
I look at the tattoo on his shoulder and before I realize it I'm leaning in closer to get a better look. I feel like I've seen this before... something when I was younger. I frown as I try to remember but when I look back to him and see how close we are I push away.

I stumble backward and stand straight. I look at his confused look and I clear my throat. "Sorry I thought I saw something." I quickly walk over to the kitchen and pull out two water bottles. I turn to throw one to him but he was right behind me. I nearly drop the bottle but he catches it with ease and opens it.

He then gives it to me before he takes the other water bottle. He opens and drinks it as he walks over to the large windows. What the hell... I sigh and remove the cap before downing half the bottle. He drank some water as he tries his best to see out the window.

I sigh again and walk over to the window. I place my finger on the glass in front of him and drag my finger down. As my finger goes down the windows clear up and were greeted with the view of the city and lightning crawling across the sky. I give him a pointed look and move down to the other large window.

He nods and takes another drink before looking back at the view. "It looks like a bunch of stars have fallen..." I say looking at all the lights in the city. He looks out the window for a minute before he turns to look at me. After a few moments, he asks "What did it remind you of?"

I frown at his question... I look at him and find him watching me. "I never said it reminded me of anything," I say in a soft voice but he says "But it did... what did it remind you of?" My frown grows as I say "It does... I feel like I may have seen it when I was younger but that was so long ago I don't really remember. Has anyone ever told you that you're weird?"

His intense look disappears and he snorts "YOU'RE calling me weird? This coming from you is a little..." I take another drink of my water as I say "Takes one to know one..." in a soft voice and I'm rewarded with his low chuckle. I grin as I take another drink.

If you would have told me I would be here talking to him like this I would have laughed in your face but here we are... I frown as I look at the city getting lost in my thoughts. It's true though... I've seen those markings before when I was younger. Where though... "The man in the black sedan has stopped Maya," Chip says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Where?" I ask walking to the computers. "Downtown redlight district. I can show you an exact location on the computer." I sit down and watch as all the computers come to life. I zoom in on the map and watch the city come to life on the screen. "He's leaving the car and walking on foot." Chip says and I quickly say "Don't lose him."

Chip beeps as I run his face in the computer. It only takes a few moments before I have an ID and jump when I realize Alec leaning over me from behind watching everything. He sneers when he sees the man and says "I know who the rat is." He looks to me and his face softens.

"We will have to do date night over... next time I'll make sure we aren't shot at," he says and I go to argue but he suddenly leans down placing a small kiss on my head before he literally disappears. DISAPPEARS! I jump back as I watch the embers slowly fall and dissipate.

Not normal, Not normal! How could I possibly forget!? I stand on shaky legs thinking back to the other times with my hand on my head. I had always thought that it may have been a trick or something... anything to make sense but watching him disappear in front of me like that confirms my worst thoughts.

I finally snap out of it when I hear Chip saying that the man has disappeared. I quickly realize I still have my hand on my head where he kissed me and remove it clearing my throat. "If I had to make a guess I'd say that Alec has the man..." Chip beeps and says "So I should just stop then?" I nod and say "It's his business."

Chip beeps and I'm taken back by how much has happened tonight... I look back to Chip and frown. "Chip... why did you make yourself known without my approval?" Chip quickly answers "Because I didn't like how he didn't listen to you and how he was making it seem like you were alone. I'm here!" My frown quickly fades and is replaced by a small smile. Chip was changing... growing.