
I watch a large creature slowly make its way out of the woods and try my best not to panic. It was huge! And it's teeth... there were so many sharp teeth it looked like a mouth from an angler fish! It lifted its large head smelling the air.

Its eyes were a glossy white indicating its poor eyesight. It begins crawling further out of the woods and with every step, the men along the wall take a step back. I can't blame them... I nearly did the same...

It crawled on all fours and had a tail that looked like it belonged to a scorpion. Its body was large and sunken in... like it hadn't eaten in a long time. Rows of long, razor-sharp looking spikes ran down its long and protruding spine making me shiver.

I do not want to find out if those things are as sharp as they appear to be... I feel my eyes grow even larger when I see its claws... This thing was built like a killing machine!! And judging by the looks of its back legs it's also fast...