was building up inside her. "God....!" She whimpered against his lips before he crashed his against hers once more. Grazing his fangs on her tongue to draw blood.

A few more quick thrusts in her already convulsing cunt that was hugging his pulsating rod in great vice was then followed by bursting hot fluids that would overflow from the inside. Ruviena laid her small silver head on his shoulder feeling spent and limp.

Her husband held her there where they were still one, embracing her exhausted yet still beautiful figure as she tried to even her breathing. The previous sound of harsh splashing water became calm like an empty lake with only tiny bits of water droplets can be heard. As peaceful as it became, Ruviena's heart wasn't so peaceful like the atmosphere now and Xerion noticed the tiny bit of difference in his woman's state.

"Your mind is else where... What is it?" He spoke warmly but had a slight tone of dominance

"... Our souls and what I am emotionally feeling" She rasped

"What about them?"

"I am unsure, If this is really my true feelings... or if fate made my feelings this way..." She had recalled the ones about being a fated pair. She understood it yet at the same time it made her confused. Did she like Xerion for who he is? or did she like him because fate scripted that she should?


"General Xerion Hellsworn, If I may speak the truth. I do not love you—"

"Yet." Xerion responded flatly

"You do not love me... Yet. Fret not, I have all the time in the world to court you till you say those three words to me." He said and planted a kiss on her damp silver head

"You do not love me yet either..." Ruviena stared at the clear water around them as she starts to relax in his embrace

"Agreed, I too am unsure. My feelings for you are not enough to be called love"

Her doubts where right. Fate didn't control their hearts. They where drawn to each other physically and the rest where all mind tricks by fate to have themselves think they where truly inlove with each other— But Xerion was not done talking

"...As I have never experienced it before. You will have to lecture me how to love you. Even if I might've skipped the courting up till now, know that want you because you are interesting, witty, cunning, strong and immensely gorgeous of a woman but also stupid"

'I will kill you in your sleep, husband' She menacingly thought before she continued listening to him finish his words

"I wanted you because of what I have currently seen not purely because of instinct of being your soul pair or whatever this 'Fate' bewitched me with. Understand?"

The General could've sworn he saw his wife's cheek become rosy just now. The silver huntress revealing such an adorable side that made her look so vulnerable. He will make sure only he gets to see such a face

"!!!" Ruviena jerked a little bit backward, staring at her husband in disbelief of what she slowly felt inside her

"Are you...?! Again?!!"

"Did you think that was the end of it? How insulting." Ruviena felt a chill down her spine as Xerion flashed her a mischievous grin.

'I plan on ruining you' She just now remembered his words back then at her welcoming soirée


The night was still young and Ruviena despised it.


"M-My Lady?!" Lui nearly dropped her Mistress' morning tea after witnessing her silver mistress' state early in the morning inside the master's chambers. Ruviena laid on her front on top of the black sheeted mattress where as the black silken blanket covered only the small of her back and slightly exposing her lower buttocks. She was exhausted.

Bite marks where seen on the nape of her neck, one on her upper back, another on one side of her lower butt cheek and one on her thigh- WHICH ARE THE ONES SEEN FROM HER CURRENT POSITION. Lui had also seen a number of love bites, and a few light bruises which where earned from the General's uncontrollable grip every now and then. What in the world happened?! She was so sure her mistress was unharmed from the undead yesterday yet right now her mistress looked like she would go to heaven if Lui will accidentally move her in a wrong manner.

"...Lui" Ruviena muffled her name against the pillow where she planted her face on


"Just... Put the tea over there and immediately fix my bath." Ruviena weakly gestured her limb to instruct Lui. The rest of Ruviena where not moving an inch. Lui quickly bowed and placed the tea set at the small round table and not long after, she rushed out of the quarters. Even with her doll like expression, there was a clear sign of panic

"...Shit" Ruviena grunted as she rolled over on her back and released a long exhausted yawn with a hand covering her mouth. The reason why she was extremely exhausted was obviously because she and her husband where at it till this same morning. Earning only an hour of sleep before Lui came in.

'I thought you want me to teach you how to love?! Start with not giving me fatigue! damned bat!'

Ruviena raged in her mind, and a minute later, she made an amused smile. Guess fate isn't so bad after all. That aside, Ruviena will need to assist her husband with regards to the vampire society's problem. As his wife, his problems where now hers as well and they need to work together this time. Not to mention that it may have been connected to her mother's murder and to whoever plotted the skirmish yesterday.

Ruviena will need her silver stake once more