
I drive the beast past the city and further out until I'm in a familiar neighborhood. I slowly creep down the quiet street until I come up to the large older home, fully aware that it's only four something in the morning.

I pull the beast into the driveway and kill the motor. I slowly get off the bike and look at the imposing house. I sigh and walk up the steps but find myself faltering. The last time I walked up these steps I was being pushed from behind.

I grit my teeth and pull out the keys. Because the house was paid off and part of the family, the house sat for nearly ten years. Once I got out and had the money I had a professional cleaning company come in and clean everything but was careful not to move anything.

I wanted everything to stay the same... Even if I hadn't. I push the key in and turn it as I push the large door open. I freeze and take a deep breath... I can do this. I take another deep breath and step into the dark house. When I reach out and feel the familiar switch I give a small, sad smile.

I flip the switch and watch as the house comes to life. I shut the door behind me and quickly walk past the spot everything took place. I walk into the living room and down the hall trying not to think of all the memories that were made here.

Once I make it to Gramp's study I freeze, uncertainty chewing at my insides. Can I really do this? I close my eyes and take another deep breath before pushing the door open and walking in but I'm greeted by nothing. I feel my heart shake and wonder what would be worse...

Walking in here and smelling the coffee in the air while being greeted by a warm light? Or walking in here and being greeted by darkness and cold air... I think they both suck in their own way. I reach out and flip the light on. The office looked exactly like it did before and I take a shaky breath.

The people I use to clean this house do a good job... I swallow and try to stay focused. I walk over to the old bookcase, looking for the old book with the markings. After going through the first two shelves I take another deep breath and try my best to stop my hands from shaking.

"If you step back I can scan all the books and find the one you're looking for," Chip says in my ear and I pause. I decided it was probably the fastest and most efficient way so I step all the way back and allow Chip to scan the multiple bookshelves.

"There... Third shelf, sixth one down to the right." Chip says and I quickly find it. With a smile, I say "Good job Chip." He beeps as I reach for the book but find that I'm slightly too short. I frown and look for a chair but find nothing but his old computer chair but I couldn't bring myself to stand on it.

I think about finding the step stool but frown at the thought. That would require me to walk through the whole house... to the kitchen. I shake my head and look back to the book. It wasn't that high. I reach for it again and stand on my tip toes, stretching as far as I can. I smile a little when my fingers brush against the bottom of the book but my heart nearly stops when a larger hand reaches up over me grabbing the book from behind me with ease.

I freeze for only a moment before I bring my arm down with my elbow going for the man behind me but he blocks it with a small laugh and steps back. I spin around with a frown, recognizing the voice and I see Alec standing in the study with his eyes locked on the book.

"This..." He says but I quickly cut him off "What the hell are you doing here? Did you follow me here!?" I ask seeing red but when Alec looks up he seems confused as he begins looking around before looking back to me. "I didn't follow you Maya, I just wanted to see you and I was brought here... I'm guessing I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be."

He looks me in the eyes and I can see he's telling the truth but somehow it still doesn't make it okay. He can tell I'm upset so he waits... I sigh and say "I have no idea how you just appear and disappear whenever you want but I want you to leave here the same way you came... Okay?" I say with a tight voice and even though he frowns he nods his head in agreement.