Moving Again

I get up and start walking around the room while waiting for Alec. I walk to the window again and look out over the City, lost in my thoughts. This Hacker has clearly made everything a mess and yet he still seems to hold some power and control over this situation. It's about time to even out the playing field...

I smile as I finally make my decision. Alec walks in and I turn to look at him with the smile still in place. He freezes and frowns then asks "Why are you smiling like a cat who just caught the canary?" I walk over to him taking a sip out of the water bottle before placing down on the table by the door.

"I need to go pack a few of my things," I say as Chip jumps down and makes his way over. Alec's frown grows as he says "You can get what you need from the stores here. I'll just ask one of the guys to get them." I shake my head while saying "I appreciate it but I need to get a few things I can't get from the City. I'll be back before the third day I promise."

Alec looks like he wants to argue but he bites his tongue and instead says "Alright, just promise me you'll be careful. I can't leave right now or else I'd go with you." I give him a knowing smile as he leans over placing a small, soft kiss on my lips.

His dark eyes watch my grey eyes with many questions but he doesn't ask. Does he trust me? I quickly pull away from him and walk out of the room. As I turn to look at him one last time I see him watching me with cold dark eyes. I give him a larger smile and wink before taking the stairs down.

He was worried and I'm pretty sure he knows I'm up to something but he'll just have to wait to see. I need to hurry and get things done and right now I was in a race against time. I had three days... If I didn't make it back before the third day...

I feel myself shiver when my thoughts go back to the crawler that came into my room last time. No thank you... I will be back before the third day. As I reach the bottom floor numerous eyes turn to look at us as I hear some of them whispering.

"She belongs to Alec..."

"She's just as insane as our leader.."

"It's a shame... she's so hot.."

"Shut up! Do you have a death wish??"

I ignore them all as I quickly make our way out. "Chip, Pull up a timer on the contact lens. I don't want to lose track of time." Chip easily pulls up a timer as I make our way to the Motor Cycle. I quickly jump on, cranking her up and taking off.

The sooner I get things done, the sooner I can get back. As I'm pulling up to the house I see Remi waiting outside. I pull to a stop and give him a questioning look. "What's wrong? Why are you out here?" I ask looking around the yard. Chip slows down but doesn't stop. He walks straight into the house ignoring Remi all together.

He gives me an easy smile and says "Nothing's wrong, I heard the bike so I wanted to come out to you. Did everything go well?" I find myself frowning and looking back to the bike. He heard me? Well I guess Alec has super hearing as well so maybe I should make a few adjustments so I won't be heard...

I shake myself out of my thoughts. Later, Maya, you have other things to do! I give him a small smile as I walk inside. "It went okay. I'm going to be moving back to the City for the time being though. You can stay here if you want or you can come to the City as well."

His steps falter a little but he keeps his easy smile as he says "I'll go to the City with you. Maybe I can find my friends now that things have kinda calmed down." I nod as I make my way to the workroom. I raise my voice a bit so that he can hear me from the other room.

"That works. Another wave is supposed to happen in three days so the entire City will start building a large wall all the way around the City to stay safe. I know they could use the extra help." I say as I pull a small compact box out from under the table.

I stand up and jump when I see Remi standing right behind me. He chuckles and steps back saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I don't mind helping if it's gonna help keep everyone safe." I place my other hand on my chest and give him a small glare.