Making New Friends

Alec works his jaw as he fights against the beast pushing to be released. He wanted to grab her and lock her up in her room to keep her safe but he knows what kind of woman she is... It's one of the many things he fell in love with.

He loved that she was a take charge and fight for her rights kind of woman but at the moment it was driving him insane. Before he really didn't have to worry about other beast and the dangers they brought... but now? Now he was terrified for her safety.

He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens his eyes he finds her gray eyes searching his. "You can come with us from now on as long as you promise not to go out on your own. I just worry about your safety."

I look into his dark black eyes and see the honesty in them. I nod my head and say "That's all I ask for. I can't just sit around and stay "safe" we need to figure out how to put an end to this and the only way we can do that is by finding the hacker and the book."

Alec nods and helps me up off the couch. I walk over to Remi and say "I hope you can all get along. There is plenty of food and water for everyone. There are more than enough rooms as well okay? The more we have on our team the better, don't you think?" I ask looking at Alec.

Alec's dark eyes look between me and Remi before nodding and saying "Thank you for saving Maya. We could use all the help we can get." Remi nods his head and says "Not at all. I think it's something anyone would do."

"Were you cursed before or after everything went to hell?" Maya asked turning back to Remi. Remi gives her a small smile before saying "I was cursed before all this happened. It's been passed down through my family for generations." Maya nods and looks to the dark windows.

"It's getting late. Let's all get cleaned up and then meet up to talk about what everyone found." Everyone nods so I look to Chip and he quickly follows me to our room. Once I closed the door I look at Chip and say "I want you to keep an eye on the new guy okay? Let me know if he does anything."

Chip nods his little head and says "Already on it. I've been keeping an eye on them all so if I see anything I'll let you know. I nod in satisfaction and head to the shower. I decide not to look at all the nasty bruises and just get done as quickly as possible. I want to know what they've found.

I quickly make my way back to the kitchen where I find all the guys eating an talking. I grab a water and sit at the kitchen island. "What did you all find?" I ask taking a drink. Alec walks over and places a sandwich in front of me.

My stomach growls at the smell so I give him a smile before taking a bite. Alec sits next to me as he says "We found a lot of cursed people meeting up in the City Square and before they moved to the City Hall we were able to hear quite a bit."

Suddenly the power kicks back on causing the backup system to turn off. Alec points to the ceiling and says "This was one of the things they were discussing. They want to bring order back to the cities but each city will have a new leader."

"A new system is being put in place and the ones in charge of them are none other than the cursed ones..." Alec says taking another drink. I feel myself frown at his words... "So mass chaos breaks out and now they're taking advantage of it?" I ask looking at him.

He nods his head while saying "Think about it... the beast that just came over have made a contract with the humans they now live with. They will now be stronger and faster than the rest of the humans. They come from a world where power rules so they will want to 'rule' here."