
I pull my Blue Flames into my left hand while I hold the Golden Shield with my right. I push out the Blue Flames and watch with relief when the thing goes up in flames. It screeches and flaps its large leathery wings, trying to put out the Blue Flames but once it attaches itself to something, it won't stop burning unless I call it back.

It crashes back into the glass windows and tumbles out. Alec, Chip, and I all run to the window. When I see the people down below I quickly shift down to the ground. I land hard, miscalculating in my panic before I lift both hands, bringing up a large Golden shield.

Glass still cuts me and a few others before the shield is up but it stops the worst of it. Screams as yells can be heard as the large beast hits the Golden Shield. Alec pulls those close to the site away to a safe distance. More of Alec's men show up with weapons waiting for commands as they move others away as well.