
Chip beeps and says "Sorry Maya, I don't know why I said that..." I smile and slip onto the beast, crank her up and pull out of the driveway. "Don't ever apologize for asking questions Chip and don't ever apologize for being you. I love seeing you grow."

Chip beeps again "Thanks, Maya... I'm really glad you're my creator." I smile and say "I'm glad Chip, you're my best friend and my only family... never forget that." My smile grows as he changes the lights allowing me to make it back again in record time.

I pull up to the house to find Alec leaning against the house reading the book looking completely normal... I sigh and pull the bike into the garage Chip opened. Alec walks in like it's his place, I frown but ignore it.

"I feel like I have to remind you... that book belongs to me," I say as Chip closes the garage. Alec arches a dark eyebrow at my comment and says "Technically, the book belongs to me... but we can talk about it more inside." I pause with my hand in the air over the wall.

His book? I look back to him to find him giving me a gentle smile. I frown and place my hand on the wall, opening it for us. Once inside and on the fifth floor he places the book on the table and sits down, waiting. "Are you thirsty?" I ask as I walk to the refrigerator.

"Whatever is fine." He says leaning back, watching me. I grab to glasses and fill them with orange juice before walking over. I place the drinks down and take off my jacket, getting comfortable for whatever was about to come.

"Thanks." He says and takes a small sip before looking back to me... waiting. I sigh and take a large drink before saying "Okay, let's hear it..." He starts smiling as he says "Why does it feel like I'm about to give you devastating news... I'm sorry to tell you but you're very healthy."

I smile but don't say anything as I wait. He sighs before saying "These markings are something that has been passed down for generations in my family. We are cursed and we have been looking for a way to break the curse... I'm hoping that with this book I can find more clues... maybe even a way to break the curse."

I find myself frowning as I take in what he says... "Wait... you say cursed... What does that actually mean?" He watches me with dark eyes and I find myself feeling uncomfortable. "It means that we are cursed to share a life with a very dark and powerful creature. On one hand, the creature aids in the ability to fight, shift and even extend a life span but at the same time, it constantly fights for control. And if I fail to keep it in check... it can easily take over and once that happens... I may never have the ability to come back."

We stare at each other with just the sound of the fish tank in the background breaking the silence. My mind is struggling to process everything but it suddenly starts making sense in a weird twisted way. It would explain the eyes... Those very eyes are looking at me and if I'm not mistaken, they hold fear.

I pick up the juice and take another drink as I try to wrap my head around everything. I put the juice down and look back to his dark eye as I say "Well that kind of sucks... I will do my best to find everything I can."

He looks at me with shock before he starts laughing. I smirk as Chip says "I will also do my best to find out more." Alec stops laughing but never loses his smile as he looks at the book on the table. "Most people laugh or run away in fear, saying that I'm possessed by a demon..."

I stand up and walk to the sink "Demon or not, you are you, not a demon or curse. I fight monsters in my free time so I know what they look like but you are no monster. That I'm sure of." I turn to find him watching me with an unreadable look.

Well... at least I didn't think he's a monster. I hear an alert pop up on the computers which has me forgetting everything else as I race over. "What's wrong Chip?" I ask sitting on the large computer chair. "Someone has just tried entering our computer. I blocked the intruder and I'm now tracing them."

I bring up multiple screens as Chip and I work together to trace the bastard who tried taking a peep at us. No one, I mean no one has ever been able to even come close... this was unnerving.