The Past And Where It All Started

Alec frowns and quickly asks "Book? Demon heart? I just recently came across a book... Tell me Nero, your father was one of the originals... What did the demon heart look like?" Nero turns around to look at Alec with dread.

"It was placed in a black boxed... sealed. Why are you asking about that?" Nero asks taking a small step forward. Alec begins to piece things together and feels like he may just lose his mind... He looks back to Nero and says "The woman I told you about, the Charmer, Her Grandfather was the one who had the book and was killed when some men came and took a black box with the same markings we have... you don't think that it's the demon heart... right?"

Nero freezes in fear. "There was no other box made with our seals... quick! We need to go get the book and make sure they don't get their hands on it! The consequences are unspeakable!" Alec and Nero quickly shift to Alec's home only to find everything trashed.

Ace came running over with blood running down the side of his face "Alec! Someone came in here and tore everything to hell! We tried to stop him but he was too fast, too strong... it was like... you." Ace says with confusion as Alec quickly flashes to his office where he left the book.

Alec looks down at the broken lock and growls. This bastard! "Has he found the book?" Nero asks from the door. Alec clenches his teeth in anger as he says "Tell me, Nero, What does it mean if he has the book and demon heart?"

Nero stares at Alec as he says "He can bring an end to the world as we know it. If he unleashes the curse then it will spread like a disease. Mass chaos will break out... killing, destruction... everything will turn into a living hell." Alec tightens his fist and then suddenly panics. "Oh no..." Alec quickly flashes away.


I finish packing the last thing as I look around the very empty house. I had been here for years and I really enjoyed the view... it was kinda sad to say goodbye but I knew better than to stay. My gut had spoken! "Alright Chip, are you ready?" Chip turns away from the window and says "You bet! The new place will have more windows and even more wildlife! I'll be entertained for hours!"

I giggle at the thought then shake my head. He was an AI for crying out loud! He could keep himself entertained a million times more than a bird or squirrel ever could but I wasn't going to rain on his little cat parade. I turn around and run straight into a large chest.

I quickly step back and grab my nose as I look up to glare at Alec with watery eyes. My anger is quickly replaced by worry when I see the look on his face. Alec looks all around the house before quickly looking back to me "Has anyone come here while I was gone? Are you okay?"

I frown at him as I try to make sense of his worry but I say "No one has come here and I'm fine... What's going on? What's wrong?" He looks a bit relieved but still won't relax as he says "You can't stay here any longer. You need to come with me."

My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline as I say "I don't plan to stay here any longer as you can see but I won't be going with you. What's going on Alec?" Suddenly I feel the pressure change yet again as a man I've never seen before shows up behind Alec.

Alec turns to the man as I step back reaching for my gun. The man quickly puts his hands up and says "I'm with Alec and I mean no harm." I pause and look back to Alec in question. Alec sighs and says "This is Nero, he's an old friend and as you can see, he's like me. He's here to help."

I find myself frowning again but I leave the gun as I look between the two. "Can someone tell me what's going on?" I ask in irritation. Something told me I wasn't going to like the answer but not knowing wasn't an option. Something had clearly happened and it shook Alec up... Alec who could literally snap my ass in half if he wanted so what could possibly have him so shaken?