
Maybe both... But looking at Alec now I didn't really feel like he's someone out to kill or hurt me. He seems to be looking for answers just like I was. "It looks like we may be looking for the same people..." I say testing the waters.

He looks back to me and I meet his dark eyes. He's holding back... why? I lean over, coming closer to him as I give him a questioning look. His dark eyes take me in as I move but he himself doesn't move, allowing me to come closer.

"Why do I get the feeling you're hiding something from me?" I ask in a low voice causing a dark smile to break out across his perfect face. "I'm hiding a lot of things Kitten. Which one are you referring to?" I squint my eyes and cock my head to the side.

Did he always default to humor when avoiding things? "If you aren't going to be serious then forget it," I say as I pull away only to find myself being pulled and thrown against the couch. I look up to find his dark eyes dancing with desire as he says "Oh Kitten, you can't handle me when serious."

I swallow hard and blink several times trying to allow my poor brain to catch up to what just happened. I try to push him back only to find that he has no intention of moving. "Enough, get off," I say with a growl. His smile grows darker as he leans in closer.

"You tell me to be serious but here I am doing just that and you say 'enough'? Tell me Kitten... what is it you really want?" His voice was bearly above a whisper as he leans in closer causing my insides to heat up and turn to jelly.

What do I want? I look to his lips and instantly regret it when his smile grows, even more, when he catches it. He arches a dark eyebrow in question and I roll my eyes "Get off!" I say pushing him again but freeze when I hear his dark chuckle.

No man should be this damn attractive... it should be illegal! He leans in closer covering my entire body with his as he slowly reaches to my face. His long fingers leave a hot trail against my jaw but when he rubs his thumb across my lower lip I nearly lose it.

I feel myself losing control as I get lost in his black eyes. He leans in closer and I watch in a trance as his dark hair falls forward over his eyes. He leans in so close I can feel his breath against my lips and before I realize it, I'm closing my eyes and meeting his tempting lips.

He only hesitates a moment before he returns the kiss and I feel my insides ignite. His body becomes heavier as he leans on me further. I reach up and wrap my hands around his very built arms pinning me on the couch.

My head feels like it's spinning as he deepens the kiss and I open my mouth allowing him an entrance to what he demands. He growls in approval and he pushes his body against mine, causing waves of desire to wash over me.

His large hand slowly moves across my throat and to my jaw. He gently grabs my jaw and breaks the kiss as he turns my head. I take a deep breath trying to clear my head but before I have the chance his lips begin making their way down my jaw and neck.

I squeeze my eyes shut and fight against the feelings this man had the ability to pull out... he's sinful! Get it together!!! I push as hard as I can and because I caught him off guard he tumbles off the couch and snarls. Snarls!!

My breathing was fast like I had just run a marathon but I don't waste any time in tumbling off the back of the couch and landing in an ungraceful heap. He quickly stands up and tries to help me but I quickly put my hand up in the universal "stop" gesture as I stand on shaky legs.

I look over to see him watching me with dark eyes and this time I realize I do see something in his eyes. That must be the creature he told me about... "That is NOT what I was talking about..." I glare at him and he has the nerve to return it with a smug smile... "I'm not amused," I say dryly to which he begins to laugh. Before I realize it I'm smiling... Shit.