The Unknown Part Six

Something catches my eye making me freeze. Alec sees my reaction and quickly turns to see what I'm looking at. "Do you see that?" I ask quietly. Alec steps closer and frowns. "What is that?" Alec asks just above a whisper. 

Chip moves closer to me and lifts his nose in the air as he tries to smell the area. Parker and Logan stand close as they try to figure out what we're seeing. I step forward and Alec quickly grabs my hand, pulling me back. I turn to look at him with a dry look.

"We need to see what it is," I say pointing at the weird blue glowing light. "I think you should come with a warning label. Warning... prone to making stupid decisions." Chip says with a snort. I turn and glare at him as I say "I know a lot of bad things have happened but I can't spend my entire running from the scary and unknown. What kind of life would that be?"