
I take careful steps down the empty street as I keep my eyes on any movement I see. I thought that the city was empty but the longer I walk the more I see. People are here but they're hiding... What in the world is going on?

My skin begins to crawl when I realize I have multiple eyes on me as I creep to the City Square but to my relief, no one comes out. Was that really a good thing? Maybe there was a reason no one was out here... I shake my thoughts and pick up my pace.

The last thing I needed to do was to freak myself out... plenty of people and things already do that. As I get closer to the city square I slow down and begin listening but when I don't hear anything my confusion grows. The homeless man had said everyone was going to City Square and yet I don't see or hear anyone.

Was he lying? No, he had no reason to lie... so where was everyone? I step closer and come to a stop by a Cafe that sat at the corner of the square. I hide behind the tall shrubs as I look around the square and sure enough it was empty. What in the world?

The feeling of being watched begins to grow as I turn to look behind me but when I don't see anyone I bite my lip. Something wasn't right... Only then did I realize how quiet everything was. Even when humans abandon an area you'd still hear birds, bugs and other animals but I heard nothing. Absolutely nothing.

The hair on the back of my neck begins to rise when I feel myself being watched again and for the first time I started questioning my choice in coming. Someone was watching me and it wasn't the people hiding in the buildings... No, this was something else.

I take one last quick glance at the square before spinning around and lifting my gun. Someone begins laughing but when I turn to look they're already gone. I grit my teeth and move towards my black beast. I thought I was sneaky enough but clearly, I was mistaken.

I had underestimated the enemy and I may end up paying for it with my life. "Chip..." I whisper and he quickly says "It's harder for me to see things right now Maya. The power is out so any and all cameras are down. I can only see and hear what you can."

Great... "Even if I were to tap into the satellites again it would take up a large amount of energy and it would be delayed," Chip says in a small pouty voice that has me grinning. "It's alright Chip. Just help me keep an eye out for things while we get out of here.." Chip beeps and I take off running.

I know it's a long shot but maybe if I get to my bike I may have a chance at getting away or if I can get to a more open area I would have a better chance at fighting. Something crashes behind me as it quickly follows and when I take a quick glance I curse.

It was a man and he was clearly not 'human'. He had been infected by the curse but he looked different from Alec and Nero... He looked crazy! I quickly turn down another street as I duck behind a building and run at full speed down the long dark ally.

Suddenly the building in front of me explodes as the beast comes flying through the wall. Through the wall!! I come to a screeching halt as my eyes grow larger in shock. I quickly glance at the hole it just made and look back to the beast in horror.

He just smashed through the wall like the Kool-aid man!! The beast cracks his neck and begins laughing. "Where are you going little mouse? I haven't had my fun yet..." I roll my neck and try to shake myself out of my shock. Alec was right... they are smart. But wait... aren't they just like Alec and Nero??

So they could just make their own doors whenever they wanted? My mind flashes back to our makeout sessions and I suddenly feel like an idiot. He really could have snapped me in half! I quickly put those thoughts on hold as I look back to the man stepping closer. "Pay attention, Maya!" Chip yells.