Twin Vision (Part 3)

How many times does Sam need to witness me so weak? I sit up as to not take advantage of his compassion. Though, I want to be selfish and stay in his arms.

His gaze falls upon me with tenderness. Those wonderful green eyes cause butterflies to spawn inside my chest. His hand reaches to hold my faces and wipe the lingering tears with his thumb.

I'm getting lost in his eyes. There's a gentleness as he stares back at me but also an electric passion faintly glowing.

I must look so stupid, like someone just dropped a pile of bricks on my head.

He searches my face quietly, "You're going to be alright."

"Yeah," I breathe, leaning into him a little.

I stare at those soulful lips. The subtle smooth curve, tilting down slightly at the corners. They are perfectly beguiling.

I get closer, wanting to taste the soft lower lip. I slowly move forward, it's magnetic.

He's on to me. I'm inches away from his mouth as he sighs, his breath is cool and sweet, "Ash…"

Glance up, if I'm not mistaken his words hold a hint of lust through that reluctance and apprehension.

'If you want me, take me.'

"Yes?" I ask innocently, holding his entrancing stare. I feel hot and cold simultaneously. I can't tell what he's thinking, he traces my lips with his eyes then makes contact with my stare again. The green swirls like a cyclone. His lips part as if he wants to say something back but then close, tempting as ever.

"Sorry, I'm too close," I whisper, looking down and sliding back. It chills the butterfly wings in my heart admitting these feelings may only go one way. I'm romantically inept and oblivious. Not to mention, I was just crying, I must look crazy.

His hands cup around my arms, halting my attempt to separate from him. My eyes dart back up to his. I'm swimming in liquid emeralds glimmering in the sun.

The gem irises suddenly disappear behind heavy black lashes and his thick eyebrows tense as if he's having a serious internal debate.

His grip loosens on one of my arms, trailing down to my hand. I feel sparks crackle, I'm nearly breathless as his large hand holds my fingers delicately in his like he's going to kiss the back of it. His thumb gently, deliberately slides over each knuckle as if to savor each finger.

He breathes out deeply through his nose, caressing the ridges of my fingers rhythmically like the strings on a polished instrument. He murmurs almost too quietly for me to make out, "You'll surely be my undoing."

His eyes flash open, scorching me with an animalistic passion. Irises blaze like fire and all I can do is gawk, a deer in the headlights.

His fingers reach to tilt my chin up. My face lifts, fingertips are angel feathers on my skin as if he's willing my neck to arch back instead of guiding it with his hand. The large hand slides under my jaw, cupping my face into it. His thumb brushes over my lips tracing back against my cheek bone and I'm floating. Weightless.

My lips part slightly as his mouth comes crashing down on mine. He drinks me in fully, powerfully. I feel weak as if I'll crumble even sitting. I breath in sharply, his flavor is intoxicating as wine, I'm dizzy.

His tongue explores my mouth, running over my lips then meeting mine. His kiss deepens to possess unrestrained. I moan into his mouth from his overwhelming zeal, I'm completely under his spell.

My arms slide around his neck and he curls me to him in response, pulling me tighter. He leans us back onto the bed.

I feel very small as his strong arms cradle me to him. His fingers are pressing into my skin, sliding up my back and kneading at my joints. His skilled hands leave a trail of desire. I arch into him and the amazing kiss only amplifies to incredible heights.

I can feel the power of his embrace, he could crush me if he wanted to but I know I'm safe. And I'd stay here happily in them.

I belong to him. I belong with him.

I think I'm going to explode. I can't get enough of him. I'm clawing at his jacket, frustrated it's keeping me from his skin and nip at lip.

He growls possessively, grabbing my wrists pressing them into the bed. I whimper, rocking against him as he releases my mouth to mark my face with his fiery kisses.

I'm helpless as he devours his way from cheek to ear, down the jawline, ravaging my neck and teasing my collarbone. His soft dark hair hangs in front of his eyes tickling my skin. His lips are branding into my flesh.

I squirm against him and almost scream. He's not playing fair!

"Sam," I shudder, twisting my hips into his. He presses himself into me reacting on top like clockwork. My eyes roll back and I realize I'm panting. One hand gets loose and I'm grasping for his shirt to tear it from his chest.

There's a heat in my eyes, I nearly draw blood as my teeth sharpen and push into my bottom lip. That urge to bite pushes its way through my clouded judgement. I think I'm losing my mind, he's making me lose it.

He snarls a way that oldly tantalizing, snatching the hand trying to grab for his shirt. He lifts himself up with one hand, eyes glittering with such a sweltering force. I'd believe he'd want to kill me if that intensity wasn't tied together with that dazzling softness. Though, devouring me whole does seem to be on his mind.

We both breathe heavily, I realize his sanity is teetering as dangerously as mine. His fangs peek through gritted teeth, he pants in ways that encapsulate my attention. Does he want to bite me too? Why am I enthralled with the idea of it?

He doesn't release my hand, holding it tight to him like a lifeline as his gaze of plusates from rational thought to animal savagery.

I feel absolutely drunk on him. He can have me, do anything to me and I want it.

As his eyes drift down from my face to chest, seeming to memorize and worship every inch. I can hardly look away from his beautiful face to view the rest of his expertly crafted perfection. I'm blown away by all of him, he doesn't seem real at times, too incredible to be real. I want all of him.

The animal side is winning. He looks hungry enough to rip the fibers of my shirt clean off. The thought excites me even more.

I sense his reluctance crumble fast just as a siren blares through every speaker. A collective roar rises from the crowd outside.

Sam's entire body stiftens immediately, his expression is abruptly twists like he just saw a ghost.

He sits up and directs his attention to the translucent curtains. He looks like he's going to break out into a sweat or throw up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my brain is still in a fog of his perfume and bewitching presence.

He gets off the bed to survey against the drapes. His head is shaking in horrified disbelief, mouth forming the word 'no' convulsively.

I sit up affected by the loss of him. I crave his contact again but the spooked look and his stance has me shaking off the daze. Something is seriously wrong.

A sultry female voice dripping with salaciousness projects from the loud speaker, "Now for the event you've all been waiting for… *Blood harvest*."

The phrase is already ominous enough but there is something so nefarious about the way "blood harvest" bubbles out of the speakers, it sends a chill through me. There's more cheering and busy scrambling out on the main floor, it sounds like a stampede out there.

"Strap in and prepare for-"

"Ashlen! We need to leave, now," Sam interrupts the announcer. He pulls me to my feet, there's a strain of urgency in his voice.

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

"Stay close to me. If something happens and we get separated, you go for the exit without me."

It's a severe and dire command. The stress is plain on his face and I realize whatever's happening we have no time to waste. He's staring into me with grave desperation, "You don't wait for me. Get yourself out no matter what, understand?"

I nod, matching his seriousness, "Yes, I understand."

He nods sharply and scowls at the exit as if to challenge it, inhaling strong and letting it out fast to work himself up for whatever is going on just beyond the room.

He takes my hand, pulling me close to his back, thrusting the curtain aside, "Hold on to me and stay sharp. Avoid the dance floor at all costs."

The curtain flips back to reveal a madhouse. It's a zoo out here! Where did all these people come from? I feel disoriented from the swarm spitting in every direction. Hearts throbbing, siren wailing, the husky voiced announcer ramping up the chaotic anticipation.

"-A thrill beyond all other. Exploit all your senses to an experience to die for. Be free. Be untamed. Join us on the main circle for the sensation beyond your wildest dreams," the announcer's words are enchanting. Full of mystique and otherworldly promises.

I'd probably fall prey to her effectively devised hype, but Sam's adverse reaction has my gut wrenching in suspense.

He hugs close to the wall, weaving us through a maze of animated bodies, forcefully shoving some out of his way. It's like we're in the middle of a rock concert crowd. A cluster of disarray.

I don't even know where the exit is in this storm of wild enthusiasts. I'm trying not to get sucked into the crowd, squishing myself tightly into Sam's backside. His hand is squeezing mine, his muscles are tense.

"The countdown begins," proclaims the announcer. A clamoring of shouting and voices makes my head spin. It's a circus of individuals scrambling to or away from what I can only assume is the dancefloor.

I hear creaking and clicking high above near the ceiling. I gawk at what I thought was some gigantic chandelier oddity earlier. It begins to shake, slowly lowering by cranks and chains. It's like the biggest bird cage in the world. I think it's descending to cover the dancing stage! What the hell is this!

Is that blood? I forget what I'm doing at the proment fragrance. I stop walking suddenly confused and drawn to that smell. So much delicious drumming, so much warmth… Brushing up against me, these smells. Where am I?

I feel a jerk on my arm. Sam stops abruptly to yell over his shoulder, "Ash, pay attention. Don't lose focus, now!"

Sam grunts suddenly as someone bashes into him. He plants his feet taking the brunt of it, shielding me from being knocked over.

Sam growls as someone else is tossed into him and he pushes them aside. He let's go of my hand as he's eaten by an aggressive mob. He ducks as a fist swings at his face. My hands flies to my mouth as I squeak for him. What is going on!

Sam hollers as he dodges an elbow, "Ash! Run for the exit!"

I worry about him but recall what he said about getting out no matter what. I don't want to leave but listen. Sam knows what he's doing.

I start off immediately, struggling to get out of the mess. I'm battered and pushed in different directions by people whizzing past. Which way is the exit?

I'm shoved into a girl about my size.

"Ah!" She chokes then winces through her teeth, she almost crashes into the marble floor. Her hand flies to her face and I can smell *it*.

She pulls her palm away to examine it, dabbling it to her nose again. Her fingers are smattered in lively red and a bead drips from her nose. Her eyes dart up to mine, wide and fearful. I can't help but stare at her nose as it begins to gush, coating her philtrum and tracing the upper lip.

She covers her leaking nostril with the back of her hand and slowly backs up, eyes twitching from side to side but always coming back to me.

I'm advancing on her, stalking and don't even notice at first. My hands are out in front and clawed like I'm going to nab her. No, this was not the plan!

She yelps as someone seizes her from behind. Two arms wrapping possessively and pale face leans over her shoulder to snarl at me.

Her head jerks toward her captor and instantly sags with visible relief. All I can do is gape into the strange vampire's red beaming circles, warning me and flicking around to do the same to anyone else that may have taken interest in the wounded human.

They withdraw cautiously out of sight and I just stand in a haze of confusion. I can't remember what I was supposed to be doing.

"Heey! I found err Virrshin!" a woman with no volume control slurs in my ear.

I turn with a stupefied look plastered on my face to meet a drunken female vampire. Lazy brown eyes with a squiggly grin.

There's a short triumphant, "Ha!" behind her. A male vampire with short neat hair leans in her direction.

"Nice job, Trix," he says, patting the girl on the shoulder, not as drunk as the woman but he has something in his system, "Newbies are so entertaining."

My head is swimming in disorientation. What the hell is going on?

"Com'on, Com'on girrrly," the woman grabs both my hands yanking us backwards, "Yer gonna miss all za fun!"

Where are they taking me? I don't think I should be going with them, "I can't go with you," the words sound as aimless as I am right now, "Stop! I need… I need?"

I'm pulling against her but can't think straight. I try to think through the haze but the sounds and smells and heat… The need.

I don't know what's happening. I'm being eaten up on all sides and dragged deeper into a crowd. It's like I'm wandering directionless in a sandstorm.

Where are you, Sam? What can I do?