New Party

The man looks back to me and says "Do you need assistance?" I arch an eyebrow and lower my mask. The man seems surprised at my looks as I say "No, but thank you." The man just keeps staring at me, confusing me.

I look to Chip as he just shrugs "There is just two of them..." Chip says quietly. I look back to see the man still staring at me causing me to frown. "You're a Charmer?" The man asks stepping closer. My frown deepens as I look at the well-built man.

He looks like he may have been military before everything went to hell. "What I am is none of your concern." I grab the bike and move it to the side of the road. I dismiss the man and his driver as I open two hand warmers. I stick them in my pockets and sigh when I feel their warmth seeping into me through my jacket.