Late Night

After showering and getting dressed I checked over the information that Chip continued to gather as I showered. I was pleased to see how high tech they were... it makes things so much easier. My dark smile grows as my eyes scan over the information.

"Chip, are you ready?" I ask as I look over the floor plan and the entire basement. "I'm ready when you are but... you're human Maya... I don't get tired but you do... are you sure about this?" Chip says with worry and I find myself smiling.

He really was growing by leaps and bounds... "Yes, I'm okay Chip. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing what they plan on doing tonight. I want to tear them to pieces... Understand?" Chip beeps in my ear letting me know he's connected to the earring.

"Pieces... yes, I will make sure to leave them in very tiny pieces.. so tiny that you won't be able to find them," Chip says and I feel myself smiling from ear to ear. Definitely growing and definitely taking after me. That or I was influencing his development... either way he was progressing in the right direction.

I slip on a new, clean leather jacket and make my way out. I grab the beast and smirk when I find her still warm. "Sorry girl... we're gonna be busy tonight." I slip onto the bike and back her out. Once I was out, Chip closes the large garage door and I crank her up.

I tear down the street while blending into the night. Chip brings a map up on the contacts and I easily find my way to the abandoned building... only it wasn't abandoned. They just made it look that way. I flip a switch as we get closer and it kills all the lights on the beast, she became as quiet as a mouse.

The contacts easily switch into night vision mode allowing me to see everything clearly. As we grew closer Chip says "They've placed multiple sensors around the grounds. Give me two seconds and you'll be clear." I smile and slow the beast to a crawl.

"All clear. As soon as you get closer, go to the northeastern side of the building... I will unlock the side door for you. Once inside you will have two doors to your left and one to your right... ignore them all and push against the wall straight ahead." My eyes flash in surprise.

They were really going all out... "If not for all the cameras I wouldn't know that an entire building existed under this one..." Chip says and I frown. "What do you mean?" I ask as I park the beast behind some empty dumpsters and start walking to the side door.

"They've wrapped the entire underground part in metal or something I can't see through. I can't see any heat signatures or anything." I let out a low whistle and think again about how these people went all out... It was absolutely infuriating.

As I step up to the door I hear it click open and I enter without pausing. I quickly step in and just as Chip had said, I ignore the doors and press against the wall. It lets out a hiss and slides back revealing a long dark stairwell.

I make my way down in darkness not wanting to alert others of my presence "Wait!" Chip says and I freeze. "They have extra security... I'm surprised.." Chip says and I find myself frowning. "What do you mean?" I ask in a soft whisper and he says "They don't have people guarding this door... It's an alarm system but it's quite complex. I'm confused as to where they got something like this.. Give me a minute." Chip says in annoyance and I find myself smiling once again.

I wait while Chip does his magic and in less than a minute the door makes a beeping noise and opens. "Quick, Someone will be making their rounds in twenty-five seconds... you have twenty seconds to make it to the next room."

I waste no time and slip through the door while making sure it shuts quietly. It beeps again locking back in place. "Left... the door on the right, "Chip says as I walk silently to the left and when I find the door I slip in quietly. I listen to my own soft breathing as I wait.

I look around the room while I wait and notice it's completely empty. I frown but think nothing more of it... I hear footsteps growing closer and then fading away. I turn around and open the door again. "You need to go back the way you just came. There's an elevator at the end and it takes you further down... I can't see everything down there Maya.. be careful." I give him a small grin and "Hmmm" In agreement.