The Coins Are Here and 3 Months of Training

Valerio- {Andrea, can I ask you something? How can I bought in the System's Store?}

Valerio- {Okay, How do I get those Quests?}

After a long night of rest, when I wake up, the first thing I saw was something that I didn't expected but that becomes the most precious moments while this hell training with Aline, also that give me strength to complete the Quest.

•150 Systoins

•Poker Face Skill level 4/100>

Valerio- {So this is how you get the money to buy in the System Store? Also that's an interesting Quest, okay let's the training begin}

After take a "shower", I went to the dojo or gym as you prefer to call it but when I arrived there was Aline, she was already training and when she saw me, she said something unexpected.

Aline- wow, I never expected you being here so early, I didn't expected you here. What brings you here so early?

Valerio- What else? Of course is the training, how could I be able to protect my sister and you if I'm so weak that even a rabbit could kill me.

•150 Systoins

•Poker Face Skill level 4/100>

—————— 2 MONTHS AFTER ——————

—————— ALINE'S POV ——————

It's been 78 days since we meet Josh, the first 5 day were the travel from Solace to the Capital and we were training him to the corner of the fatigue but he still went trough, the 5 day we arrived to the Capital so we rent a room to rest but in the way to the inn, I had the idea of buy a house so I will be able to push him to the limits on the training but arriving to the Town Hall to bought the house but I saw that there was a villa been sold so I decided to buy it, I didn't expected that the villa included the training room, a mansion, a forge and a future garden or a farm, I have to see what's better. Well, after assign a room to Josh, I said to him that the next day we were going to begin a training of 4 month so he will be able to pass the registration exam which if I'm not mistaken will be a tournament and the best 12 will be able to join to the Hunters Academy. After that I went to my room to make a training special for Josh but who were expected that since the first day, he has amazed me, he is alway the first person in the training room, he hasn't skipped a single day of training, probably it's not that hard as I think, let's increase the difficulty of the training.

—————— 1 MONTH LATER ——————

—————— ALINE'S POV ——————

Okay, at this point I'm not impressed anymore. Everything that I teach him, he learned it very fast. This last month I have been teaching him about archery, the use of crossbows, to throw knifes and blacksmithing, at the beginning he was like a beginner but after 10 times of repetitive sessions, he learned it like if he has been doing it since 3 years ago. I don't know what else to do but increase the difficulty for this last month.

—————— VALERIO'S POV ——————

I think that could call this woman "mom" just for now, at least until I reunite with my real mother, you want to know why, well let me tell you what happened this last 3 months which is 108 days:

First: she bought a villa for is to live, I now that she only bought it because of the training.

Second: She is being patient with my during the training and when she saw that the training is not effective anymore, she increased the difficulty of the training. At beginning was just push-ups, squats and running around the property, after 4 weeks since we begin, the training became squats, push-ups, running, training with a sword 30 pounds heavier than me and then she start teaching me about the forge, after 8 weeks since we begin, the training was the same plus throwing knifes, learning to use a bow and a crossbow.

Since the beginning of the training I haven't seen my status, I wonder how much my stats had been increasing.

Valerio- {Status}

•Name: Valerio Helsing / Josh Helsing

•Race: Werewolf / Vampire / Hunter Human


•••Werewolf (Fragmented 50%): 50%

•••Pure Vampire: 65%

•••Hunter Human: 90%

•Age: 27 / 6

•Health: 300/300

•Mana: 60/60


••Charm: 20

••Strength: 50

••Stamina: 70

••Agility: 40

••Intelligence: 20

••Perception: 40

••Luck: 20

•••Points unassigned: 00


••Archery: 39/100

•••Bow: 19/50

•••Crossbow: 20/50

••••Accuracy: 60%

••Swordsmanship: 42/100

•••Sword: 42/50

•••Saber: 00/50

••Smithing: 25/100

••Cooking: 50/100

••Alchemy: 30/100

••Carpentry: 20/100

••Poker Face: 40/100

••Bargaining: 16/100

••Throw Projectiles: 30/100

••Spear: 17/100>









Available coins: 21,200>

Valerio- {Now I think that I have enough to bought some skills, Andrea open passive skills}