Exploration (Part 2)

I run a hand through my hair one more time, giving my body a final scrub before shutting off the water.

I reach for a clean towel hanging nicely on the rack, aggressively ruffling it over my hair and leaving a damp mess of strands after a good shake. Pressing my face into the soft cotton, I then pat my neck and collar bone dry.

The fibers brush against my pores in a delightful way as I work my way between and under my breasts. I take a moment to examine my new body, immediately taking notice of my breasts. Nicely rounded, are they a bit bigger? Maybe, just more perky? I raise my eyebrows with a shrug.

I slid the towel down my toned stomach and around the curve of my backside, enjoying the fluffy fabrics kind caresses. The towel descends from cheek to thigh, drying off the muscular calves and dainty toes. My head wags from side to side taking in the improvements from all angles. I'm awed and a little freaked out, it almost doesn't feel like this enhanced body belongs to me.

I secure the outfit laying on the vanity, pulling the baggy shirt over head then stepping into the bottoms. Collecting all the remaining garments, I cross the hall back to the elegant bedroom.

I toss them on the floor and reach for the silver key waiting for me on the dresser. 'Time to figure out what this will unlock.' I grab my stuffed tiger from the duffle as my companion to brave the mysterious house together.

I creep into the hallway, entering the bedroom next door. I scan the room to see if there's anything of immediate interest.

The bedroom is very blue. The shades, the spread, a rug, all light blue but nothing else really grabs my attention.

I leave to explore the recently discovered study next. I rummage through a few drawers and a cigar box sitting on a desk. Some interesting looking texts filed away but not the *treasure* I'm seeking. I make a mental note to snoop around this area more later on.

I find one room with a huge walk in closet overflowing with clothes, a jewelry box which I dip my hands into like a pirate, and a locked chest that my key, unfortunately, doesn't belong to.

I make it to the fancy door at the far end waiting for me to step inside. They say there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, maybe there's one at the end of the hall too.

My eager fingers wrap around the handle and I step inside with enthusiasm. The enthusiasm is immediately replaced by fright, I don't like this room at all.

It appears to be a ballroom, a grand piano occupies the far corner. The large mirrors and multiple rectangle paned windows that line the walls are covered in newspaper, giving the small amount of light sneaking through an eerie, shadowy effect.

I'm severely startled by one other thing in this otherwise empty room. A lone mannequin, the stupid thing really gives me the creeps. It's smack in the center of the room. Seriously, disturbing!

I quickly try the nearest switch, sucking my hand back into my body just as fast. Of course, the lights don't work in this room. I warily eye the mannequin making sure it doesn't move from its designated spot. I'm getting the hell out of here!

I back away, shutting the door tight, refusing to turn my back on the looming dollish figure for a second.

I squirm as my ears perk up, bawling my fists before talking myself down. 'Just a dumb mannequin! It's not going to do anything. Besides, I'll just sic Scars on it. Stuffed tiger verse dummy!'

"Haha!" I shout triumphantly.

I glance around feeling like a dork. I'm kind of glad no one was here to witness that.

'Pathetic! I broke a door with zero effort, man handled a guy almost twice my size and I'm getting all worked up over some harmless, but creepy mannequin.'

I chuff at the door and wave at it dismissively.

I approach the last unexplored door in the hallway which happens to be locked. I examine the knob, excited to find a large keyhole. I kneel down to peer through the hole.

Bookshelves, a collection of interesting things on those shelves. I'm itching to go through the stuff in that room. Why does a fun room like this have to be locked? I'm aware the silver key is too small but try it anyway.

I peek in the hole once more, imagining the secrets locked behind before getting up to explore the rest of the house.

I spot a door that has absolutely no light shining from the bottom crack. Most of the doors have at least a tiny bit of light peering through the bottom.

I shuffle over wondering if it's a storage pantry but the door looks wide and more important than a mere closet.

I peer in to find many stone steps descending deep into the house. Clutching my tiger, Scars, I puff out my chest, determined to brave the basement.

Inspecting the walls for the switch, I see a pull chain dangling above the bottom step. What a stupid design! That needs to be updated. I can see in the dark but your average person can't.

I swallow hugging Scars as I make my decent. As I reach the halfway mark the heavy basement door closes behind me. 'For the love!'

I sprint the rest of the way down in about half a second, I should have done that earlier. I yank the chain hearing a plink, the harsh light almost makes me want to turn it back off.

The basement is unfinished and unwelcoming. A high tech washer and dryer hug one of the walls feeling very out of place in this vintage style cottage. It smells dank and earthy down here, a bit unpleasant, likely due to severe deterioration.

I'm not liking this basement too much but I came all the way down here, I've got to explore a little more, at least. I use the rest of my fleeting courage to check out a few of the doors, making haste for the first only fueled by my seemingly insatiable curiosity.

Just an empty cement room. A drop of water echoes in the room like a cave. I can tell it's coming from the adjacent room behind me.

I drift over to the opposite entry, curling my fingers around the metal door. I rip it open while making a small roar sound like I'm trying to scare someone. My stupid attempt to lighten the mood of this scary basement.

It's empty, of course, but this musty room reaches far back turning into dirt and gravel, the short ceiling eventually recedes to half size like a crawl space. 'Ew, I really don't like that!'

I duck down for a quick peek. It goes farther back than expected and gives me the chills.

I slam the door immediately. I shake off the ghostly feeling, almost wanting to run back up the stairs.

'Two more doors and then I go.'

Fortunately, the next room isn't nearly as off putting. It's an impressive food storage. I don't know what a vampire would need with a food storage but it's remarkable nonetheless. There's enough supplies to probably feed a small family for about a decade.

My lips curl in disgust hearing and smelling the pests that had made a home here. Multiple spiders and a few rats I'm sure.


I seal that section off and check the last mystery room.

I gape in fascination revealing the last part of the cellar. It was like a sewing department store in this segment! So many different fabrics and spools upon spools of all different sizes. Ancient sewing machines and other mechanisms I'd never seen before. A pile of mannequins trying to ruin the experience but they fit in, not being so out of place like the one in the ballroom.

I take a step forward touching one of the exposed clusters of fabric. The texture is complex and alien. There's quite an impressive collection in here. I'm tempted to run my fingers over every thread stowed away on the dusty shelves.

Satisfied with this find in the eerie confines of the basement, I turn to head out.

I'm about to make my way back upstairs but then I spot one more door I missed hidden away in a thin pass. The door looks worn and unfriendly but I have to know.

I approach with a feeling of dread and contemplate turning back. The round knob reflects back, it seems to stare at me like a magic eyeball. I cautiously reach for the latch, hardly aware of the gesture like it's pulling me forward.

Ever so slowly, I give the knob a twist. It halts with a metal click, refusing to open. I think to myself how I could easily force my way into any of these doors recalling my staged break in, but I won't dare, especially with this door. There is something very off about this particular part of the house. The earthy smell of dirt is strongest here. Damp and rancid, like rotting wood and…. Rotting meat?

Recoiling from the thin pass, I look Scars in the face and with a deep voice imitated what Scars would sound like.

"Curiosity killed the cat! Time to blow this popsicle stand!" I grumble, bobbing his head up and down with my crappy ventriloquist impression.

I reply back in a regular voice, "You said it!"

I locate the bottom of the stairs with the chain swinging below the harsh fluorescent. I march over but stop when I hear a hollow wooden sound while stomping over a thick rug.

I grind my teeth weighing what's more important, my sanity or my need to know.

I huff, stooping over to roll the rug away. A trap door is laying underneath. My wide eyes glitter in horror and excitement. My fingers float over as I attempt to lift hatch. It stops, bolted. There's a lock, will my key fit? My trembling fingers reach for the key in my pocket.


"Squeeeeee! Hsssshh!"

A short scream erupts from my mouth, jumping to my feet at the sound. It came from the sinister room I couldn't open. I scramble out of the basement pulling the light as I leave which flings backwards upon release, tangling itself in the beams above. I don't care and I don't look back, zipping up the stairs and slamming the door behind me.

I slump over, attempting to get a grip, all burned out for the day. I'll have to brave the rest of the house later. No more for now, I'm way too freaked out.

I hurry back to my room closing the door, sprawling myself on the silky spread. I dig into my pocket pulling out that nuisance of a key, glare at it and roll over to place it on the nightstand.

'I'm such an idiot, no wonder I was murdered…' I chastise myself, wondering what that sound could have been. Thinking more clearly now I come to the conclusion it was most likely a rat squealing when something tipped over. That's the hope anyway...But what tipped over?

I roll over on the pleasantly comfortable bed, absorbing the safe haven. I'm not tired at all, shouldn't I be? Do I need sleep anymore?

I get underneath the covers, closing my eyes as if I were going to take a nap, sleep off my jitters. How silly, I'm completely stocked on energy. Maybe it was that scare in the cellar but it feels like I'm hyped up on caffeine, ready to run a marathon.

I shut my eyes anyway, quickly realizing I can will myself to sleep. I drift into a dream world as I subconsciously command myself into a slumber, it's immediate. My eyes shoot open, 'Woah! What the?'

My gaze flitters around the room as if to locate someone casting a spell on me. Intrigued, I shut my lids again, willing myself into that dream state. It's like floating in black water. No sight, no smell, no touch, no sound. Calming, meditating, drifting.

Suddenly, I'm in a field of flowers with the warm sun shining overhead. I'm sitting cross legged, I reach for a cluster of orange flowers, pulling them out of the ground. The loose soil separates and the audible vibration of tiny roots snapping caresses my ears as I pull them by their waxy stems.

I observe the patterns of gingham blanket beneath me, glancing up to see I'm picnicking with my family. I look at my two siblings, then my mother and father.

"Dad!" I embrace him first.

I've missed him. His smell is so good… So delicious. I feel a shift in my mouth.

Fear shoots into my brain like an icy pick. I leap back, but he's gone. Nowhere in sight.

They are all gone.

No more flowers in the field, no gingham blanket, no sun. Just a massive pearly moon beaming down over head in the barren stretch of blues and blacks.

I see a thin figure in the distance. Dark blue hooded robes swirling in the wind. Their back is turned.

I call out, "Hey!"

The hooded head turns to me. I pale in horror to see a skeleton wearing the hooded dress. Bleached bone hands pull back the cap to reveal a bare skull with jagged teeth of a wild animal.

I shrink in terror, cowering into a ball.

The swirling robes are waving in front of my wake as I peek through a shielding arm.

"What's wrong?" a silvery woman's voice asks.

I glance up, afraid. It's a beautiful young woman who looks like a dark haired angel with the bluest eyes imaginable, it's Juniper standing before me.

A look of regret spreads upon her face, "I've made quite a mess dragging you into this, I'm so very sorry."

She extends her hand out to me and I gawk reaching out for it.

The floor gives way and I fall, watching Juniper and her outstretched hand fade from view as I free fall into darkness.

I plunge into the pitch so black for such a time that I'm no longer able to tell if I'm still falling.

Three pairs of glowing rings appear in the pitch. Two pairs of bright red irises and one pair green. The glowing red eyes in the center furrow and shining sharp teeth reveal themselves shimmering white in the blackness. The floating teeth speak to me as the eyes glare.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop this struggle!"

I flinch back looking to the second pair of red eyes holding a much softer expression, his mouth opens to speak, "Yer in too deep, now."

I whirl around, running blindly in the dark to get away from them.

I keep running until I bump into someone, stumbling back startled.

I squint into the darkness to reveal a man with shaggy hair, his back to me. He looks over his shoulder as green eyes light beneath his black hair. He looks sad and confused,



I reach out trying to touch him but he's always somehow out of reach no matter how I attempt to grab him.

"Ash, where are you?"

He turns to look around. I can no longer see his green eyes, he appears to be blindfolded.

I shout desperately, "I'm here! I'm right here!"

"I can't see you. Where are you?"

"Reach out in front of you!"

He reaches out with a strong arm, confused, obviously not able to see me.

A blinding light starts at the tip of his index finger, the rays flare like a flash of a camera until I can't see anything but a painfully bright light. My skin begins to burn away, catching fire in an unbearable heat and searing pain. A blood curdling shriek cuts though the space.

I squeeze my eyes shut, hollering, "Stop!"

My eyes shoot open to see silks hanging above the canopy posts. I'm back in bed, in my new room. I twist my fingers in the silk sheets with a deep inhale and exhale. 'That was intense! What a trip! What time is it?'

I get out of bed cautiously, still shaken from that vivid dream, if you'd even call that a dream, it felt too real. I've had crazy dreams and nightmares in the past, the kind that make you disoriented and question reality, eventually realizing it's all in your head.

*This* was different.

Maybe, it's the level of heightened awareness that made it so unusual. There are no hazy parts, it hasn't faded. It's crystal clear and etched into my brain. I don't know what to call it other than a mind bending experience!

I pull the pocket watch out of the pants lying on the floor and my eyes bug out of my head. '3:13? Where the hell did the time go?'

It felt like that trance lasted for about twenty minutes but if that's the right time, at least six hours have gone by.

I notice my mind doesn't seem as cluttered and I'm more relaxed, even though the majority of that dream was chaotic.

'It's three in the afternoon not passed midnight, right?' I waltz over to curtains putting my back to them like a spy sliding against a wall.

I take a handful of fabric in my hand and pull the edge back a bit. A soft light sliced at an angle. It's definitely daytime though, it isn't nearly as bright as expected. I didn't hear any rain but I suspect the sky is overcast.

Feeling confident in my prediction I stretch my free hand over, putting it in the triangle of light. A bizarre heat coats the surface of my skin before I yank it back. It didn't burn.

I reach out again, leaving it in the light a bit longer. I twist my hand around, exposing it to the muted light. The warmth is almost like a warning rather than a comfort, like playing with fire.

I pull back the drapes just enough to stand in front of the spotlight. I peek around the fabric with a groan as the bright daylight is extremely unpleasant on my eyes. I squint up to see dark thick clouds blanketing the majority of the sky.

I remember the comment Sam made about *direct* sunlight. I guess I can go outside since the sun isn't technically shining, but with my lousy luck as of late I opted to stay in.

I put the curtains back in place, feeling noticeably more comfortable in the dim room. I leap over the king-size bed clearing it in one hop. Glancing back to look at the distance I soared, I give a smug look to Scars.

"Did you see that? Pretty good, huh?" honesty impressed with how easy that was.

I kneel down to rummage through my moving bag to pull out my sketchpad and modest case of art supplies, throwing them in the bed.

Drawing will be a great way to pass the time. I pull out my laptop for some background tunes.

I get everything thing arranged, throwing open a blank page. I have a lot of material from that dream-trance to borrow from.

I began to sketch the lines for a swirling cloaked figure, looking like one person but actually two separate figures back to back almost melting into each other.

On the right side I began to draw Juniper, on the left a skeleton reaper.