Dinner Meeting

As they shift over, Maya calls chip as Leo appears on her shoulder. Zea bits her lip as she suddenly realizes how nervous her parents were. Chip and Leo only come when they feel like things could turn out bad. 

Zain keeps a relaxed pose as they all walk into the dining hall. Chip slows down and waits for Zea. Zea reaches out and pets Chip with gratitude. Chip always seems to know when she needs a little extra comfort. 

Everyone walks in before Zea so when she walks in, she walks in with Chip close by her side. His body keeps constant touch on hers as she walks into the dining hall with her hand resting on his large, furry back. The Vampires all turn to look at Zea and Chip with surprise as they stand to greet everyone. 

One man with dark red eyes stares at Zea with shock but it's quickly hidden. He steps towards Maya and Alec and says "It's a pleasure to finally meet you and your family. My name is Andre and these are my men."