
Alec sighs and says "Have a seat... I will do my best to explain." I arch an eyebrow but shrug and sit. "As you know the demon heart is a key of some sort that allows beast from another world to come here by possessing humans. The stronger the beast the stronger the human has to be but I have noticed that the stronger ones are smarter. Much smarter."

"My guess is that this is the first wave... the strongest will probably be the first to make their way over as the smaller weaker ones will soon follow. If someone is calling the shots then the person is probably the hacker that started all this. If we can find him we can find the book and the demon heart. We find them, we can put a stop to this."

I nod and say "Alright, count me in. We can use this house as a home base for us. It has plenty of rooms and it's basically off the grid." Alec starts shaking his head as he says "My men and I do need a place away from the hot zones but you aren't coming."

I slowly look at him as I cock my head to the side "I listened to you when you told me to lay low and it nearly killed me. Maybe if you had let me come in the first place none of this would have happened!" Alec snorts and sarcastically says "Right because your puny human ass can do something against a beast like me?"

"Puny human ass... Hah... Look here you overgrown dog! I don't care if you crawled out of the pits of hell themselves but you can not tell me what I can and cannot do! You can either work with me or I'm going to go alone." I say standing from the couch.

Alec works his jaw and I do my best not to flinch when I see the beast shift in his dark eyes. "Don't push me, Kitten, I'll lock your pretty little ass up in a heartbeat. Don't give me any more reasons to feed my dark desires." I clench my fist in anger but before I can say anything several men clear their throats.

Nero steps closer putting his hands up as he says "I think Alec is just worried about you and your safety Maya. Also, you're a Charmer and as such we should be doing our best to keep you safe and out of harm's way." I look at him in disbelief as I ask "What the hell is a Charmer anyway!?"

Alec looks at Nero in anger before saying "That's not important right now. Right now we need to be ready for when the rain stops. Once it does we will go to the city and see what is left." I look at him with shock... was he ignoring me?

I look to Nero but he quickly averts his gaze. I look back to Alec as he walks over to his men. "Alec... I asked you a question. Don't make me asks you twice." He was hiding something from me and I didn't like it.

Alec turns to me and gives me a dry look before saying "Just because you ask a question doesn't mean I need to answer it." My jaw hits the floor before I start laughing. "Oh excuse me... you're absolutely right."

Alec stares at me in confusion as his men look back and forth, clearly uncomfortable. I wasn't going to say anything else to the idiot. If he wanted to pull this shit then two can play that game. He's hiding shit from me and trying to control what I do... I don't do well with control.

I give him a large smile before saying "Well you boys have fun without me. Chip, let's go I need to take a relaxing bath and wash off all the idiot." Trigger snorts in laughter before quickly covering up. I give Alec another smile before I turn and walk off with Chip following closely behind.