
I look over to Chip to find him looking everywhere but at me. That wasn't normal... yes, Alec makes my insides do crazy things but that wasn't one of them! I quickly slide off the counter and head to the bathroom.

I stop at the large mirror as I pull my shirt up and spin around. "Son of a... " I say through my clenched teeth. Any other time I may have admired the beautiful design that wasn't completely black.

It was like the black markings had a golden shimmer to them making the whole thing quite beautiful but at the moment, I just wanted to strangle him. When the hell did he do this!? "Uh... are we going down the tunnels?" Chip says gently pushing the bathroom door open with his black nose.

I look to him and squint my eyes in suspicion. "Did you know about this?" I ask turning to him. His eyes go wide as he quickly says "I thought you knew... I mean... how could you not?" I scoff and run my hands through my long hair.