Chapter 3

"Alright, Yu Yan, tell me how to repair my meridians with the Imperial Cleansing Pearl!"

After Master stopped laughing, he turned to me once again and asked me how to repair his meridians, which I honestly have no clue on how to do so. All I know is that only the owner of the Imperial Cleansing Pearl can know how.

"Master, I don't know how to do it myself, but I do know that as long as you are the owner of the Imperial Cleansing Pearl, you should know how to do it as long as you focus deeply on the Imperial Cleansing Pearl with the intent to repair your crippled meridians."

Master just nods his head and closes his eyes, most likely focusing on the Imperial Cleansing Pearl. Hopefully he manages to find out how to use it properly, or else this would probably take a very long time, making Master just use the wealth inside the storage ring to buy a pill again.

Thankfully, Master started to shine with a white light after a few hours, and I could clearly see that his meridians were slowly repairing themselves after coming into contact with the white light.


'Shit, I forgot to tell Master that the process is extremely painful!'

Master suddenly screamed out loudly once his meridians started to repair themselves, and I nearly jumped up to help him but I remembered that I can't interfere in his process of repairing meridians, or else the process would get ruined.

As such, I can only sit there anxiously, hoping that Master can pull through with how painful it is going to be in the long run. At least, Master had went through this process in his last life when he repaired his meridians with a pill, but I know for a fact that it is less painful using a pill then the Imperial Cleansing Pearl to repair meridians.

I am unsure of how much time passed by, but it should have at least been a day or two, when the white light finally disappeared and Master stopped screaming. He was covered in sweat from head to toe, and he was still frowning, meaning he probably still has a bit of pain leftover.

I was about to ask Master if he was fine when I was suddenly flung away by a burst of Spirit Energy that was released from his body, sending me backwards a few feet. I excitedly ran back in front of Master and sat down, watching as he cultivated for the first time in this life.

'Holy crap! Master actually broke through so much in one sitting of cultivation...'

I watched as Master entered Spirit Disciple Stage 1 after a few seconds, Spirit Disciple Stage 2 after a minute, Spirit Disciple Stage 3 after 4 minutes, Spirit Disciple Stage 5 after 8 minutes, Spirit Disciple Stage 6 after 16 minutes, Spirit Disciple Stage 7 after 21 minutes and Spirit Disciple Stage 8 after 47 minutes.

Meaning that Master just went from no cultivation to Spirit Disciple Stage 8 in under an hour! What the heck, did Master swallow some sort of treasure without me noticing it or something?! How the heck did he break through so much?!

Master finally opened his eyes and clenched his fist, and I could see the clear excitement and happiness shining in his eyes as he began laughing again while punching out, causing gusts of wind to appear. When he was finally done and sat down, I asked the question I had on my mind.

"Master, can you tell me how you managed to breakthrough so much in less than an hour? Did you swallow some sort of treasure without me realizing it?"

Master heard my question and looked at me, and seeing my curious face, he began laughing for a moment before he finally answered my question.

"Hahaha, no I didn't swallow any treasures. Ever since my meridians were crippled by my bastard of a stepbrother, my mother was feeding me multiple herbs and pills that have a lot of Spirit Essence in them for the past few years, and since I couldn't absorb the Spirit Essence within those herbs and pills, it just stockpiled in my body all this time. Now that I can finally cultivate, it all got absorbed and I managed to raise my cultivation to what it is currently at."

Oh, no wonder Master suddenly rose in cultivation like that. He has a god mother, huh. Still, for her to be able to feed Master pills and herbs constantly, she must come from a good family, and I am guessing from his tone that his father doesn't like him much, which is probably due to him being crippled by his stepbrother with poison.

"Anyways, I need to go back home now. It has already been 6 days since I left, and mother is probably worried about me."

"Yea, she is probably worried about you. I can see everything you do, but I can't leave the Imperial Cleansing Pearl and bring my Spirit Body into the real world until you are at Spirit Lord, so please be careful and don't endanger yourself. Make sure to breakthrough to Spirit Lord fast."

"Right, it would be dangerous if I am not able to bring you out to assist me if I am going to die to someone stronger than me. Thankfully I know of a place where there are a bunch of treasures that can help raise cultivation quickly, not to mention the treasures inside the Demon Sun Sage's storage ring as well."

Master leaves the Imperial Cleansing Pearl with a flash of white light and appears back in the broken down tomb where he found me in, and he instantly jumps back out of the hole he made to get inside, and since he has cultivation now, it is much easier for him to do so.

'I wonder how Master got out of that hole in his last life without cultivation. Did he use another path or did he have a rope or something?'

I was curious but it didn't matter since Master is already out of the tomb. I instantly noticed that the once blessed like forest where I appeared for the first time has become destroyed completely, leaving a few broken stone monuments and wilted trees.

I was extremely surprised, as this doesn't look like what an earthquake would do. It is probably like this do to that tomb appearing, that is my only guess as to why the once amazing forest is all wilted down like this.

I watched as Master ran from strong beasts while killing a few weak beasts and storing their cores and bodies into the storage ring he picked up in the tomb. The journey back to his home was surprisingly short as he got back home in under a day, and that is with a few rests in between.

When he got back, we could both instantly see multiple buildings burning, and there are a few dozen dead bodies all around on the ground, some maids, butlers and even some of the family members of Master, which I am guessing from the way they are clothed.

Master paled at the sight and ignored all of the bodies around and quickly ran to one of the burning houses and doesn't hesitate to jump inside, crashing through the door. Luckily Master didn't get set on fire, and I don't tell him to stop because I know that Master is searching for his mother from his shouts.

He finally opened a hidden door on the floor and walked down the stairs that appeared underneath it, entering some kind of cellar underneath the house. There are a bunch of herbs and pills down here, but most of them are just around grade 2 or 3, which isn't good but is good enough for a small clan like this.

A middle aged woman is laying against a wall at the end of the cellar, holding a sword in her hand while bleeding from her arms and stomach, with multiple sword wounds all over her body. Master instantly runs over to her and holds her, letting out a breath of relief when he found she was still breathing.

Master grabbed some of the pills from the shelves in the cellar and continued to feed them to his mother, but nothing was helping and she wasn't healing at all. Master was panicking and I noticed that Master's mother was actually poisoned!

"Master, bring your mother into the Imperial Cleansing Pearl! She is poisoned heavily so no pill you use would be able to heal her!"

I shout loudly and Master managed to hear me because we were connected through our Souls, so I was able to communicate with Master through our Soul connection. He doesn't hesitate and upon hearing my voice, he instantly appears inside the Imperial Cleansing Pearl with his mother.

He ignores me and sits down with his mother in front of him, holding her stomach with his left hand as a white light covers her body. I noticed that the Imperial Cleansing Pearl instantly activated upon them entering and began cleansing the poison inside her body.

After an hour, the white light stopped shining and Master instantly fed multiple pills to his mother, and her injuries finally began healing up, much to Master's relief as he sat down heavily, staring at his mother with worry and hate in his eyes.

"Master, it will be fine. The Imperial Cleansing Pearl is the strongest God grade artifact in the world, and her poison is completely gone. We just need to wait for her to regain consciousness with the pills you fed her."

I hug Master from behind and try to have him release his worries, as seeing him like this makes my heart hurt for some odd reason that I can't understand. Master eventually calms down and I stop hugging him, sitting down beside him and watching his mother.


I hear Master whisper a thanks, and a small found it's way onto my face, and Master seemed to be slightly embarrassed as I looked at him, and I notice a small blush appeared on his face, much to my surprise and amusement.


We both hear a groan and instantly turn back to Master's mother, and we notice that her eyelids are twitching, meaning she is about to wake up. Master hurriedly kneels in front of her with worry in his eyes, holding her hand.

I stand up and stand a bit behind Master, not wanting to interfere with their reunion in the slightest. Her eyes finally open and she seems to be in a daze, and Master tightens his hold on her hand, snapping her out of her daze and she looked at him.

"Mo Fan.... Is that you?"

'Huh, Master's name is Mo Fan. I just realized that I completely forgot to ask Master his name. Well, at least I know it now.'

"Yes mother, it is me! What happened? Why was the clan burned down and slaughtered like that!"

Master had red eyes as he looked at his mother, asking her what happened. Master's mother seemed to recall something as she started tearing up, seemingly about to cry. Master, seeing this, stopped asking her and hurriedly wiped the forming tears away from his mothers eyes.

"It was horrible... Mo Zhu, your stepbrother, actually betrayed the clan! He brought the Wei clan with him and slaughtered everybody in the clan! Even your father wasn't spared, his own father! Luckily you weren't at the clan at the time, or else you would of died too..."

Master's mother explained what happened and when she got to the end she started crying again, thankful that Master wasn't at the clan or else he would of probably died along with all the others. According to her words, only Master, Master's mother and that traitor Mo Zhu are alive among the clan.

Mo Zhu and the Wei clan killed every single person in the clan, and all of the maids and butlers as well. I also noticed that some of the maids had their clothes torn when Master ran past them, probably having been raped by those bastards.

"Mo Fan, who is this girl behind you? Care to introduce me?"

Master's mother finally noticed me and asked him to introduce me with a mischievous light in her eyes, calling me a girl, much to my annoyance. Master started smiling at his mothers antics as he introduced me.

"Mother, this is my Spirit Sword, Yu Yan. I do not know the other two names that Yu Yan has yet. Also, Yu Yan is not a girl, Yu Yan is genderless. As for me, I just address Yu Yan as a he as it is easier to speak that way."

"What a pity, I thought you finally got a wife for yourself! What is a Spirit Sword, though?"

Master's mouth twitched when she brought up getting a wife, and I secretly laughed at that. Master explained to his mother the exact words I told him when he first found me, about how I can appear in the real world to protect him when he reaches Spirit Lord and so on.

Hearing that I can protect her son as long as he reaches Spirit Lord, she was astonished and looked at me with gratitude, which made me slightly embarrassed. Then, she remembered something and looked at Master in shock.

"Mo Fan, you... How do you have Spirit Energy in your body! Not to mention that you are actually at Spirit Disciple Stage 8?! Weren't you meridians crippled years ago?"

"Mother, the place we are in is called the Imperial Cleansing Pearl. It is a strong treasure from the upper realm and it can cleanse any poison in the world, which is how I cleared the poison inside of your body. It also has another function, which is clearing muddle meridians and repairing crippled meridians."

Master begins explaining all of the uses of the Imperial Cleansing Pearl to his mother, and i don't interrupt them. Master told his mother that he found the pearl when he found me, which I didn't call him out on his lie as it is smart for him to say a lie like that rather than him going back in time.

Hearing how her son can finally cultivate again, her eyes started tearing up as she cried with a smile on her face, extremely happy for her son to be able to cultivate again. After talking with each other for a few more hours, Master's mother fell asleep on his lap as she was exhausted from all of the events that happened today.

Master was worried about his mother sleeping on the ground like this, and he focused on something, and I was shocked when a house appeared with a white flash of light. Master chuckled at my wide open mouth, carrying his mother with him into the house he made appear.

I snapped out of my shock and followed behind Master into the house. He opened one of the rooms and put his mother onto one of the beds in the house, closing the door behind him to his mothers room afterwards.

"Well, I am also going to go and sleep now, as I am tired from everything that happened today as well. I don't know if you sleep or not, but if you do, you can sleep in one of the other rooms as well."

Master spoke to me and entered the room beside him mothers and I could tell that Master fell asleep after a few minutes of entering. Feeling abandoned, I entered one of the other rooms and lay down on the bed inside it, falling asleep as I don't want to stay up all night alone.