What's To Come

I then look to Remi as he eats his sandwich "Do you know anything that may help or give us any clues?" I ask and watch as everyone in the room turns to look at him. His green eyes look at everyone in panic before he quickly swallows his bite and says "Unfortunately no. I grew up in an orphanage so I don't really know about any of this. I just thought I was different. I didn't know there were others like me.."

I sigh and wave him off saying "No worries it didn't hurt to ask. We will just have to make do with what we know for now. When is the next wave suppose to happen?" I ask looking at Nero and Alec. They look at each other before shaking their heads and sighing.

I give them a strained smile before saying "It's fine... I got it, you don't know. Sigh, I'm going to call it a night if there isn't anything else?" Everyone looked at each other before shaking their heads. I sigh again "Come on Chip. This human is tired." Chip stretches and jumps down from his tree before following in behind me.

I shut the door but then freeze with my hand on the handle. Chip stops and turns to look at me in question. I then push the lock on the door before walking over to the bed. It's better to be safe than sorry... but would that lock really do anything against them? Chip jumps up on the bed and says "Don't worry Maya. I will keep an eye on everything." I give him a grateful look before I pet him and crawl into bed. "Thanks, Chip."

The next morning I wake up to arguments in the living room. I quickly get up and freshen up before going out to see what they were up to. "I told you that this part of the City is nothing but woods. Even if someone were to hide here they would still have to come to this part of the City to have power or even an internet connection."

The guys were arguing over where the hacker could possibly be and as I pass I roll my eyes and say "What makes you so certain the hacker is still in this City let alone in the same Country?" All the guys pause and then start arguing again.

I grab a bottle of Orange Juice and decide to go for a walk. There was too much testosterone in this house... even the fish and turtle were male! I let Nero know before walking out. I grab my jacket when I feel the cold air. Fall had finally made it.

I know where I can and can't walk so with Chip's company we make our way around slowly. To be honest, Fall was my favorite time of the year. The wind suddenly blows and with it came leaves of different colors. Being in the countryside like this you get to see all the different colors.

As I make my way farther out into the surrounding woods I find Chip staring at something on the ground. "Chip?" I ask and walk over to him but as I get closer my stomach begins to drop. "What in the world..." I ask in a soft voice. Chip just shakes his head and says "Do you want me to bring the others?" I look at the darken ground and nod.

Chip takes off back to the house as I slowly follow the blackened ground. As I follow it further into the woods I notice the blackened earth was now showing a black slime that was bubbing... What the hell. I carefully walk closer, not wanting to touch the stuff but wanting to get a better look.

I pick up a stick and squat near the black goop. I take the stick and poke the goop but I quickly pull it back to see what happens. I bring the stick closer to my face to see it better but when I see the goop slowly crawling down towards my hand I quickly drop the stick. What in the world... What is this?