Stalkers (Part 1)

Accounts of Ashlen, October 2017.

June swiftly frolicks alongside some neverending railroad tracks, I'm having a hard time keeping up. She seems to be in a very good mood.

She has lead us far from the main town but won't tell me anything more about this 'secret'.

I call out, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, petite. Don't you like surprises?"

"Not really," I can't stand surprises, they drive me crazy.

She chortles, "Then we better get there briskly as possible."

She picks up the pace and I strain to quicken my steps. We are flying down this railway faster than a couple of deer.

"June, did you get into a fight back-"

"Ah-ah!" she cuts off my question, wagging a scolding finger playfully, "Remember our little arrangement."

Oh yeah, no questions until we get home. I wonder why?

She slows down to match my stride in lock step and points ahead, "You see that train tunnel just yonder?"

The tracks lead to it like a perfect runway. Trees surround the path like a cheering crowd, leaves clapping against leaves on the sidelines.


"Let's have a race."

We both slow to a stop and I stare at her incredulously.

"I can't beat you, you're way faster than me."

She smirks, "Well, then we'll play the school yard game of tag."

"You can't be serious."

"Come now, show me what you've got," her smirk widens into a mischievous expression, "I'll be 'it' and that railway tunnel will be the 'den'."

"The den?"

"The 'safe zone'," she enunciates. It seems she's a little too enthusiastic about this, I don't know if I like it.

A nervous laugh hiccups in my throat, "Wait, wait. No. I'm not agreeing to this."

"Run harder than you ever thought possible, faster than you've ever dreamed," her eyes flicker like two blue flames, "I want you to run like your life depends on it."

She's making me anxious, "Seriously, I'm not playing this game with you."

Juniper ignores me, crouching slightly. A dark chuckle slithers through her jagged teeth, "Don't let me catch you, little lamb."

My eyes widen in horror. She looks like she wants to eat me. What will she do if she catches me? I throw out a suggestion as my last ditch effort, "How about I chase you instead?"

"I'll give you a ten second head start," the sapphire in her irises now burning like an Antarctic winter, "better hurry."

"No! You can't chase me if I don't run."

"Eight seconds,"

"June!" that look in her eyes is really scaring me. Her aura is spiking, I swear there's a cerulean halo framing her head and shoulders.

She hunches like a predator marking me for the hunt, "Seven seconds."

"Bah!" I huff and I take off in a sprint. Her energy is roaring like a furnace at my back. I do not want to get caught by her! I push my legs hard. Run, just run!

The mouth of the black tunnel opens wide as I speed forward. I prance utop the wood railroad ties, they are easier to volley across than gravel. The deadly winter fire is fading behind.

Half way. How many seconds do I have left? My heart sinks sensing the telepathic tendrils racing along my side. I can feel her eyes drilling into the back of my skull. I start to hyperventilate as if it will help me move faster. The wind is whistling through the brush enclosing on both sides.

I recall a rule about not running from dogs because they have an instinct to chase, it seems I'm doing just that. Not like I have a choice.

"Times up!" she declares, her voice is a string of wind chimes warning for a nasty storm.

The atmospheric sounds of the forest suck backwards like a massive tidal wave in the sea. The aspen trees rattle and tremble as she pushes past. 'She's coming to get you! She's coming for you!' The trees seem to scream. My heart is full of dread, I don't dare look back. I slam my eyes tight and keep running. My feet are barely grazing the ground.

I can feel her closing in. A rocket coming from behind. I want to cry out. It's getting faster, louder, like racing a speeding bullet! I'm almost to the tunnel, I just need to cross through. She's coming for me. Nearly at my heels, nearly breathing down my neck.

I lunge for the opening and twirl in the air to see where she's at. Her wild blue eyes lock onto mine, blindingly bright. They are inches away, way too close. There's a rabid, hungry smile slathered on that face. Her fingers are hovering maniacally as any villain.

My heart falls out of my stomach and I choke from shock. My heels come down uneven, I get tripped up. I cross under the arch and freeze, about to topple over backwards into crunchy rocks.

She catches both my hands before I hit the pebbled floor and lifts me steady to my feet. Her expression smooths over with satisfaction.

"That was fun," she giggles merrily, "Well, aren't you light on your feet?"

I just stare at her, feeling like I just about had a heart attack. 'Speak for yourself, June.' That was anything but fun, more like freaky and frightening.

She laughs at me harder, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You really freak me out sometimes, you know."

She tilts her head in amusement, "Did you believe I was going to do unspeakable things if I caught you?"

Sometimes I wonder.

She closes her eyes and shakes her head the way you would at a toddler doing something cute, "Oh, petite," she sighs enduring, "If I wanted to hurt you, why would I lead you all the way out here? I could do that anywhere."

"You sure have a way with words, June," I recount her most recent winning phrases, she makes my head spin.

"Ashlen," she relaxes, folding her arms and looking upon me fondly, "I have no desire to harm you, whatsoever."

I shake my head, though it seems genuine enough, "You are scary as hell and being chased by you sucks! I'm chasing you next time."

She gives a short laugh in her throat and a taunting look, "You'd never catch me, little dove."

I close my eyes and can't help but shudder a laugh of my own. She is strange beyond reason, but it sure keeps things interesting, terrifying but interesting.

I glance back up and notice her squinting very focused into space as if she's listening hard for something. I tilt my head and examine her.

She looks back at me and whispers, "Do you feel that?"


One finger slowly lifts to her forehead just above her right eyebrow and taps twice. Her eyes are intense beneath furrowed brows. What is she trying to tell me?

I stop for a minute and listen. What is it that I should be aware of?

Juniper is suddenly standing in front of me. She snatches my hands and drags me to one of the walls of the underpass.

"H-hey, what the?" I'm taken off guard.

She takes us deeper into the tunnel weaving around a few wood crates stacked along the edges. She twists me around pressing my back gently into the stone walls. Her eyes are heavy and hooded. Her lip tilts up at one corner. What has gotten into her now?

She presses herself into me, beyond my bubble of comfort. She seems to soak in my features as she brushes a single strand attentively from my face. Her fingers caress with purpose. I can't feel her emotions but it looks like she's going to… No, she wouldn't.

I swallow, "Um, what are you doing?"

She gets really close, her lips press against my ear almost seductively. I'm starting to get really uncomfortable. She was just smooching with some guy! What is she doing? She's not going to try to kiss me, is she?

She whispers in my ear, "Shh, just play along."

What the hell? Do I give everyone the impression I swing 'that way'? I don't feel this way about Juniper and I didn't see the signs of her being into me. I purse my lips feeling more uneasy by the seconds.

My throat feels dry, "Um, hey. I'm not sure how to say this but-"

"This is not what it seems, petite. Do you feel your ears burning?"

"What do you mean?" I try not to squirm as her lips brush lightly.

Her tone is so hushed I can scarcely make it out, "Like someone is prodding with a lobotomy pick, insects crawling in and out of your ears."

What is she trying to tell me? I think hard and *do* feel something wrong. Like someone is tickling my brain, trying to get places their not supposed to.

Juniper breathes against my skin and embraces me tighter but I realize this *is* only an act. But what does that mean?

We're not alone, are we? I look around frantically, attempting to hide my discomfort from her convincing yet fake intimacy and remain still.

"Ah," she smiles against my ear, "There, they gave themselves away. Stay clear this time, won't you?"

Inhale sharp through my nose seeing shadows move on the opposite side of the wall. There's a person over there!

I catch a glimpse of Juniper's expression, wild and ravenous for violence. A vicious smirk plays on her mouth. She places both of her hands flat against the wall and pushes off like a spring board.