High Speed Chase Part Two

When I see the small unnoticeable ramp my hope soars. I accelerate again making the other black cars think I'm going straight. At the last moment, I slam on the breaks, dropping it into another gear and flooring it.

Tires scream as I drift onto the small ramp nearly missing it and getting rear-ended but the wet roads help. I continue accelerating and cringe when I hit the plastic arm, meant to keep others from passing. My poor car... these bastards are so going to pay...

I quickly pick up speed as I make my way on the interstate but when I look back I see the five black cars quickly catching up. "Sigh... they're persistent I'll give them that." I accelerate again and tell Chip to find an empty place to take care of these bastards.

I bite my lip when I see the traffic growing heavier. I weave in and out of traffic as I try my best to keep the lead I gained earlier. I open the center console again but this time I take the gun out, loading it as I make my way further and further from the City.

Suddenly I feel the pressure in the car change as the familiar sight of burning embers catch my eye. I look over in shock to see Alec looking at me in confusion. "What the hell!?" I say and nearly run into another car. "What's going on? Why do you have a gun... and why are you nearly going a hundred miles per hour!?" Alec demands as he begins looking around.

"We really need to exchange numbers or something... this popping in and out thing is really not working... I'm kinda busy at the moment." I say and slam on the breaks when I see one of the men about to shoot Alec. The man looked confused to see him for a moment before he just decided to shoot first and ask questions later.

"Busy? This is called busy?" Alec asks and scoffs. I kick it back in gear and accelerate again. My car roars in response as I quickly regain my speed. Alec turns and looks at the cars zipping in and out of the lanes, hot on my ass.

"Something like that... I just wanted groceries!" I grit my teeth when I'm forced to take the shoulder and nearly lose control. "Let me get this straight... you were going to the store when these guys started chasing you?" Alec asks as he takes in the different cars.

"Correct..." I say whipping back into the lanes as Chip says "Maya, I've found an empty place you can use to eliminate them but judging by the distance and the amount of gas in the car... you won't make it."

I laugh but once again it lacks humor... just great. I begin racing through other possibilities when Alec asks "So you don't know who they are or why they're chasing you?" I frown and quickly look over snapping as I say "I'm sorry would you like me to stop and introduce myself? Then ask them why they're trying to kill me?"

Alec looks back giving me a large grin before saying "I was just checking Kitten. I'll take care of them." Before I can even ask what he means, he's gone. When I look up and see the car next to me, my eyes nearly pop out of my head when Alex reappears on the hood of the black car.

He slams his fist through the glass and grabs the man driving the car. The car suddenly loses speed and swerves out of control as Alec rips the man out of the car and throws him like a rag doll. The other man on the passenger side frantically tries to steer the car as it quickly loses control.

My jaw hits the floor as I try to process what I just witnessed. Did he just go hulk on them? Alec quickly disappears and reappears on the hood of the other car but to my horror they are quick to shoot at him, seeing what he had just done to the others.

Alec disappears again but when I don't see him, I begin to panic... was he hurt? Did he get shot? But before I can think of anything else I see the car swerving violently before both guys are shoved through the windshield. Ah.. so he was in the car with them...

"What the hell is going on up there? Does anyone have eyes on them?" The police on the radio momentarily distracts me and I lose sight of Alec. "Chip, can you see what's going on?" I ask but when I see the other cars picking up speed I have no choice but to do the same.

"Yes, from the traffic cameras I'm able to roughly see him. I took over the cameras so the police can't see what's happening. Also, he's okay... more than okay actually. He looks like he's enjoying himself." Chip says as I narrowly miss a little car with a picture of grumpy cat on the back of it.

Enjoying himself? I look back just in time to see another car lose control taking out the another as they crash and block the highway. The last car comes to a screeching halt and quickly puts it in reverse when they see Alec making his way to them.