
"Look, I don't know how you keep finding me but it needs to stop and if you know why I'm here then you'll know that I need to leave... now," I say and watch his smile slowly grow. He pushes off the bike and takes a few steps away while putting his hand out to it.

I slide my leg over and crank her up, tearing out of the ally and blending into the traffic as I watch multiple police vehicles race passed me. Chip easily changes the lights allowing us to get home in no time. Only when we pull up... I see a familiar face.

He was casually leaning up against the house waiting for me... I slow the bike down and Chip opens the garage. I park the bike outside and quickly slip off the bike. I turn to Alec and his amused smile doesn't go unnoticed.

"Okay, this is gonna have to stop," I say with irritation and his eyes dark eyes light up with amusement. "Oh, but this has only just begun." He says in a low voice moving closer to me. I take a step back before I realize it and force myself to stand my ground.

"I don't care who you are or what you are okay? I'm obviously not going to say anything so you have nothing to worry about." I say pulling my black mask off. His dark eyes follow the action. "I don't care that you don't care... but it would be best if you did start caring." He says moving closer.

I fight against the desire to run inside and hide. "And why is that?" I ask in a soft voice. If anyone were to see us right now they'd think that we were a couple whispering sweet nothings to each other. He dark eyes search my face but stop at my lips and I try best to fight against the way his closeness did funny things to my insides.

"Because you now belong to me Kitten... you disappeared nearly two years ago leaving me nothing but a cold bed..." He reaches up and gently pushes my hoodie back and for reasons I can't explain, I let him. I just stand there... completely losing myself in his dark eyes.

He reaches for my ponytail and pulls at it, releasing it and I watch his other hand come up as he buries both hands in my hair. "You awoke something in me and I've been searching for you ever since. This time though... I'm not letting go... not this time." His hands tighten at the base in my hair as he pulls me to him, taking me completely off guard.

His lips crash into mine and my mind goes completely blank. He pushes harder wanting entrance and I open my mouth as I close my eyes. Screw it... he's a good kisser and it's been a long time. He rumbles in approval and deepens the kiss, taking my breath away.

He spins us and my back is suddenly against the wall but he never once breaks the kiss. His large hands begin slipping under my shirt and when his hands touch my bare skin I suck in at the shock that follows. He takes advantage of my shock and deepens the kiss.

I'm drowning in him... and his touch. "Are you insane!? Didn't you say he was dangerous??" Chip says in my ear splashing cold water all over me. I freeze and push against him, he stops but doesn't move. His breathing is erratic like mine and I can feel his heartbeat through his black shirt as my hands rest on his very built chest.

"What?" He asks in a low voice and I cringe at how bad I want to keep kissing him. "I don't know you... and I'm not interested in relationships right now..." I say in a weak voice and even to me it sounded like a lame excuse but that's the only thing my poor brain can come up with at the moment with him being so close.