The demon raid on the Andromeda faction was over, but it left it in ruins. Andromeda which is one of the greatest factions in the land of gold had lost its power. It was said that even the leader of the faction and his heirs were dead. All you can see was a pile of rubble and people helping move the dead bodies so that they would be buried. Even the students and the Grand Magician helped, and so Andromeda buried their dead. It was in the Andromeda burial grounds in the outskirts of the faction, on their way there they saw, the big city of the faction full of stone roads, and some houses were even made out of marble. Yet, everything was gone, except the burial grounds for they were not burn, no it was greener then ever. The trees that grow there were left unfaced by the attack, and as Alexander carries his fathers coffin and his knew found friends Zoran and Robert carried his mothers coffin, he saw two beautiful apple orchards that the sun was hitting just right. That was where Alexander buried his parents. He was now fully healed except he still had his cut in the cheek covered, and so he buried his parents and he gave then two headstones. Alexander who was alone, for the rest of the people were burying there dead, and the students with the Grand Magician were helping them. He went into that middle gap between the headstones and he kneeled and went on, with his hands, to touch each of the headstones. Alexander then began to cry in pain, as the memory of he witnessing the death of both his parents haunted him. Then he wiped his tears and his sadness turn to angered. He then said to the headstones, "I am going to get you the justice you both deserve, I am going to get strong and no longer will I sit by while the demons take away people from their love ones", Alexander started to slightly cry, it was both a feeling of angered and sadness with a mix of frustration that made him shed tears. "I am going to miss you both so much…but my path is clear now, so that I may avenge you, I am going to join the Grand Magician and help him fight the dark void and believe me when I come back to the faction I am going to be super strong you will see", Alexander said to the two headstones of his parents. He then vowed his head and there he stayed by his parents' graves, mourning them, it was hours that he spent there as he buried them at daybreak and it was passed midday.
Alexander then felt a hand touch his shoulder, he then raised his head and slightly turn to see who it was. It was in fact Zoran who gave him a gentle smile and said, "Are you ready Alex, it's time to go". Alexander then looked backed at the headstones and said, "Alright", he then stands up and turns his back onto the headstones. As him and Zoran started to walk away from the graves, Alexander whisper, "Goodbye father…Goodbye Mother", and so it was time for Alex to leave his home behind. Zoran and Alexander went to the entrance of town for the Grands were ready to go to the next faction. There he saw Emilia in a dark color horse, and he saw horses which he assumes that they will take to travel. Then came Robert who did not have a horse, no instead he had a huge wolf that was so strong it can carry him on his back. The wolf had huge paws and it was dark in color with bright yellow ayes. It was so large that it can eat two horses, and still be hungry. Alexander was surprise and stunt as he had never seen an animal so big in his life, and with little fear he asked, "Wha…. What…. What is that?!". Robert then looked at Alexander with his red eyes while he was mounted on the wolf. He then said, "What's the matter, have you never seen a wolf before?". Alexander was surprise that it was so normal to everyone that Robert was on top of a huge wolf and he then said with disbelieve, "Not of this size, his huge!". Robert then looked at Alexander strangely, and he began to pet the wolf and said, "Well this is my familiar and it's not a he it's a she, her name is Rae…. We are and unstoppable duo when we are together…plus she is like me, the last of her kind". Robert kept on petting the wolf and he stayed quiet, then he said, "And do not worry about her, she is a teddy bear as long as you give her food". Rae then began to get close to Alexander and she licked him, leaving him full of saliva. Alexander had a reaction of disgust but also of relief since the wolf was not very dangerous. He was also curious of what Robert meant by "the last of his kind".
Zoran then was looking around and he was talking to himself, then he said with some joy, "Alright it looks like we have everything we need, its time to go". Emilia then looked at Zoran and she said in correcting manner, "No we don't, where is master?". Everyone then looked around and the Grand Magician was nowhere to be seen. Alexander then asked, "Well, where is he?", Zoran then started to think, and he said, "Well the last time I spoke with him was around a couple of hours before midday, he said he was going to rest for while because he had not slept for four days, and he took his tent". Emilia was deep in thought as she was wondering where the Grand Magician could be, and she then came to a realization, with a smirk she said, "Master did it again guys…who's turn is it". Robert quickly catch on of what Emilia realize and at the same time both said, "Not it!". Zoran then realize what Robert and Emilia where talking about and his nice smile turned to a face of being annoyed combine with misery. Zoran then said with sadness and annoyance, "Bu…but…I did it last time". Robert then unmounted Rae and he went to Zoran, while grabbing his shoulder and with a serious face he said, "Zoran listen, we said not it, so you have to take this one for the team, do not be scare you will prevail". Alexander was hearing them talked and it sounded like Zoran was going into battle and a fierce one at that. Zoran then took a deep breath and said, "Find I will do it", then he looked at Alexander and said, "You are coming with me Alex". Both then made their way to the nearby forest that was surrounding the faction. It was full of green trees, but some were burn by the attack, yet, all that green was an assurance that the forest will live. "Why are we going into the forest Zoran?", asked the curious Alexander, and then Zoran who was on edge said, "Well before the attack we set up camp in this forest, so I imagine that is were master must be, because he really does love nature and loves being around it". Alexander suddenly stopped, then said with anger, "Wait... you guys where here before the attack…. Why did you not stop them?!". Zoran then looked at Alex who was angry, then he said, "See Alex you need to know that there are limits on what we can do, we were only four against a platoon that was fifty thousand strong, believe me we tried to stop the attack but there was too many, and Master needed time to charge his petras spelled, something that we did not had from all those demons attacking all at once… I am sorry, but we failed to keep everyone safe, but believe me Alex we tried our very best and that is the truth". Alex in angered, did not quite understand by the limits that Zoran was talking about, but he sense that Zoran was telling the truth. This was because as Zoran said those words he began to close his fist and it shook with the angered he had. Alexander knew that Zoran was frustrated by the fact that they couldn't save everyone, which was what Alex had felt since the attack. Zoran who was expecting for Alex to still be mad, but instead Alex said, "I understand, I am sorry I got mad". Zoran then looked at Alex and said, "I am glad you do…now, let's look for master, he should be close". He turned around and continue to make his way through the forest and Alexander followed.
Suddenly, Zoran and Alexander came across this plane spot where no trees grew, but only grass and flowers. There were some rocks, and there were flowers all around with beautiful yellow colors and roses as well. In the middle of this patch was a tent, that seemed old, it was around and old campfire from the previous time they had camp. Zoran then started to shake in fear like a chill had gone through his spine. He then said with fear, "Crap his still asleep". Alexander looked at Zoran and it looked like he was staring at death itself. "What's wrong with that Zoran?". Zoran then quickly turned to Alexander and grab him, and he said desperately, "Please Alex, for our friendship do not make me do this!". Alexander was confused by the actions of Zoran, he then slapped Zoran and said, "Get it together man, you are a disciple of the Grand Magician, you can overcome anything". Alex grab Zoran's shoulder and put his thumb up with his free hand, then he nodded his head up and down and said, "Whatever you are scare of you got this". Zoran found Alex's words of encouragement enlighten and he gathered all his strength. He turned around and went to the tent, when he got there Zoran heard heavy loud snoring and he looked inside to see the Grand Magician dead asleep. The loud snoring continue, "Ma..Ma…Master" , he said with doubt, the snoring continue. "Master its time to go, wake up", Zoran said, the heavy sleeper of the Grand Magician will not wake up. Zoran then grab the Grand Magician's shoulder and started to move him so that he will wake up and said, "Master lets go". The Grand Magician suddenly open his golden eyes and he gave Zoran a vicious look. Zoran had a great sensation of fear in him, as if death have come in knocking. Outside the tent was Alexander, looking on, then suddenly Zoran with great speed goes flying in the opposite direction of the tent breaking four trees in the process. Alexander was scared and in disbelieve for it happen in an instant. It was the Grand Magician that upon waking up from his slumber punch Zoran straight in the gut so hard it left poor Zoran unconscious. The Grand Magician then emerge from the broken tent with his hands wide in the air like he was stretching, and he cracked his back and fingers. He then said in the most cheerful way, "Looks like I overslept again, thank you for waking me up Zoran". Alexander had his mouth wide open in disbelieve. The Grand Magician then when on and walked towards Zoran, he grabs him and puts him over his shoulder, "Alright Alexander, let's go", the Grand Magician said. Alexander did not know how to react, for it all seem so normal to the Grand Magician. He then thought that this was the way it was going to be every time that his Master needed to be waken up. Alex then spaced out, "Alexander, are you coming?", the Grand Magician said while holding Zoran. Then Alexander was brought back to reality and he said, "Oh I am sorry, yes" and he ran towards the Grand Magician.
As Alexander was walking with the Grand Magician, it was his time to ask the questions he has been meaning to ask him. Alexander then said, "Hey Master where did you get your power?". The Grand Magician then looked at Alex and thought of the answered, then as he turned his head forward he said, " Well that is a good question Alex, and that question will be answer once all of you understand the concepts of this world and magic, it is important to keep the source of my power hidden, I hope you understand". Alex was not hoping for that answer, but still he understood and then he asked, "Well where do you come from Master?". The Grand Magician then quickly answered, "I come from a land far away from here and its been long since its been destroyed". Alex did not want to ask more on the Grand Magician's home because he saw it cost him some pain talking about it, but he still did ask one thing, "You mean, you are from another continent master?". The Grand Magician then said, "Something like that, yes". Alexander did not ask any further questions on the matter, instead he was wondering where they were going next after leaving Andromeda. "Hey Master, after we leave here, where are we going?". The Grand Magician then quickly answered, "Well we are going just south of here, to the faction of Big Rock, so that we may gain the support of there leader, for we are trying to unite the surviving factions to help us fight against Vargas and the dark void, by building an army composed of all the forces Eden can muster up". Alexander had never been outside his faction because of the war, but he knew about the faction of Big Rock, which was big and powerful. The Grand Magician then added, "Yes, the idea is to get there in about a month, for it is a long journey from here, that's why we are leaving right now since we want to make it to a little town that's around five hours from here. Since I overslept it looks like we will not make it, but it is still important to begin now". Alexander then asked, "Well when will my training begin?". The Grand Magician then answered, "Soon Alex, be patient, but if you really want to know I was thinking we can begin tomorrow before leaving wherever we set up camp, we can start the process of opening the first arc". Alex had not a single clue of what the Grand Magician was talking about, but he began to get excited about starting his training.
The Grand Magician, Alexander, and the unconscious Zoran made there way to the entrance of the faction, there was only Robert and Emilia. Everyone else in the faction was resting, tending to the wounded, or cleaning the rubble. "There you guys are, what took you so long, it's two hours past midday!", said Emilia with an angry tone. The Grand Magician then put the unconscious Zoran in one of the spare horses and tied a rope in the saddle to his saddle so that the horse may follow them while Zoran is unconscious. "Why do you always do this master", said Robert who was mounted in Rae and was also mad. The Grand Magician started to laugh and said, "Well it's just a habit, and besides, I am old, and I need my rest I will have you known". Robert then looked at his master with a weird glance and said," Master, for an old man you do have a lot of excuses". The Grand Magician began to get slightly angered, but not because of Roberts attitude, the reason was because he knew he was right, and the students believed Robert instead of him. Realizing this the Grand Magician said, "Enough talked, we are wasting daylight, lets go now". The students then stopped accusing their master and were all ready to leave Andromeda. Alexander was too, it was hard for him to leave his home, but it was time for him to set on the path that will bring the most peace to this world. "Now my students let set forth to the faction of Big Rock, and Alex", the Grand Magician said with pride, Alex then looked at his master, and the Grand Magician added, "welcome to the team, I know that it must be hard for you to leave your faction in this times, but believe me you will make a difference soon enough". Alex took those words to heart and with determination he answered, "Lets go, I am ready to do whatever it takes". The Grand Magician answered, "That's what I like to hear, now let's go!". When the Grand Magician said this, he whips his horse and it started to run along with Zoran's horse. Emilia did the same, and Robert told Rae to go, and Alexander looked back at his faction for a moment and the he whips his horse and it began to run.
As they quickly made there way into the forest that was in front of the faction, Alex began to wonder why they were not just heading straight south for that was a quicker path. He then asked Emilia who was next to him, "So why are we not heading for the southern path, that would be much faster?". Emilia then looked at Alexander and quickly answered his question, " Oh you have not heard right… well the faction that used to be there is being occupied by the Demon Empire, and that is why we have to go west and then back again east so that we can go around the demon territory, for it will be a great mess if we go south, the path we are taking is much longer but safer" . Alex then understood, and he remember that the Regis faction was taken by the Demon Empire last week.
After one hour on them riding they finally reach the end of the forest, something that Alex had never seen. Suddenly there was hardly any green left, but it was all rocky with huge mountains and cliffs. After two hours of constant riding they began to walk, for the horses started to get tired. Alexander for the first time was seeing the lakes and waterfalls from afar, he was amazed by the beauty of the world. Three hours had pass in the beginning of there journey and they mounted the horses and started to ride again, but it was getting late and the sun was going down. The fourth hour had pass and the Grands found this plane rock, and just in time for the sun was at the point of going down. The Grand Magician then said, "Alright, we will set up camp here!". The students then unmounted the horses and fell to the ground for they were tired and hungry, "We need food" said Robert. Zoran who was now conscious for he had recently woken up after he received a mighty punch from his master said, "Alright, I'll cook something up". He then stood up and proceeded to look through the supplies and said, "People get up the tents are not going to make themselves neither is the fire, the sun is about to go down… we also need to put up a barrier so move". The rest of the students got up reluctantly, The Grand Magician started to put up the barrier, Robert went to go get firewood, and Alex with Emilia started to set up the tents. After a few minutes Robert came back with Rae, he had a couple of branches in his arms and Rae had a big tree trunk in her mouth. He then set it up to be a campfire, but it was not lit up. Zoran then said, "Robert a little help", Robert then went to the branches and he raised his arms midway, he put his left hand on top of the right and suddenly a spark came out of his hands and it made the campfire light up. Zoran then began to cook what looked like soup. The others soon after finished their task and started to sit down around the fire. As they look at each other, Alexander wanted to ask a question that was bugging him, and he did not had time to ask the master before. "Master… when you met me you said that I was the fifth disciple, but there is only four of us including me? "Alexander asked the group. Everyone seem to ignore the question, and even started to look away from Alexander like he wasn't there. The Grand Magician then looked at Alexander and said, "You sure ask a lot of questions my boy, that is good it shows your willingness to learn…. Well you see…", the master was caught off by Robert because he said, "Her name is Jane, and she was the first one out of all of us". The Grand Magician then added, "Yes, Jane, she was the first disciple to join me around five years ago, I saved her from the Demon Empire in a desert city, she is so strong and courageous". Alexander then asked, "Well where is she now? Are we going to meet her somewhere?". Everybody looked disappointed under the light of the fire, the moon was shining bright as well, it showed the faces that they had of angered and frustration. It was hard for the Grand Magician to answer that question, but he still did, "I am afraid not…. See Jane…she was captured back in the land of bronze when we were in the Fortezza Faction…. It was the last faction that fell to the Demon Empire there and we help the army, but we were heavily overrun… this forced us to flee, but Jane stayed behind, and she was captured". Alexander was confused, and he asked, "I thought the demons did not take prisoners?". Emilia answered that question quite quickly, "Yes, they do, the people are used to build their castles and fortresses, they are also used to build the weapons that the dark void uses". Alex was very surprised by what Emilia said for it was to his knowledge that the demon race only wanted blood, but instead they are using the races to further build their empire. "We believe that she is being held in a slave camp deep in the heart of the Demon Empire", Zoran said as he started to serve the food into the wooden bowls. The Grand Magician then added, "And one day we will safe her, but right now its not the time, for we do not have the strength to go deep into demon territory, we will be capture and the world will lose its hope".
It was quiet that cold night around the campfire, Alex regretted asking that question the moment he looked at everyone. Alexander looked at the bright stars, and saw how they shine upon the mountains and the rock that they were in. For the first time in his live he felt something and as he noticed everyone was in sadness, he stood up. Alexander then said to the Grands, "I have hope…. I do not know her, but I see all the love that you all have for her… I have hope that one they she will be with us safe and sound…. Hope is something that all of you have given me and you must not lose it yourself because I believe that you're are the beacons that give the light of hope to the races of Eden". Everyone looked at Alexander, his green eyes and white hair, that tall body of his, he had the look of determination. The Grand Magician then said, "That is some good words Alex…. But remember now you are one of those beacons now". "Yes, you are… you are one of us", said Zoran with some joy. Emilia and Robert then slightly smile as they all agreed. Alexander accepted his new task with pride. Nothing else went on that night, the Grands talked for a couple of hours and then went to sleep in their tents, some later than others.
Alexander while he was asleep had a dream where he saw a big figure that was holding very big swords, the figure yelled at him and threw his swords, that is when Alex woke up. He woke up wondering what that dream was about but still he was excited for it was the first time he will learn how to use magic. It was early morning, for the sun looked like it just came out, and surprisingly the Grand Magician was already awake waiting for Alex. Alexander then walked to the Grand Magician, who was looking over the rock that they set camp, he was seeing all the mountains and the hills and even the nearby canyon. When Alex was next to his master, the Grand Magician said, "Are you ready Alexander for today you start your magic training, a day that you will never forget, believe me. Today is the day you open the first arc of magic and gain the power you seek…. Today my boy, is the day you summon, a god".