Strangers in Strange Bars (Part 3)

I follow him down the stairs. We weave around a pool table and some swaying bodies.

I preferred being upstairs. I feel like I'm suffocating with all the pungent aromas drenching this floor. The beating seems to ambush my senses in the tight space. I want to nab one of them and plunge my fangs into them right here, right now. Doesn't matter whose watching!

I ignore my itching throat and pestering urges, keeping my eyes locked on the cross legged woman in the fitted red dress. A high slit revealing her slender thigh. 'Stay focused, stay together.'

A memory slips in completely out of the blue, but it's not exactly a memory, it's something about to happen.

I'm sitting near the girl in red on a sofa, I've had some of her blood. The flavor of her swimming comfortably in my mouth. She's passed out and I'm... about to join her. What if I only drink a little? Doesn't matter, it's going dark.

She's probably on something and Sam doesn't know it. We'll both be drugged and I'm going to black out.

I grab Sam by the arm and he looks over his shoulder, "Getting cold feet?"

"She's drunk."

"What?" he spins to face me with skepticism, "How do you know?"

Should I tell him about my hunches? I trust him, but I've never told anyone about it before. Would he believe me? I insist, "I'm pretty sure she's drunk or on something."

"But, how do you know that?"

I open my mouth to explain but it won't come out. I'm not ready to tell him, "I just have a feeling."

He folds his arms eyeing me, "Alright, then who do you suggest as a replacement?"

Well, shit, I don't know. I look around the place, everyone has a drink in there hand or is visibly intoxicated.

"Uh, I don't know."

He looks me up and down, "I'll bet you money that girl isn't on anything, or if she is it's not strong enough to affect us."

"Well, how are you so sure she's not on anything?"

"I have a habit of people watching," He grins, "I know the drinks she's ordered are popular virgin drinks. She's been here a while and hasn't shown signs of being impaired. Everyone else that I've had my eye on has had at least one drink, she's our safest bet."

"Well," I look around, thinking fast about another option, "What about… That guy?"

I point to some random Joe. Unlucky, he's obviously wasted. I follow the butterfly effect of my premonition if I were to have him as a meal instead. It's dizzying but I haven't passed out. I'm swaying, a wasted wreck. Sam won't agree to sharing him because he's too drunk and to top it off he has a 'told you so' look splayed on his face. I don't want to deal with that.

"You're joking," he eyes my random desperate choice, trying to understand my illogical candidate.

"That guy is plastered," he studies me with confusion, "go for it if you're really set on him, but there's no way she's got more alcohol in her system," he points to the lady in red with a thumb, "than him," then points to my suggestion.

"Just know you'll be wasted too, it won't take much for someone your size," he naws at the inside of his cheek as he stares at the wasted guy, "I wouldn't recommend having him."

He's implying I don't know how to handle liquor. You know, he's probably right, I've never been a partier. I rarely drank.

Looks like I'm going to get drunk either way and I kind of like the idea of proving Sam wrong. I'd rather do this with him than without. My parched thoat begs for me to make a decision.

"If you're wrong and I pass out…"

"I'm not wrong," he folds his arms with confidence, "And I'll look out for you no matter what."

I guess that's good enough, there's no time to argue, no time to think. I just want something now, right now, "Alright, let's stick with your plan then."

He nods, heading for the one dressed in red again. If OCD was a person she's be it. Not a blonde hair out of place and not one wrinkle to be found on the scarlet outfit she wore.

As we make our way to the bar, Sam guides me to one of the chairs and sits on the one closest to her. She had a bad case of resting bitch face. Her manicured eyebrows enhanced the look, obviously attractive but borderline unapproachable.

She looks like the type to shoot down any man trying to get fresh, but Sam doesn't seem intimidated in the slightest.

He gets right to the point, "You look bored, would you turn down the opportunity to try something new?"

She sneers at nothing behind the bar and begins to turn to Sam slowly, hostile as I anticipated, "Don't waste your ti…" She stops mid-sentence as her eyes meet his. Her expression becomes surprised and a bit more welcoming.

She doesn't look 'hypnotized' not in the supernatural sense of the word, anyway, but engaged. Was she smitten by Sam's good looks or is Sam just that smooth with the ladies?

"New, as in?" she purses her lips and changes her tone, "Just so you're aware, I'm not drinking or doing anything else like that tonight."

"That's fine, what I'm offering doesn't involve alcohol. I want you to be honest," her expression becomes a bit dazed at the word 'honest' like it held physical weight, "Do you consider yourself adventurous?"

He looks over to me, implying I'm involved in this little adventure then directs his attention back on her. I sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

She looks conflicted, partly coherent and semi spellbound, "If I'm honest… I like the idea of being adventurous, but I resist indulging."

Sam nods, "Follow us and you won't be disappointed."

She doesn't get up immediately instead pondering the proposition, "but I don't even know what we're doing."

"We won't leave the bar and I guarantee you'll enjoy yourself. If you don't, you can walk away at anytime."

He holds out a hand to her and she takes it, satisfied with his response. It amazes me how he can do that. I don't know how much of that was him just being charming and attractive and how much was credited to his gift of being very convincing.

It's incredibly silly, but I feel a bit jealous that she gets to hold his hand as he guides us to a hidden lounge. The furniture was positioned behind a wall, making it more secluded and private.

He sits her on the massive couch. Before pulling me to him. He instructs me in a voice too low for her to hear, "Sit next to her, I'll persuade her then you can have her first. She won't feel pain even if you're rough, but if you're slow and gentle about it you're less likely to spill any of her blood."

I bounce my head once to acknowledge that I know where this is going and situate myself next to her. We both eye Sam as he sits himself on the other side. He tilts her chin toward him as if he's going to kiss her passionately and I feel jealousy flare up again.

He doesn't kiss her but stares deep into her eyes as the green in his irises dances like a healthy flame. Any woman would fall for Sam with that desirous look.

She's a slave to his fancy, waiting patiently for his command she'll instantly lap up.

"First I want you to tell me something honestly," she nods, "Did you take any drugs or alcohol?"


"Yes, in the past twenty four hours."


He looks satisfied with the response and continues. The words roll off his tongue like notes of a perfectly tuned instrument, "Don't be scared, close your eyes and relax. This is all *pleasant*, this is all *enjoyable*."

Her posture becomes loose as her ridge OCD tension becomes jello. Her eyes close, completely relaxed as he leans the contented woman back into the cushions and eyes me for the go ahead.

Now, I feel nervous. Is sharing someone as intimate as he said or was he just trying to mess with me? I had never seen Sam feed on anyone before, but now he acting fine about it. And what about my hunch?

I feel my impatient hunger as I stare at the steady pulse on her neck. Too late to dwell on that now.

I lean my face into her neck. She smells so good but also, funny? Like something is mixed in her scent that shouldn't be there.

It's not important right now. My fangs extend more than eager to sink into her creamy flesh.

I close my eyes entering the gates of euphoria as my teeth slice into her skin. This never gets old. I grab her possessively swallowing her down as she moans. It's almost unbearable savoring her, I've been so patient now I want all that rich warmth to drown me if possible. 'Slow and gentle' the fuzzy words form in my mind. I try to reel back the inner animal that just wants to devour.

Her blood is wonderful but it also has that funny taste that shouldn't be there, just like her scent. But it's not enough to distract from my greed for more.

I lose myself in the flow of her blood moving to the faithful push of her heart when a distinct change takes place. The pull of her vitals circulates in a new pattern. I can still feel the flow of blood from her body but I also feel someone else pulling at her life force. It's strong, it's protective. Passionate and addictive. It's Sam.

I peek at him while I continue drinking, his entrancing eyes meet mine. Her wrist is pressed to his mouth as he takes controlled sips.

Now I get what he means by intimate, it's like being completely connected without touching. It's strong and intense. It's just as powerful as touch or sincere words. I knew so much more about Sam, but I couldn't explain how or why. And as I drank, I desired him all the more. He elevated the experience beyond comprehension.

It was kin to the telepathic link I had with Juniper, except this was more tangible and not fully matured. It was also set apart by the undeniable sensuality. The sensation was brewing within my core, stirring a secret yearning. I want him.

I can almost taste his thoughts, feel his purpose. It's just out of reach.

I ride her beautiful veins, swimming my way closer to his burning aura of cold fire and intrigue.

His pull disappears and lift my face away shortly after. I don't want him to stop and I don't want to stop drinking her, but I know she can't afford to have us take much more.

I watch him lick her wrist to seal the wound. He leans over to the mark I made and laps away the excess to erase evidence of our engagement.

I suck in my bottom lip to both relish in her unique flavor and predict the taste of his mouth with her blood on it. Actually, I just want to taste his lips.

"Looks like I won that bet, no drugs, no liquor, no…"

I climb over the woman to get next to him, I want to feel him. I must have him.

I stare into his wary eyes and hope he stays. I lean forward and press my lips into his.

He doesn't pull away.