Things That Go Bump In The Night Part Two

I have a hard time relaxing the whole day but I don't let anyone know. I kept looking at the several large windows located around the house and begin to question my choice in houses. I cringe when I hear Thunder rolling in the distance.

Why did it have to storm today of all days!? "Chip, can you see if we are going to get storms tonight?" Chip closes his blue eyes and after a few minutes he says "It looks like a bad storm will be hitting us in the next ten to fifteen minutes and it doesn't look like it will stop until around four tomorrow morning."

I grunt and sigh. Just my luck. I walk to the kitchen but I can't really bring myself to eat anything. I can still smell that nasty smell out in the woods and every time I close my eyes I see that creepy ass bird... I storm off to the living room and look for a movie but realize I don't have any.

I would always watch TV when I came home or I would watch and order movies on my computer... Alec walks over asking "Are you okay?" I frown and say "Of course... Do you need to practice or something?" He smiles at me and shakes his head.

"I will be fine but if at any time you need me, just call me okay? No matter what. All you need to do is call my name." Alec says while touching my cheek softly. My eyes search his dark black eyes and again I'm struck by how dark they are. The lights dancing in them really do look like stars...

"If you keep looking at me like that I'm going to kiss you..." Alec says in a deep voice bringing me back. I look to his lips then back to his dark eyes but I don't say anything. Would a kiss be so bad? Alec arches a dark brow at my silence and leans in but right before our lips touch glass breaks in the kitchen making us all jump.

We look over to the kitchen as Remi says "I'm sorry!" and begins picking up the glass. I step away from Alec with a small smile and walk to the kitchen to help. Alec does his best to control himself as he follows Maya.

The storm crashed into the house in heavy waves causing the lights to flicker off and on at times. "Chip, how bad is this storm suppose to be?" I ask in concern when I hear it hit the side of the house. Chip sits in his cat tree watching the storm outside as he says "Possible tornados and hail. Severe lightning and possible flash flooding in and around our area."

"I'm currently watching the weather and measuring the air pressure so if anything happens I will let you know," Chip says as he continues watching the storm. Trigger watches Chip with shiny eyes "I can't believe you made him and he's so perfect! I wonder if I can create something similar..."

I look at Trigger as he loses himself in thought and shake my head. "It's late so I'm gonna call it a night. If anything happens let me know." Everyone nods as Chip says "I'll be here watching the cameras and keeping an eye on the storm." I nod my head and go to my room.

I pause at my door when I see it open. I always keep my door closed... I look back to everyone in the living room and kitchen and frown. Did one of them go into my room? I push the door all the way open and look around but when I don't see anything I shrug and close the door.

I'll check the cameras tomorrow. I walk to the bathroom and take a hot shower. Today was a bad day... I didn't like this new world and all the creepy creatures that came with it. I dry off and walk to the room. I pull out a clean shirt and pair of shorts. I drop my towel and quickly get dressed.

Once I'm dressed, I pick the wet towel up and throw it in the dirty hamper before brushing my teeth and sitting on the bed. I pull out my phone and sigh when I see that we still don't have service. No service and no internet... what was a hacker suppose to do without the internet??

I put the phone down on the nightstand and slip under the covers. Maybe tomorrow will be better... maybe. "Lights off," I say as lightning hits close to the house lighting up the entire room. "All I need now is creepy music..." I mumble to myself as flip and flop on the bed trying to get comfortable. After a while, I close my eyes and before I know it I'm fast asleep.

The creature waits until it knows the Charmer is asleep before it slowing crawls out from under the bed. Lightning flashes outside the window lighting the entire room once again but this time she's not alone. It looks at the Charmer's foot hanging off the side of the bed and it smiles.

So delicious... it licks its wide cracked mouth in eagerness as it creeps forward. It sticks its long sticky tongue out and gently licks the bottom of her foot. Just a taste... The Charmer quickly pulls her foot back and under the covers but doesn't awaken.

It crawls over to the head of the bed and crawls up the nightstand. It then crawls onto the headboard and crouches above the sleeping Charmer. It uses its long twisted feet to hold onto the headboard as it leans over. Lightning flashes again and lights up the room.

The creature hangs over Maya watching her sleep with its tiny yellow eyes. Its mouth cracks open with a large smile as it leans in closer. Drool begins dripping from the ghastly mouth as it's long back tongue stretches out to Maya's sleeping face.

Drool finally drips onto her face and it stirs her. Thunder rolls again and further awakens her but it wasn't until she felt something warm and gooey on her cheek did she fully wake up.

I freeze but don't open my eyes when I feel something drag across my face from my chin to my eye. Then the smell hits me... I jerk back and open my eyes as lightning flashes and lights up the room. I see the creature hanging over me with outstretched hands and I freeze in terror... "Alec..." I whisper