Did I forget Something?

As we pull into the garage back home the sun was making its way over the horizon bathing everything in a warm glow. Chip closes the door and we make our way upstairs. Once the doors open, the lights come to life and I don't stop until I'm back in the shower.

The powerful shower comes to life and I watch the bloody water find it's way to the drain. I take a deep breath and lean against the wall, closing my tired eyes. Images of my Grandfather's face suddenly appear causing my eyes to snap open.

I knew what was coming... every time I saw my Grandfather's smiling face it was quickly replaced with the last image I have of him... dead and covered in blood. Nights like these were always the worst. I lift my face, allowing the hot water to wash away the blood mixed with my tears.

I missed him so much it hurt... nothing I do helps... nothing. I sigh and turn off the water. I quickly get dressed in loose clothes and head to the computers. I watch as the screens come to life and say "Chip... I want you to save the video from earlier. When I wake up later I will edit it and then send it. It should make it the same time the packages do."

Chip beeps as my tired eyes wander to the huge fish tank. I push myself up and make my way over. Jellybean and Niko come over to say hi as I lift my hand and place it against the large tank. They've gotten so big... I watch as the large Koi glide through the water like gentle giants. I feel myself relaxing "Lights, twenty percent."

The lights dim and I feel myself grow extremely tired. "Chip, please feed the water pigs... I'm gonna go lay down. Don't wake me unless there's an emergency." Chip beeps and I hear the automatic feeder kick on. They become excited at the sight of food and completely forget me. I smile and make my way to bed.

I push the door open and fall into the large bed falling fast asleep. When I do wake up I'm confused to what time it is and how long I've been asleep. I pull the covers off and sit up, stretching my neck from side to side. I felt stiff... "Chip... what time is it?" Chip beeps and says "It's four thirty-four in the afternoon."

I push off the bed and make my way into the kitchen. Chip opens the windows and I'm greeted by the late afternoon sun... again everything is bathed in the sun's warmth. I grab a bottle of water and look out the windows overlooking the city.

I walk over to the window allowing the warm sun to completely cover me and for just a moment I feel like everything is right in the world but I feel myself frown. Had I forgotten something? My frown grows as the feeling grows... what did I forget? I open my eyes and look to the computers, trying to remember...

"Chip... have I forgotten anything?" I ask walking over to the computers. Chip beeps and says "No, you haven't forgotten anything." I scratch my head and feel myself growing more confused... No... I feel like I really have forgotten something...

Suddenly an image comes to mind and I feel myself cringe. "Oh Kitten... I'll come back tomorrow at three. We will talk then." Shit... "Chip! Has anyone come by today? Especially around three?" I look at the clock and see that it's almost five. "No... no one has approached the house today." Chip says as he pulls up the footage of the outside.

I roll my stiff shoulders and ponder on why he didn't show up... was he busy or did he just forget? If so... then it's great but if he's... never mind. Chip would have noticed... I would have noticed... I feel myself growing uneasy and bite my lip, pondering.

"Chip! The man from the hospital... did he survive?" I suddenly ask as I hack back into the local police station and open the case file. "Well... he did but then didn't," Chip says and I find myself frowning again. Did, then didn't? I open the file and feel myself freeze.