Ash Demon Bear Alpha

After a few hours of walking, they arrived in their cave at midnight. The child woke up and cried a few times during the journey. Burnok just feed the Bhubo Fairy's Milk he bought earlier to the child making it stop from crying before falling asleep.

Inside the cave,Burnok put down the child on the stone bed gently with the toys before making a bonfire.After that, he then grilled beast's meat for him and Taba to eat.

Looking at the sleeping child, he smiled gently before starting meditate.




Burnok opened both his eyes then smiled.

"Okay okay ,time to change up and i know its feeding time."

After doing all the the chores, the child

stopped crying before falling asleep as usual.

"You're such a sleepyhead you know? After eating, you wont even bother looking at your master before sleeping."

Laughing lightly, he strapped the sleeping child on his back before heading out to gather food for the three of them.

After a few weeks living with a child, Burnok is now getting used to it. Doing the changing of cloth and feeding every morning is now his daily routine.

Time passed peacefully and Spring came.

Birds singing and grass dancing with the wind.The ones snow covered mountain is now like a paradise.Filled with green grass and trees with colorful flowers while animals playing around.

During winter, the milk are all comsumed by the child.And now, Burnok is collecting fruit juice as a substitute.

"Taba, get us some beast meat while i collect these fruits."

Taba heared Burnok's command then dashed toward the forest to catch some beast.

The sun fell and then night came.

On the cave,Burnok is waiting for Taba to come back.

"Just where the hell did That wolf ran to?With his level of strength, the beast here can't do nothing to him.Unless, he go the forbidden area of the forest.I already told him not to go on that forbidden area due to the high level beast lurking around. Maybe, i'm just thinking too much. he'll come back shortly"

Brunok sat down crossed legged and just when he is about to meditate, he can feel Taba calling for help.He then closed his eyes and perform the secret art of Beast Tamer.

"Beast Vision!"

After saying those words,Burnok can now share the vision of Taba at this moment.

He saw blurred trees as if taba is running at full speed. He can also see a gigantic beast chasing behind.

Burnok opened his eyes cutting the the shared vision immediately.He then chant sutras then white light covered the area around the child like a barrier.He stepped out from the cave and blocked the cave entrance with a huge boulder before dashing forward towards the jungle where Taba is located.

Few breaths later, Burnok can see Taba running at full speed covered with wounds.

When Taba saw Burnok, it changed direction towards him. Without hesitation they perform the secret art "Man and Beast As one!" .

After that,Burnok transformed into a Werewolf.

Sensing the savage aura from Burnok, the chasing beast stopped warily.

The Beast is around five feet tall with sharp fangs and black claws. It has a body like Bear with a single horn on its forehead and a gray furr like ash. Behind its back, a two meter long tail can be seen with a pale blue flame burning on its tip.

After inspecting the beast, Burnok is quite shocked.If he's not mistaken, this beast is the "Ash Demon Bear Alpha".Of the Ash Demom Bear race,only the alpha has a flame on its tale. And it is known for its strength and defense.

Ash Demon Bear Alpha are extremely rare.Every generation of Ash Demon Bear, only one will be born as alpha.

Many people will pay huge reward just to get an information about the Ash Demon Bear Alpha's location.It is trully tempting specially to Beast Tamers.They can either Tame the beast or let there Bonded Beast consume its Beast Core to gain a massive Boost in strength.

Burnok wondered how did Taba found such rare beast and making it chased him like crazy.He thought about escaping but when thought about the rarity of this beast, he wouldn't let this opportunity to pass by.

If things doesn't go right, he believed that he can escape alive safely.

"Okay let's do this!"

After shouting, Burnok's body flickered then appeared behind the Ash Bear Demon Alpha swiping its clawd.When the Ash Demon Bear Alpha sense the attack from behind, it swung its huge arm backwards.


Burnok took a few steps back after the exchange with shocked eyes.

"What a strength and defense! Even though i successfully landed a hit, i only manage to deal a scratch on its arm. I can only give my all to defeat this beast!"

After Burnok's attack, the Ash Demon Bear Alpha is now totally enraged. It attacked Burnok with claws nonstop. Even do Burnok is fast and able to dodge the claw attacks, the Bear still manage to hit him a few times.

With fierce red eyes and blood dripping on its wounds,Burnok is now looked like a savage beast who is about to slaughter its prey.Using its speed to perform its final attack, he ran in circle around the Ash Demon Bear Alpha leaving after-images. The Ash Demon Bear Alpha roared and tried to attack those after-images but all he can hit is air.

Burnok's final attack is too fast and can attack in all direction. The Ash Demon Bear Alpha tried to go out from the incirclement but how would Burnok let it do that?

"Time to finish this. Fiercing Full Moon!"

With Burnok's shout, all of his after-images attacked the Ash Demon Bear Alpha with its claws like spears.


Blood splattered on the ground as the Ash Demon Bear Alpha slowly falling down to his knees with bloody holes around its body.Burnok appeared behind the beast then point its claws on its head and said.

"Become a beast companion to my desciple or die."

As if the Ash Demon Bear Alpha understood him,it lowered its head and growled in defeat.

As an Alpha, it must continue to live on even though it has a master now.Because of the responsibility it shouldered, it won't throw its life easily just because of its pride.

Burnok sighed in relief when he saw this.

"My apprentice is still just a child at this time so ill prepare a Man Beast Contract for you."

Man Beast Contract is one of the secret arts of Beast Tamers.This kind of contract is unique to Beast Tamer only.It is witnessed by the Beast God and anyone who renegged the contract will have its soul destroyed.Both of them should agree to the terms before successfuly creating a contract.

The Ash Demon Bear Alpha doesn't have any choices though so it agreed after reading the contract.The contract stated that when the disciple has grown up and has the ability to do a Beast Bond, it will accept him as its new master.

After the Ash Demon Bear Alpha agreed.A spec of light containing a strand of its soul flew out from its forehead, the same happened to Burnok.The two spec of lights merge as one before floating towards the sky before dissipating.

Now that the contract has been closed, Burnok and Taba split back into its usual form.

After that, he then help Taba and the Ash Demon Bear Alpha mend its wounds.

"I wont force you to follow me until my disciple grown up, you can head back to your territory now.I'll just call you when the time comes.And how did Taba offend you to chase like this?"Burnok said.

The Demon Bear stared Taba with fierce eyes before looking away.Burnok then stared at Taba waiting for an explaination.

Taba then spit out a glowing sphere from its mouth before explaining what exactly happened telephatically.

"Oh, so you accidently found a hidden cave then took this sphere."

Then Burnok asked the Ash Demon Bear Alpha about the sphere.

The Demon Bear then answered obiently through telepathy.

The glowing sphere turned out to be the sacred treasure protected by the Demon Bear for the next generation alpha.

It is the inheritance sphere of the Ash Demon Bear race.The next generation alpha who will consume the inheritance sphere will gain the the experience and skills of the former generation alpha before it.

As for what will happen if human tried to cultivate it? No one could tell. After all, beast and human have different aspect in the first place.

Burnok thought about trying to cultivate the inheritance crystal before tossing it away behind his mind because of the risk.

He then stored away the inheritance crystal on his storage ring for later use.

After that, Burnok sent away the Ash Demon Bear Alpha before going back to his cave with Taba.

When they arrived at the cave, the child is still sleeping peacefully.Sighing im relief, Burnok then sat down crossed legged before closing his eyes to meditate.