
After feeding the babies, Alec shifts in with a large smile. He slowly walks over and kisses me before looking back at the babies. Chip sits watching the twins with a goofy smile on his face as his tail swishes back in forth.

"What are their names?" Chip asks with excitement. Alec and I look at each other with a smile before saying "We went through a lot of name choices and we boiled it down to two names." We look to the small sleeping babies and nod before saying "Their names are Zain and Zea."

Chip's eyes light up as he says "I love their names! Welcome to the world Zain and Zea, Uncle Chip will always watch over and take care of you!" I giggle at Chip and watch him look at the twins with love. He's come such a long way... 

He started out as an AI who barely understood humans, to being a living, breathing, being with emotions. I would have never imagined this in a million years... I would have never pictured myself as a mother either!