Let's Go

I walk over to the coats and flip through them for my size. I frown when I see them all too large... Whatever. I grab the closest size and zip it up. It swallows me but it was warm. That's all I care about. I grab a black ski mask and walk to the door.

I pass by all the mugs and magnets with different names on it. I pause at the counter but keep walking. Who was I gonna pay? The dead guy?? I walk out to find a very grumpy Chip. "What's wrong?" I ask as I walk over to him.

"You look like a penguin when you walk...," Chip says with a scowl. I pause then frown. "Well excuse me but I prefer not to freeze to death! What's wrong with you?" I say looking at him in confusion. He shakes his head and says "Nothing I just want to get away from that smell... I don't know if I like being alive..."