
I watch as the well built man stalks closer and find myself swallowing hard. If I said I didn't find him scary.. It'd be a lie.. the man was terrifying but I act as if it doesn't bother me. He was the monster in the dark you never wanted to actually meet or see.. it usually led to an early death.

But while I was drunk.. sigh.. I hung all over this man, kissing him and touching him as I please. The fact that I'm still alive was a miracle in itself. "I would have to agree.. Only I feel that If I let you go you may disappear for another two years." he says in a deep voice that has my insides melting.

"How about this.. I will watch over your bike and take it home with me. When you're ready to have this talk you can come get it.. how does that sound?" He stops a few feet from me and his entire frame over takes mine. Just another example of why I'm at a disadvantage. He knew me well already...

"To your place huh?" I ask as Chip brings up a call log. He had called me a cab and it was almost here. If I could kiss Chip, I would. "Just as you said.. this isn't the place or time to have this type of conversation so what better place than my own home... or should we go to yours?"

"NO! I mean no.. your place is great... I'm just a little bit busy tonight so we will have to pick this back up later.." I take a few steps back as Chip shows me a service door leading straight out to the street where my cab was now waiting.

He tilts his head a bit and a dark strand of hair falls forward in the process. Damn the man was hot... "You have no where to run to Kitten.. I think we should have this conversation tonight. You have a lot to explain.." I give him my best smile as I turn and run for the door.

I know he can easily outrun me but I had the element of surprise and he really didn't know about the service door. I hit the door as Chip unlocks it and I turn to see him stare at me with shock. I give him a wink and say "Take care of her until I come and get her!" I shut the door and Chip locks it leaving Alec in the garage with his men who were just now showing up.

I jump in the taxi and have him bring me to a popular club called Lux. Chip continued to block cameras along the way and I paid cash. I went to the back of the club and once again had chip unlock the door. I was hit by a wave of warm air and loud music but it was exactly what I needed.

I found the back room and slipped in. I pulled out a stashed black bag holding a change of clothes and quickly undressed. Once I was club ready I hid the bag once more and made my way out to the club. The music was loud and the lights were bright making everything perfect. I walk up to the bar and order a shot.

I knock it back and cringe a bit. Always bitter and it always burns.. well until your actually drunk.. then you don't taste or feel anything. I think back to Alec and wonder why he's looking for me.. I didn't do anything to him... I didn't take anything from him.. why is he looking for me?

I order another shot and knock it back, slamming the glass back on the bar. The bass kicks in and everyone on the dance floor goes crazy. My mind slips back to the time I did and the people I met. Most of them are still in and some have no chance at getting out.

I order a few more shots as I watch the people in the club and when it hits midnight I pay my tab and leave a large tip. Serving my time in prison.. it causes a disconnect when it comes to others. I have a hard time trusting others so that's why I created Chip.

Yes, he can hack just about anything but he's also my friend. My one and only friend... "Let's go home Chip.." I say as He says "I have a cab waiting for you." I smile as I make my way out, thinking about my Koi waiting for me back at home.